>its not
it's an extremely transparent ploy by elon musk to deregulate his own industry. it's run by utterly inept zoomers who report completely bullshit data. after they were called out on this, they retconned all their old reports and admitted they triple reported the same data, wrote billions instead of millions, and have ultimately achieved absolutely nothing other than retarded shit like fucking with national parks, and axing cancer research because some actual retard doesn't know the difference between the words "transgender" and "transgenic". they didn't touch medicare, the military industrial complex, or social security, they didnt touch foreign aid to israel or jordan/egypt (which are literally just bribes to not go to war with israel). the only ostensibly good budget cuts were insignificant cuts to foreign aid to other shithole countries. and even then; 1. DOGE had nothing to do with the foreign aid cuts
2. the foreign aid is an expression of soft power and whatever retarded intersectional feminism in uganda program they're running, indirectly financially benefits america in ways eclipsing the money wasted on these stupid programs