Imagine living in Kasachstan, spending your life riding through the steppe, getting drunk on horse milk with your cute mongol gf at the campfire at night. When you have want to move on, just pack up your yurte and build it up at another place. Freedom
On the north they have russian empire/commies, the west side is the Caspian sea (the another coast is churkas), on south other muslim violance churkas, on east commie china. What a freedom, just stay in the center otherwise you are dead
How can one polluted lake have russkies, muslim terrorists and yellow horseriders on its different sides? What is the secret?
They don't make shitty polluted lakes like that anymore
Should've annexed the southern caspian region in 1722 too
We have more in common with Caucasus culturally than the opium huffing p*rsians of the desert
You are the only person i've met who wants to be in the rus world. But that be impossible anyway. The north area of Iran seems like a part of another country
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 10:48:36 GMT
No. 25628217
kazakhstan is extremely corrupt and tribal so it is almost impossible to do business since tribeman have super unfair advantage in dotations, taxes, etc.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 10:57:46 GMT
No. 25628242SÄGE!
you can see that the population marginaly increased from 2021 to 2024
on second thought how they are dressed and what they wear for shoes seem uncanny even though i know they are teenagers
so.. i dont know i would just be happy to be their friends
and im sorry to be a kc buzzkill but why would they decide to take a photo with shit costume bear? why do they also look weird? like their mothers punched them in the stomach during pregnancy
It balanced out after 2014
The problem is mostly retarded corrupt government, they raise taxes, hoping that it will decrease grey economy, lol
Barely any close to 7/10
good, im subhuman and so are other people around me
macacos should realize they are worthless than amazonia and start to kys themsleves harder than anyone else and breed less than anyone else
just exist bro is not the best mental gymnastics
2meters tall polish-kazakh
asian wifes can provide you a good offspring god damn jews dont want to know about this
Okay guys
Is it me or do central Asian girls or eastern Euros girls have deviant stares? Like another version of 1000 cock stare.
Closest Western analog would be Miami girl or French girl.
Hell yeah. A nice Bumsrind. How do I explain this word, maybe it's spritualy a nice fat cow, just the good stuff. Rest looks malnourished or more like pigs.
I have an immense desire to fuck alle hapa girls in all those churkistans, they look like indians (americas) but without poop coloured skin, makes my colonizer penis very hard.