Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
R: 263 / F: 20

>German state funded propaganda radio is coming up with a new reason each day to talk about drafting people from 17-29 immediately Should I prepare a bug out bag with cash, gold and my passport? They're really pushing it.

R: 236 / F: 99

Democracy in Europe has failed

R: 237 / F: 40

Come on, Ihor, we saw that. Spill the tea, what happened, how did you fuck it up. Were you just playing with Nastya for a month?

R: 176 / F: 24

Is reacting or being a coward the best solution?

R: 161 / F: 19

>uh, sweatie, I know you think you won but we don't like you so you're actually just not allowed in the rest of the election >btw we're busy so we'll explain some other time This is the famous democracy that european men (bernds) must die to protect.

R: 231 / F: 56


Friday drinkenings threda
R: 267 / F: 155

Alkoholfrei edition Me trying out that sober lifestyle, what is pern having?

R: 183 / F: 30

Hohols accepted a 30 day cease-fire but they are probably going to break it as soon as they get more weapons.

R: 204 / F: 88

How surprised are you?

R: 78 / F: 9

It's never too late Eurobros.

R: 171 / F: 13

Please explain to me, Bernd, why does Rust failed on the retards while they would shill AI for free all day. Rust have weak shills? Rust is true? t. don't know anything about rust, and nod really interested in rust

R: 137 / F: 47

this bitch ass nigga is crying, lol!

R: 180 / F: 16

Here is our health secretary doing paid advertisements for fast food restaurants

R: 134 / F: 29

Days of free gibs to Europe are over. Now european freeloaders will have to start earning their keep.

R: 128 / F: 21

More and more european countries are boycotting american products. How hard is it to not buy anything american? I want to join.

fighting with mom against
R: 120 / F: 27

why are hags like this?

R: 123 / F: 28

This animal is literally my worst nightmare. Imagine being a prehistoric human starving, covered in fleas, and just trying not to die. Then, out of nowhere, 200 pound fanged baboons show up, hunting in packs like demonic wolf monkeys. Climbing? They’ll yank you down. Running? They’ll chase you until your legs give out. Fighting back? Enjoy getting torn apart by prehistoric rage chimps. Honestly, it’s a miracle our ancestors didn’t just give up. I swear to god, i hope the Dinopithecus barboon isn't recreated by science.

R: 127 / F: 38

Imagine you didn't have sex in high school, that period when literally everyone fucks, you have to be a complete social cripple for this not to happen to you

R: 110 / F: 9

Patrushev: Finland is again becoming a springboard for aggression against the Russian Federation The proliferation territory is again becoming a springboard for probable aggression against Russia, now under the auspices of NATO, said Presidential Assistant, Chairman of the Naval Collegium Nikolai Patrushev in an interview with National Defense magazine.

R: 99 / F: 27

why does he have such a cartoonish understanding of tariffs

R: 107 / F: 43

Why did he have to die?

R: 115 / F: 42

i literally did a 180 U-turn in the last month and realized putin was right all along why did nato expand east after 1991? why sharts existed from Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty? maidan WAS a coup i wastch moldova and we are litrearlly being ruled by countless usaid NGOs who do everything for us to become next ukraine i am sorry

R: 91 / F: 14

i'm pretty handsome. its a shame that i'm so fucked in the head. i could've made some girl happy. its a shame that my handsomeness goes to waste

i caught my mom masturbating
R: 86 / F: 7

she was playing with her beef flaps its over i will never unsee it

R: 93 / F: 46

>dad, do you think i'm prettier than mum?

R: 136 / F: 37

I think NPCs hate ornate yet objectively beautiful things because their herding instinct overrides their innate sense of beauty. Ornament is not in fashion, it contradicts slave morality, submissive minimalism is the style of our times. Those who love and radiate beauty are afflicted with jealousy. The anger and jealousy of the masses is feared by the current decadent and worthless ruling class. Among them it became a sign of good manners not to be too bold and to be ashamed of one's wealth in a certain way. But that didn't resolve the status game. The equally decadent lower classes have noticed that a reserved lifestyle is now a value among the upper classes. And because these hypnotic masses think that what the upper class considers good must be high status and also good. So minimalism gained high status. Thus, classical high-status behavior (which was characterized by boldness and the expression of beauty) became a mark of lower-class behavior, behavior that does not conform to modern customs. The worship of ugliness and minimalism became high-class behavior. And in this way the Herdenmensch stood against beauty in the name of fashion.

R: 125 / F: 37

Why is walkability associated with leftists online? Car-dependency was (and still is) created by the government. In a free market, land owners find a higher and better use for their land which entails mixed-use development and multifamily housing.

R: 96 / F: 11


R: 53 / F: 17

Pay back, mutts

R: 81 / F: 23

Is this crazy?

R: 102 / F: 25

This is how you deal with banderites. >The moment of the liquidation of Nazi Demyan Ganul in Odessa was captured on surveillance cameras. The footage shows the moment when the killer approached to make a "control" shot

R: 74 / F: 55


Europe has an economic hold on the US
R: 67 / F: 12

Without Europe, the US has difficulty financing its growing national debt. It is a forgotten economic weapon, according to economics professor Niku Määttänen. The US is dependent on Europe – even if its president, Donald Trump, does not want to say it outright. In the past, it has often been said that China has an economic hold on the US in the form of a large holding of US government bonds. However, compared to China, Europe owns a significantly larger share of the US national debt. In total, European countries own over $2,700 billion of US national debt, while China owns only $760 billion. The only difference is, of course, that Europe is not a single country and therefore needs to make joint decisions to exploit this hold. If European politicians were to advise banks and institutions to stop buying US government bonds or even sell their holdings, it would have devastating consequences for the US economy. The interest rates on these government loans would skyrocket. However, economics professor Niku Määttänen at the University of Helsinki says that it is not so easy to use this means of pressure, as it would also mean losses for European investors. – The moment a country or investor starts dumping US government bonds, the value of these securities plummets. Therefore, economists have not seen this as a realistic scenario so far. As long as there are other investors around the world who are willing to buy US government bonds, the effect of a European sale would also be limited. Although most people have so far dismissed this idea, the situation has actually changed, says Määttänen. – The US national debt has continued to grow, and economists are starting to question whether the US can really manage its debt. If confidence in US economic policy and the independence of the central bank begins to wane, this could in itself lead to higher interest rates on US government bonds and increased risk for investors. The US is no longer seen as such a safe haven for investors. This is something that European politicians can benefit from. – I don’t see that Europe can directly use the US national debt as a weapon for pressure, but I do believe that Trump’s economic policy can achieve the same effect. Elon Musk addressed the cabinet the other week about the economic problems facing the US. The US is paying more in interest on its national debt than the entire US defense budget, he said. This is a warning sign that usually indicates a great power is in decline. Why does Europe continue to buy US government bonds despite the Trump administration so openly acknowledging the problems? – It’s the money that speaks. You get a sufficiently good return on the investment and no one seriously believes that the US economy will collapse, says Niku Määttänen. Elon Musk used the interest rate as a way to highlight the necessity of saving on public spending. But Niku Määttänen condemns Elon Musk’s savings ministry as a way to reverse the debt. The US cannot save itself from its economic predicament. He believes that the US will ultimately be forced to raise taxes. As the US national debt grows, it could lead to increased demand for other safe investment alternatives. European countries with strong public finances, such as Germany, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland, could benefit from increased demand for government bonds. – There may be some good coming out of this, but given today's geopolitical uncertainty, it feels like small consolation.

repentant pedo
R: 105 / F: 10

I resent myself for being a pedo. I want to stop looking at kids, but its hard to control myself, like ending a drug addiction. Thought about seeing a therapist but scared they will report me. Religious so suicide is not an option. What should I do?

R: 70 / F: 4

You will be Polite Or you will sit without electricity and gas

R: 132 / F: 73

It still saddens me, that these destructions were not in the middle east, Africa or Haiti, but actually between white people.

R: 74 / F: 11

Nothing beats good French cheese paired with fresh bread and a glass of scotch. It is simply euphoric.

R: 104 / F: 26

Why do Balts always talk as if they somehow defeated Russia in a war. The Jewish USSR collapsed due to failing economy. Not Baltic freedom fighters. What is wrong with these people?

Based Elon destroys polish minister of foreign affairs Radosław Applebaum Sikorski
R: 95 / F: 34


R: 130 / F: 50

The current state of Okraina

R: 98 / F: 42

How can Brazil bernds complain at all about Brazil, I don't understand it. In Brazil you could live in a favela with your beautiful GF with a peachy ass and have sex with her all the time and spend your free time on the beach with her in awesome weather, awesome weather all year round. Brazil bernds live in heaven and they don't even realize it.

America's Economy is Fucked
R: 93 / F: 37

I agree with Trump on immigration but when it comes to economics his policies are fucking terrible. His tariffs are messing up all the supply chains and will soon cause widespread shortages along with inflation. It's honestly like he chooses to do the opposite of the smart thing on every policy economic policy. If you want us to build things here in America, don't tariff materials. Get cheap aluminium, steel and lumber from Canada so we can build things domestically. Now all the supply chains are fucked for absolutely no reason. House and food prices will skyrocket. Meanwhile he's cutting infrastructure spending while giving tax breaks to billionaires which will have no economic benefit.

R: 80 / F: 20

What did they expect for just $800k though?

R: 99 / F: 33

whats your favorite video game im gonna buy it maybe

R: 107 / F: 13

AI has transformed the way I fetch information from the internet. For decades the default has been to use search terms, scour all kind of random forums for information, leave tons of tabs open to form an overall picture of the subject. Now I can just ask AI and it will do all that for me and present the condensed version what I wanted to know. Past five years google has became so incredibly shitty at searching for anything that this is really mind blowing. For example here I asked how to output latex from python. The AI listed all options and I can just decide what's best for my current use-case. No need to read tons of shitposts and still be uncertain whether I have been informed about every possible library in existence.

R: 64 / F: 16


R: 112 / F: 31

Make America Poor Again

R: 109 / F: 24

Isn't it curious that 1 (one) single little tiny France alone produces state of the art combat jets, aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, space rockets, passenger airliners and even ICBMs, among other things. I absolutely adore France.

R: 103 / F: 12

You can either have sex with this woman for a whole day, or get 8,000 dollars, choose.

R: 90 / F: 8

How am I supposed to solve the kohlcash in TailsOS without Javascript? Pip isn't available, so I tried installing the argon2-cffi manually but I couldn't get it to work.

R: 101 / F: 25

Are you also a pedophile? Do you talk to 18 year olds?

R: 69 / F: 12

>none of those people are british nor white

R: 74 / F: 4

Name 2 towns in the countryball above you

R: 78 / F: 13

Thoughts? Prayers?

R: 85 / F: 12

This guy got arrested by ICE for enacting his First Amendment free speech rights by criticizing Israel in a protest, under Zion Don and Mario Rubio orders. He is not an American citizen but is not under a Visa either, he has green card, which practically gives him as many rights as an American citizen. Now the question is, how long do you think it's gonna take for Trump's zogbots to start arresting average American citizens for standing up against Israel or Israeli influence in the American government?

its over for Orban
R: 83 / F: 28

Orbáns popularity is declining. his candidate only got 25% in a local by-election in Pápa last week. even his own opinion polls show his voter base detiriorating so meet Peter Magyar, the next prime minister of Hungary.

R: 81 / F: 35

desktop thread

R: 75 / F: 20

>Mortality is three times higher than the birth rate in Ukraine, — President of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs >Ukraine has the worst demographic situation in the world. According to statistics, in 2024, 177k thousand babies were born and 495k thousand people died. New Jerusalem soon.

R: 91 / F: 17

Remember the based white Romanian remover of mutt zoomers?

Why do you love the US of A?
R: 78 / F: 14

Say something nice about America.

R: 144 / F: 74

Name good 90s anime we should watch. Not the mainstream ones

Moon Landing
R: 93 / F: 28

Do you believe they were actually able to do that in the 70s but then somehow lost the technology and we still can do it again, even 60 years later? They claim they drove cars on the Moon and nowadays, at best we can send some tiny remote controlled cars to Mars and the Moon? For real??

R: 80 / F: 8

married life

R: 75 / F: 17

>Government shutdown >Tariff wars >Threatening to annex Denmark and Canada It all looks like fun, when I watch it from Russia, but do americans actually think orange man is still at the place where he should be?

R: 98 / F: 19

Why are so many bernds giving up on ever getting gf now?

First close-up look at the chinese invasion barges
R: 69 / F: 26

https://www.twz.com/sea/our-best-look-yet-at-chinas-new-invasion-barges tl;dr The chinksects appear to be building a number of very large aussault bridges, installed on barges, that can be jacked up out of the water on large pillars (see pics rel). These barges are most likely destined to facilitate an amphibious invasion on Taiwan, acting as mobile landing peers over which troops, vehicles, and resupplies can be brought ashore from larger vessels.

R: 72 / F: 0

never relax in shartistan you are always seconds away from a shootout

R: 67 / F: 6

Linux just works. And if it doesn't, for you, you're just too low IQ for it. This is the case and I'm tired of pretending it's now.

R: 67 / F: 30

I caught my little sister lurking on Kohlchans. Wat nou?

R: 73 / F: 16

How does this make you feel

R: 54 / F: 17

Elon Musk says cyberattacks against X originated in Ukraine. Why will he simply not shut starlink down? Ukrainians have no business being on the Internet.

R: 86 / F: 26

Indian man stabs Swedish woman in the back who worked at the grocery store, motive was that he was depressed and couldn't get laid with anyone in Sweden thots on this burnd?

Escape from work
R: 131 / F: 8

I escaped during smoke break. there was another guy smoking so i light up a second cig and after he left i ran away quickly with my work boots There were some women bullying me She called me a dog and they joked about hitting my eye with a thing I think they might have to pay for 2 full days because i clocked in on phone qr scanner and didnt clock out.

R: 75 / F: 3

Which door would You pick, Bernd?

R: 78 / F: 23

Imagine sleeping with a woman in the same bed... That's my dream

R: 61 / F: 5

Why would you not use the self checkout in the store? Why would you interact with people? Self checkout is the best. No random cunts looking at you.

R: 63 / F: 8

Americans lie that housing is not affordable. they just want to live in the fanciest parts of country and complain that they cost millions

R: 59 / F: 13

Reminder. You were born just in time to see Germany arm up a third time. While the US is disintegrating itself, Germany is gonna invest 800 billions into infrastructure and military to prepare for a military conflict with Russia. Looks like this time it will be together with UK, France and Poland.

R: 75 / F: 19

Is being muslim a mental illness?

Drinking with Bernd
R: 94 / F: 60

because fuck monday

R: 63 / F: 15

Electric "save the earth" hippy cars are now despised by the left, and a symbol of right wing white supremacy.

R: 68 / F: 24

america the beautiful

R: 84 / F: 17

There was a 30 pound raccoon outside my house just now. Each of those tiles are 1 foot by 1 foot. Deal with the measurement system. I walked outside and shouted at him and he just kept walking. But now I’m outside and he’s gone. I’ve never seen a raccoon this big here in Illinois. Anyone else catch animals by camera recently?

R: 79 / F: 25

>foreigners call me out on my white privilege <kohl rejects call me brown

R: 71 / F: 21

onions on eggs

R: 63 / F: 11


R: 71 / F: 25

What will coding Bernds do when AI takes their job? t. software engineer likely to be laid off next year

R: 74 / F: 18

Lmao, Alawites tried to retake power in Syria again and here is the result

R: 71 / F: 12

Why would anybody buy a tesla at this point knowing that leftist will burn it down? I won't risk it. I originally wanted to buy a tesla, but now i probably just buy a chink car, or one from german car maker if they get cheap enough.

von Humboldt
R: 66 / F: 5

Onions on Alexander von Humboldt? He seethed when he visited Thomas Jefferson's home and saw many slaves, claiming all humans come from a common origin and that all races are worthy of freedom. I will say he travelled more than many of us will do in our lifetimes and he was a brilliant scientist overall.

R: 70 / F: 53

Really makes you think.

R: 65 / F: 16

kazachstan = sexo

R: 56 / F: 2

I want to be a woman because it is more advantageous to be a woman in today's society. Women have the same rights as men, but without the expectations and responsibilities. Being woman is like playing at lower difficulty level

R: 89 / F: 81


R: 70 / F: 23

These are the greatest games because they're so simple to get into. Just start the game and dive in. No retarded in-game cutscenes.

R: 65 / F: 9

Most interesting conspiracy theories in your country? Russia:Russia being secretly controlled by the UK since 1917

R: 32 / F: 7

The only man in the picture is gramps on the wall, I’m sure he is rolling in his grave right about now :DDDddd

Honey wake up, new tariffs just dropped
R: 61 / F: 22


R: 57 / F: 11

i've just destroyed these, ask your questions

R: 92 / F: 75

Does Bernd like Lana?