Sure your addiction can contribute to it but always the same unfunny meme thread. Really? For several years? Never getting a genuine laugh...
Now you have to samefag-defend your dumb meme threads again. It's really tiresome. I mean get it in your brain: NOT FUNNY hasn't been for a long time
You don't have an audience. You are forced to samefag and bump your shit. That's the problem. Maybe you're megaautistic and don't get it. You shouldn't be doing that
Yes, Bogdan, me and everyone who calls you Albanian is the same person behind a proxy. Imagine being so mentally ill to unironically believe that.
>foreigners call me out on my white privilege
Do they really? All I have seen is Eastern Europeans self inserting in to this USA race stuff. No one blames Romanians or Bulgarians for slavery in the USA.
>>25614141>In my interactions with burgers
Which probably looked like this:
>Got some spare change for a poor and sick gypsy kid?<Fuck off gypsy>I AM WHITE YOU ARE BROWN, FUCKING AMERICAN TOURIST
Romanians are the only white tourists there (picrel) not there to fuck kids.
Lot of draft dodging pidorussians there though, they fit in with the other gooks except they act even more like animals.
Aveți privilegiu hispanic pentru că sunteți din coasta de est, iar albanezii au privilegiu alb pentru că pe coasta de vest. Astfel de discursul aici sună.