France didn't change much as a government since XIX century. And one thing they dor right - they keep their competence in technologies that might be extremely important.
When covid broke out and pidorashkas were marketing their Zpootnik vaccine, putin was calling Macron asking to produce the volumes of the vaccine because pidorashkas could only fool thirdworlders and couldn't actually deliver shit, because poccnrs didn't sustain these pesky egghead biologists, they had no production line for this kind of event. France had.
France didn't listen to German squealing about dropping nuclear power. Now German energy is in shit. France is not.
France kept its nuclear weapons program and French official warned Ukrainians that they will be tricked with the Budapest memorandum.
France was the only European nation that didn't scuttle its army in this 30-year period of relative calm.
Same with the French weapons production, engineering for airspace, etc.
Those were right decisions after all.