First Amendment to the Tenth Amendment are all fundamental expositions of sovereignty of individuals. I am a bit taken aback by modern countries that haven't incorporated similar descriptions of the rights of their sovereign people. Particularly Crown Colonies that remain subjects of monarchs. Like, have you no spirit, nor reason, that demands you act to secure your individual sovereign supremacy to liberty?
I can kinda understand why people would find being a slave preferable economically, at least them without any ambition, but I cannot actually sympathize with such sloth, nor with such obsequity.
To my understanding, my natural disposition is suited only to be American, where I am sovereign over me, where I can own what I have the industry to attain, I can defend it as necessary, and am also free to state truly such facts as I observe to be so, regarding politics, matters of economy, or on any subject I see fit.
Them as don't like it are free to not participate in forthright discussions. Of late the degradation of America by insidious infestation of trained traitors by homocidal Talmudslimes has taxed my tolerance overmuch. I anticipate that comeuppance Goolag has coming for financially wrecking good folks speaking the truth.