This is generally accurate. Unconscionable graft and corruption to the sum of $T's has been funneled to leftist politicians and Communist pro-invasion NGO's that are overwhelming locales in the USA, and feeding on the dogs and cats of Springfield. None of this money produces commercial activity that creates a sustainable tax base and superable civil society, but instead funds the destruction of civil society and it's replacement with non-English speaking criminals that will vote away the human rights America was founded to respect, and enable the global conquest of the NWO over the VSA.
Trump has ended that, and DOGE is cleaning the corruption off the books, enabling Trump to promote actual commerce and industry that can sustain American civil society and instead spread that freedom and prosperity to Canada, Greenland, and all of Central America, first, and across Europe, S. America, and Asia thereafter.
Instead of a potential military foe, Trump is enabling China to join in a global economy as a third pole in a multipolar market where all participants can trade and profit from their mutual contributions, but China has to stop stealing IP or it won't get access to advanced chips necessary to advanced production tech, which would cost it $T's in wasted resources. Europe can also become a pole in this global economy, but it has to renounce censorship, undemocratic couping of it's member states, and allow them to slow, or even reverse the invasion of welfare sponge Muzzies. The UK is probably lost to Europe already, and will collapse into a caliphate that will stun the world with it's rapine genocide of the white Anglo Saxon people, eventually requiring a military conquest to purge the Muslim fanatics and end their terrorist depredations on what remains of the former white majority in the UK, and attempts to spread to Fronz, itself on the edge of becoming a racist brown caliphate.
If Europe can arrest, prosecute, and hang it's traitorous HATO faction like Von der Leyen, Donald Tusk, and grooming victim Micron, then it's member nations can restore the EU to a functional federation of free states led by Orban, Fico, Georgescu and etc. If it cannot, it will devolve into a nightmare of regional caliphates, rogue terror states, lawless no man's lands, and walled nationalist bastions of Nazism controlled by Zionist usurist cryptocracies that will become little more than slave markets selling blond lolis to Muslim rape gangs. Eventually the hopeless internal corruption of those caliphates and walled city states will force Russia and it's allies the USA and China to militarily conquer them, save the remaining white people from slavery, and compel the caliphates to conduct lawful commerce and industry instead of fomenting terrorism and living off the slave trade, ruled by Zionazi WEF overlords with loli harems they farm for blood that fuels their vampiric immortality.