I'm starting to understand why Russia does these flagrantly provocative statements now, now that I've seen full well the effect it has on KC posters.
My working theory is this -- Russia knows that the real threat to it is a right wing, ethnonationalist Europe. A Europe of only Europeans would be unconquerable and would never collapse internally. Conversely, if Europe keeps following it's current path of mass migration, it will inevitably break down soon, become wracked by civil war, and eventually be taken over by browns who are open to Russian overlordship.
How to stop the former, and help the latter?
By making themselves a bogeyman, Russia knows it empowers the current European leadership (which is for a multiracial hellhole), works to taint the right wing in Europe (who are now all being called traitors by our European traitor politicians) and refocuses internal European dissent on an external threat. Result? Europeans can't agitate against mass migration. In the long term, Russia wins -- and all it needs to do is making growling noises a few times a month to make European governments hysterical.
I think when the war started, Russia was worried that it would unite Europe under a right wing banner. That's why at the start of the war, a lot of Russian PR was focused on the left. Now, they can't believe their luck, and are happy to play up the Russia = right wing (a gross lie) knowing it prevents real European resistance.