Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
R: 49 / F: 1

Bernd would defend this. In fact, Bernd WILL defend this. No thought. No reason. Just pure contrarianism.

Like me being bullied
R: 42 / F: 7

I just saw this poor Asian shitskin manlet being beaten and thrown around like a ragdoll by large white men. Then a random Black man saw it and decided to join them. He also throw him and robs him of his car key and shit. I also am a half Thai shitskin manlet who has been bullied by society too. Both Swedes and Muslims used to team up against me... Hard to take about it. But this videonbrought back painful memories.

R: 44 / F: 9

Was spielen sie? Has anyone played a decent action-adventure game lately? I mostly play sandbox games and am in the mood for something linear with a definitive end.

R: 38 / F: 9


R: 51 / F: 27

>VIDEO: "going to receive my monthly government gibs" I will burn this planet down. Before I spend another MINUTE living among these animals!

R: 39 / F: 21

I can't use the internet normally nowadays because it's full of indians who just throw Hindi words all around thinking everyone understands them. And like even If you go on codegarching forums 90% are posts from India about landing a job in the US or EU. It's bizarre. Probably because indians speak English natively they consider all English speaking internet to be their turf but it's really shocking how they don't realize sometimes that there are not just indians on the websites they frequent

R: 35 / F: 6

Dentist shill these brushes how did humanity manage before ?

R: 63 / F: 5

>lightly shove woman >get beaten to death Justified or no?

R: 52 / F: 12

also his wife dead and dog they were found at home police haven't said how

R: 42 / F: 4

sex is overrated and dumb Bernd shouldn't obsess over sex

Women being retarded is now official science
R: 34 / F: 1


R: 35 / F: 13

How old were you when you realized 'communism never worked' is just a piece of american propaganda? And that they keep moving goalposts like 'that's not REAL communism!' or claiming it 'failed' when they either strangled communist countries with heavy embargos, isolating them from world trade and prosperity, or outright killing its leaders?

R: 46 / F: 5

My three year old son invented a new method to lie: instead of denying his deed, he just admits everything with a guilty face, wether it's true or not. If I ask him: "did you shoot at your sister with a grenade launcher?" he nods sadly and apologises, even though that is total bullshit.

R: 45 / F: 12

Haha spics BTFO

R: 58 / F: 14

Buceta rosa.

The bird
R: 38 / F: 14


R: 28 / F: 9

I'm not a fucking federalist but I hope Europe fucking wakes up and we sing ode to joy when our tanks roll through Washington and Moscow at the same time

R: 43 / F: 6

Romania is turd world

R: 50 / F: 39

american sex symbol

Post Em
R: 35 / F: 6

Anyone have her videos? Care to share?

R: 34 / F: 6

its very clear the era of humanitarian wars, moral foreign policy, rules based order is ending. 1989-2025. We now enter a multipolar world in which countries will be competing blocs, a world where might makes right and the big fish eat the little fish. Everyone seems to have realized it except the EU and the UK.

Waging it up.
R: 44 / F: 3

After working at my God forsakwb grocery store job. I’ve realized how things work. It’s just a bunch of retards making demands. So I in return always react. My friend that is a manager was giving me attitude because he is normally dumb. So I decreased my productivity permanently and am now sitting on the washroom for the rest of my shift. I gotta take a poop. But I’d be down by now. Instead I sit for 20 minutes. Fuck wagie jobs, you treat the company as they treat you. I use to put products always in the right place when another employee didn’t wrong. I flat out refuse. Pay me the same as them and expect more. Not happening. Every time a manager says something stressful to me in any way shape or form. I permanently decrease productivity. I use to OCD organize every area I worked in. Now I don’t organize shit. I just stuff it on the shelf. If there is something in its place. I cram it in until it’s full. This is what capitalism is all about. Taking advantage of one another as much as possible. I also found a low rent place to live. So I don’t even need this job anymore. Just allows me to do extra’s. So I figure fuck this place. If I get fired who cares. Just milk this place for all it’s worth. Also every single person outside of the pharmacy that works here is a loser. So I don’t respect what they care for anyways. Right now there are severely understaffed and there is endless stuff to stock. And I do nothing. If a manager takes their anger out on me. I take it as it on my productivity. Because I can. What do you guys think of my wagie blogpost?

R: 53 / F: 16

He is basically Scholz 2.0. So it's over for Germany.

R: 46 / F: 10

Yuropoors btfo

R: 44 / F: 9

Name 3 Swiss chocolate brands.

R: 38 / F: 1

Did you ever stop posting on imageboards for a lengthy period of time? What did you do instead?

R: 42 / F: 13

American children must go to school in fear of being either shot or raped

R: 52 / F: 2

Did you know that you can shitpost A LOT faster by pressing Ctrl+Enter at the end of your posts? It's so fast it feels like some online chat. Try it

R: 43 / F: 11

I hate cockholes because they devolved the meaning of freedom. There is no freedom in Ukraine. Human hunters catch men on the streets and throw them into meat grinder. Journalists are disappearing. Internet is controlled. People are not allowed to speak their native language. The nazi salut became the official salut. Propaganda and lie is everywhere. and they say that they are fighting for freedom. They deliberately mismatch freedom with independence. They speak like they are already democracy but not the most corrupted country in Europe. Pigs should allowed to talk about freedom. Don’t touch this this word with your nazi mouths. Don’t dare speak about freedom while you are nazi cockholes from an authoritarian fail state.

USA must prioritize Israel
R: 25 / F: 4

Trump appointed Indian Kashyap Pramod Vinod "Kash" Patel as FBI Director. Brownnoid took the oath of office on the Bhagavad Gita instead of the Bible, as is traditional, and declared: "For anyone who thinks the American dream is dead, just look at this. You're talking to a first-generation Indian kid who is about to lead the law enforcement forces of the greatest country." And in the following interview with Fox-news: "We need America to wake up and make Israel a priority. We need to make sure that we always stand behind our number one ally - Israel!" It is immediately obvious that Trump is ensuring the revival of Christianity, the white race, traditional America and is waging a fierce fight against globalism, liberalism and diversity ✅

R: 33 / F: 7

So when all those upcoming wars start who'll be the ones doing the shootenings Because I'll just hide or desert at the first opportunity if mogilized and I will not be fighting for whatever the cause

R: 43 / F: 6

So let me get this straight, americans are currently trying to force ukraine into giving them access to coal and gas fields they already tried to steal in early 2010s before putin stepped in, now putin stepped in even more and took the biggest mineral fields, yet americans are blackmailing ukrainians to give them most of the minerals they still have? After already using them as an excuse to refresh their old military equipment and use their young men for the war meat grinder? What is ukraine in this situation, if not a gangbanged whore covered in cum crying in the corner?

R: 61 / F: 14

Teenager was celebrating the Last Of The First Day (where teens go to misbehave and make noise in their final high school year) but something went out of hand.

R: 48 / F: 12

I fucking LOVE smoking marijuana cigarettes

R: 27 / F: 5

Shitskins in germany and austria rape literally multiple 10-12 year old girls. They all get not charged by court, get the benifit of the doubt. And the dads of the raped girls do absolutely nothing, not 1 guy yet that just killed all these shitskins. Its absurd. If this happened to my daughter i would literally cut their heads off.

R: 40 / F: 3

Was he correct after all? Especially since the downfall of the IT-job-market.

R: 47 / F: 13

i think i have ocd

R: 73 / F: 98

Pokemon has some of the cutest girls ever created in anime, which one is your favorite?

R: 46 / F: 15

I made fun of a girl for having small breasts, I called her a booblet and mosquito bites for breasts. Rate.

R: 38 / F: 3

Should I buy this renault clio? 1100eur

R: 49 / F: 9

Psychiatrists will be the first medical doctors that will be replaced by AI. Current LLMs are already more than capable to interpret the oral reports of the patient and come up with a diagnosis. The symptoms the patient describes will get matched to a fitting medication. During the course of treatment, the medication is adjusted or changed if necessary using the best medication algorithms based on current research. If the patient wants a human face to sit opposite, the prettiest women are poached from Hooters, who then slip into a sexy Dogtress costume and play the caring and loving psychiatrist. If you ask nicely you will get a neat handy wankywanky tug twisty

R: 49 / F: 10

Rate börgör it's hot so I went outside shirtless to get it, delivery guy was a brown woman who complimented my chest

R: 36 / F: 6

Morning sirs.

R: 44 / F: 6

What should I eat during lent?

R: 46 / F: 12

Cats have achieved parity with dogs in popularity and perceived appeal. This reflects their elevated status from being considered less desirable to now sharing equal footing in affection and cultural perception Do you old faggots remember many considered Cats had a scary look in their eyes which is different from dogs with friendly and cheerful looks

R: 35 / F: 16

If I was a working class Brazilian, why would it be wrong for me to vote for The Workers Party? Why would many have a problem with this?

R: 41 / F: 11

I feel like we've finally earned our reputation of fat and stupid.

R: 40 / F: 5

Should i spend 3k on a watch or is that idiotic?

R: 37 / F: 4

Why do Europeans want to eat bugs?

R: 26 / F: 0

Why doesn't an NGO just build a secret underground tunnel to allow North Koreans to escape to South Korea?

R: 38 / F: 10

The war is over.

R: 50 / F: 12

I have bought a 3D printer and don't know what to print.

R: 31 / F: 4

old joce: american, russian and ukrainian were captured by a tribe of cannibals the chief says: if you give us 10k$ or eat 1kg of salt or get gangbanged by our entire tribe we'll release you, otherwise we'll eat you american gives them 10k$, they release him russian eats 1kg of salt, almost dying in the process, they release him ukrainian: -give me the salt eats 5 spoons of salt, 7, 9, can't eat anymore -just fuck me gets fucked by 3 niggers, 5, 7 -no better give me the salt eats 10 spoons, 12, 14, can't eat anymore again -no, just keep fucking me instead gets fucked by 10, 12 niggers -no, give me the salt eats 16 spoons... 20... eats half a kilo of the salt, can't eat anymore -whatever, here's your 10k$

R: 38 / F: 7

>massive protest on the roman-anus <no media coverage of any sort

R: 35 / F: 10

wish we could turn back time

R: 35 / F: 0

New racial crime statistics have arrived

R: 37 / F: 13

lower your voice if this aren't your search terms for finding videos to touch your penis to

R: 36 / F: 3

this annoys me to no end it should be one nation worst thing in the world are divided islands

R: 50 / F: 3

good morning kohl

R: 26 / F: 4

LETS GOOOOO! 20 sexual crimes a day just in berlin.

R: 37 / F: 19

Americans and european men live with white girls like this, while I have to live with brown and nigger monstrous girls. And they don't even fight for it, they take it for granted. They let nigger, arab and indian immigrants come to their country to destroy the beauty of white women. The world is unfair.

R: 37 / F: 6

Any other manchildren soy gamers excited to play new video game in a few hours?

R: 36 / F: 6

Wectern libtards are waking up and seeing the red sun in the sky. Even the "you got a tight little manpussy" guy made a video.

R: 36 / F: 5

You know what hurts, that with my dick size I'll never get a reaction out of a woman like this.

R: 51 / F: 23

>that feel when getting drunk

R: 29 / F: 4

I hate when people say don't put women on a pedestal! Women's skin is extremely soft, it doesn't make sense, they're also beautiful and smell amazing, they're divine beings created by D*g, I literally think about women 24/7 and when I had a gf my life was better in every single aspect

runiggers being runiggers
R: 35 / F: 7

After it became impossible to deny Holodomor, russians came up with an extremely weird and diabolical cope: > not only Ukrainians were starving, but also Kazakahs and russians in volga provinces! > so don't say it was a genocide and forget about it! Absolute cuckoldry and lack of dignity.

R: 33 / F: 3

Your take on it?

R: 32 / F: 1

I want to become like him. He is my inspiration in life.

R: 42 / F: 19

Candidate approved for medicine at state university through racial quotas, is denied entry for failing the racial examination to prove she is brown. According to the examining board, she is white and therefore not eligible for the racial quotas. https://www-metropoles-com.translate.goog/distrito-federal/unb-aprovada-em-medicina-eliminada-nas-cotas-raciais-entra-na-justica?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pt-BR R8.

R: 39 / F: 12

Omg just had a Blunz(blood sausage) with potatos its my favourite. Have to go to the bar now to make it the best and drink 20 beers!

R: 54 / F: 23

His speed, misdirection, work rate and cleanup of the swamp is honestly inspiring. The man is 80 fucking years old yet the first month of his Administration has been like wartime operations. The reddit seethe is just the fat, juicy cherry on top. Donald Trump will go down as a great American patriot and there is NOTHING you can do to stop that.

R: 42 / F: 9

The Tate brothers finally managed to escape Romania. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c70wq044znxt

R: 32 / F: 2

we should unite and leave EU

It's impossible to be a incel in Sexzil
R: 44 / F: 4

The Brazilian Bernds who say that they are virgins must be larping. I also noticed that the frequency of posts from Brazilians has decreased in the past few days, it must be because it's carnival season in Brazil. A Brazilian Bernd is probably participating in an orgy right now as I make this thread.

R: 48 / F: 7

thats how portuguese sounds like?

R: 31 / F: 9

Post your breakfast

R: 37 / F: 6

Bernd is scared, it is dark outside and 2 am. But there was some guy standing across the street looking into my window. What to do, I'm serious.

R: 42 / F: 6

>18K files accumulated over years from imageboards how would you organize them and get rid of trash ones? does any bernd use hydrus? or any special program for tagging?

R: 36 / F: 14

How is this game? t. Playing for first time

R: 38 / F: 8

Most Europeans rejected his message. They hated him because he told them the truth.

R: 25 / F: 1

Gf said if i want to marry i have to propose properly, and that saying "we should get married for tax benifit" is not properly.

R: 46 / F: 7

who made you a racist?

R: 29 / F: 4

Why are MAGAtards always contradicting themselves? There’s a lot of things I agree with MAGA on but could never bring myself to vote republican because it would involve so much hypocrisy. Case in point.

R: 26 / F: 3

Watching literally the biggest fucking 2010 redditor losers in human history burn murca to the ground is truly something to behold.

Incel looking for job part 6
R: 47 / F: 6

Tomorrow I have interview not far from home Its part time job 4hours a day 20:00-00:00 4 hours a day, 5 days week Not bad for a starter worker, and incel on top of that. If they take me ! Not too far from home> IF they take me I would make 400-500euro/month.

R: 34 / F: 2

le epstein list https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/attorney-general-pamela-bondi-releases-first-phase-declassified-epstein-files

R: 43 / F: 19

The mad mind. The crack genius.

R: 50 / F: 17

>germans calling cotton “tree wool”

R: 29 / F: 4

6200 journalist on their payroll any "independent" media in your country recently closed up shop ?

R: 33 / F: 7

In four years when we have a Democrat administration, Europe will be licking our balls again. Sad but true.

R: 46 / F: 43

Post people dying.

R: 31 / F: 8

What is that on top of the barrel? Cotton wool? Is it usual practice? Looks strange

R: 42 / F: 14

EU bottlecap is decent after surgery, Body still under anastezia

R: 40 / F: 25

What evolutionary advantage does such long arms provide for this Brazilian?

R: 32 / F: 7

Dafuq litel Yurop gon do? Get shafted by big Russian cock, that's what

R: 33 / F: 2

I am better than you

American Aid to Ukraine
R: 33 / F: 5

Why does Trump think the US has spent $350B in Ukraine? Where do these numbers actually come from? Is he hallucinating or is he being lied to? How is the President of the United States so misinformed about numbers like these whilst engaging in international diplomacy? This isn't a one-off 'senior moment' that you could have attributed to Biden either. It's a constant feature of Trump's sayings on Ukraine. He genuinely thinks that America is bankrolling the entire war. Why?

R: 32 / F: 18

China 30 years ago vs today. Why does communism work? In 2008, China had one line of high-speed railroad. In 2018, China has more milage of high-speed railroad than rest of the world combined. During the years 2011-2013, China used more concrete than the US did in the entire 20th century. https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2014/12/05/china-used-more-concrete-in-3-years-than-the-u-s-used-in-the-entire-20th-century-infographic/

R: 40 / F: 14

It only began for us Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols