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Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:57:10 GMT No. 25543976 [Kohl] [Report thread]
rome mania.jpg
467.50 kB, 1021x1286
>massive protest on the roman-anus <no media coverage of any sort
Total posts: 42, files: 8 (Thread is alive)
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 01:58:18 GMT No. 25543979 >>25555477
Sandu Ciorba - Pe cimpoi.mp4
55.66 MB, 1920x1080
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:05:56 GMT No. 25544009
romanians are too low iq to detect a russian plant, so the grown ups have to take charge
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:08:44 GMT No. 25544018 >>25544199
>>25543976 >The revolution will not be televised!
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:09:01 GMT No. 25544021
no media coverage? Of shit in romania? fascinating.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:10:23 GMT No. 25544024 >>25544028 >>25544361 >>25544955
I don't really understand this situation he said that the establishment of that american anti missile base was a mistake and it would be better to close it and jd vence applauds him and supports him
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:11:11 GMT No. 25544028 >>25544037
>>25544024 and this base is strategically important for the US because it protects the US from intercontinental missiles and it cost several billion dollars
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:13:21 GMT No. 25544037
>>25544028 romania is not between america and anything.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:14:32 GMT No. 25544046 >>25544928
media blackout.png
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>no media coverage of any sort https://stirileprotv.ro/stiri/politic/surpriza-calin-georgescu-si-a-anuntat-fanii-de-la-protestul-aur-din-bucuresti-ca-deocamdata-nu-isi-depune-candidatura.html https://hotnews.ro/video-hora-in-piata-victoriei-georgescu-cristela-si-anca-alexandrescu-karaoke-la-microfon-1914012 https://hotnews.ro/protestul-convocat-de-calin-georgescu-si-aur-sambata-in-bucuresti-george-simion-sustine-ca-vor-fi-minim-100-000-de-participanti-1913123 Are you retarded?
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:16:59 GMT No. 25544054
They brown
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 02:54:39 GMT No. 25544199
>>25544018 >The revolution will not be televised! thats how you knew maidan was fake and gay, it was all over TV
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:06:24 GMT No. 25544256 SÄGE! >>25544299
>>25543976 But there is coverage, at least here. Leftist media are bitching that far right extremists are protesting about election re-run.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:10:34 GMT No. 25544282
>protest about any pro-globohomo cause no matter how small <massive international media attention >protest about anything globohomo is against <media: protest? what protest?
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:15:42 GMT No. 25544299 >>25544313 >>25544900
>>25544256 Well Romania did cancel election results they didn't like. Because the runoff was outsider clown #1 (like Drumpf) vs outsider clown #2 (like Jill Stein) with mainstream favorite #3 left outside in the cold because the mainstream themselves spent money on TikTok campaign to boost the outsider clowns (just like how Hillary Clinton spent money to make sure clown Trump won GOP primary in 2016).
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:18:27 GMT No. 25544313
Trump lols at u.jpeg
40.85 kB, 800x533
>>25544299 >just like how Hillary Clinton spent money to make sure clown Trump won GOP primary in 2016 one of the funniest political blunders of this century if not all time. women are so incredibly stupid and incompetent
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:20:15 GMT No. 25544322 >>25547926
1.98 MB, 1876x1791
Why lie OP? are you dirty jew? Literally on all news in Europe
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:28:33 GMT No. 25544352
>>25543976 >no media coverage of any sort You literally posted media that covers the protest.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:29:35 GMT No. 25544361
>>25544024 Murrica literally withdraws from Europe. So they push any pro-Pidorashka shill.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:32:08 GMT No. 25544373 >>25544381 >>25544392 >>25544395
Screenshot 2025-03-01 193115.png
448.93 kB, 1062x1306
> media is not covering what is happening Why do they lie about this every time?
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:34:44 GMT No. 25544381
>>25544373 I think they are forcing a meme
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:38:50 GMT No. 25544392
>>25544373 didnt see it on twitter = the media is not covering it
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:39:45 GMT No. 25544395 >>25544406
>>25544373 Also its 5AM in Europe.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:41:36 GMT No. 25544406 >>25544413
>>25544395 >europe has one time zone ignoramus
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 03:43:06 GMT No. 25544413
5.56 MB, 464x826
>>25544406 the most clever american on earth right here.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 06:26:54 GMT No. 25544900 >>25545013 >>25545077
>>25544299 >they didn't like. Von der Leyen didn't like. HATO faction of the EU is completely under Von Der Leyen's thumb, and imposed Tusk on Pooland, flipped Meloni from literal far right to glutton for Negrimmigrants, shut down Romanian polls in mid-vote to prevent election of Georgescu, and threaten to do the same thing to Germoney and Fronz if they 'interfere' in their elections by electing candidates or parties not preferred by HATO war grifters. HATO literally transforms what is left of European economy into funding for the Ukraine that is then disappeared into gigantic black hole of Zelensky's gay angus, and kicked back to the HATO politicians, and the weapons sold on the dark web to Mexican Cartels. This is what Trump opposes. Orban, Georgescu, PiS, Fico, Czechia, Serbia, and etc. are creating a new EU that actually promotes industry, isn't just defense industry corruption, doesn't seek to turn everyone into hapless slaves of the NWO eating worms in dark, unlit bugpods in 15 minute prisons. Goymoney sucked at the teat of globohomo propaganda and voted CDU/Merz, and now will watch the Caliphate arise, as Micron's groomed Stockholm syndrome Nigger loving will either doom HATO, or be replaced by Le Pen and restore Fronz to it's liberte, egalita, et fraternite and it's traditional alliance with Russia against. Literal Zionazi HATO warpigs or nationalist freedom industrial powerhouse. Which way white European man?
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 06:39:47 GMT No. 25544928
>>25544046 He likely meant no media coverage outside of Romania, which I second.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 06:48:57 GMT No. 25544955 >>25545060
>>25544024 What I heard some economists saying was that US is facing runaway spending. They already spend too much and are expected to spend even more in the near future because of upcoming obligations. All agree that this is not sustainable even in short term, like 10-15 years. And they also dont understand what exactly is being bought with all this spending. Like, there should be more of good things in principle, for this price tag - but there are fentanyl zombies instead. Just raping dem ngos a little bit saved them 1.5% of yearly budget, or so they claim. The fact that the dems remain in kwetching stupor means it actually was their feeding base. Now, they havent even begun auditing the pentagon. And the goal is not just cutting waste, but to slim down the whole thing. 13% of federal budget is military, they aim to reduce it at least one third, maybe 40% Some superbase in Romania that projects what to where is on the cutting block, and so are crusades like the Ukraine war or Syria. My guess is that the Empire is just too flabby now to face a challenger like China. Empire needs to cut and lift.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 07:09:00 GMT No. 25545013
>>25544900 meds
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 07:23:54 GMT No. 25545060 >>25545077
>>25544955 This is generally accurate. Unconscionable graft and corruption to the sum of $T's has been funneled to leftist politicians and Communist pro-invasion NGO's that are overwhelming locales in the USA, and feeding on the dogs and cats of Springfield. None of this money produces commercial activity that creates a sustainable tax base and superable civil society, but instead funds the destruction of civil society and it's replacement with non-English speaking criminals that will vote away the human rights America was founded to respect, and enable the global conquest of the NWO over the VSA. Trump has ended that, and DOGE is cleaning the corruption off the books, enabling Trump to promote actual commerce and industry that can sustain American civil society and instead spread that freedom and prosperity to Canada, Greenland, and all of Central America, first, and across Europe, S. America, and Asia thereafter. Instead of a potential military foe, Trump is enabling China to join in a global economy as a third pole in a multipolar market where all participants can trade and profit from their mutual contributions, but China has to stop stealing IP or it won't get access to advanced chips necessary to advanced production tech, which would cost it $T's in wasted resources. Europe can also become a pole in this global economy, but it has to renounce censorship, undemocratic couping of it's member states, and allow them to slow, or even reverse the invasion of welfare sponge Muzzies. The UK is probably lost to Europe already, and will collapse into a caliphate that will stun the world with it's rapine genocide of the white Anglo Saxon people, eventually requiring a military conquest to purge the Muslim fanatics and end their terrorist depredations on what remains of the former white majority in the UK, and attempts to spread to Fronz, itself on the edge of becoming a racist brown caliphate. If Europe can arrest, prosecute, and hang it's traitorous HATO faction like Von der Leyen, Donald Tusk, and grooming victim Micron, then it's member nations can restore the EU to a functional federation of free states led by Orban, Fico, Georgescu and etc. If it cannot, it will devolve into a nightmare of regional caliphates, rogue terror states, lawless no man's lands, and walled nationalist bastions of Nazism controlled by Zionist usurist cryptocracies that will become little more than slave markets selling blond lolis to Muslim rape gangs. Eventually the hopeless internal corruption of those caliphates and walled city states will force Russia and it's allies the USA and China to militarily conquer them, save the remaining white people from slavery, and compel the caliphates to conduct lawful commerce and industry instead of fomenting terrorism and living off the slave trade, ruled by Zionazi WEF overlords with loli harems they farm for blood that fuels their vampiric immortality.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 07:25:54 GMT No. 25545066 >>25545076
what are they protesting? aurolac shortage?
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 07:30:01 GMT No. 25545076 >>25545088
>>25545066 Zionazi HATO Von der Leyen war grifting, censorship of non-globohomo approved groveling to Muzzies and trannies, couping of democratically elected white nationalists like PiS, Orban, and Georgescu, and transforming Europe into a war torn hellscape in which the only economy is defense contractors producing war materiel, slave markets selling white children to Muslim rape gangs, and forced castration and invagination of white boys in kindergarten to become Bachi Baza help helpers to Imams in the Mosques of the coming pan-European caliphate.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 07:30:37 GMT No. 25545077 >>25545081
election tourists.png
349.02 kB, 2198x488
>>25544900 >>25545060 back to r/the_donald
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 07:31:35 GMT No. 25545081
>>25545077 Where can I find this r/thedonald? It sounds like home.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 07:34:20 GMT No. 25545088 >>25545539
>>25545076 > white nationalists >Orban Who was ultra-liberal until 2010s. >and Georgescu >In 1991, Georgescu became head of the Office for the Environment of the Romanian Parliament. >Georgescu has worked as the UN Special Rapporteur for human rights and hazardous waste,[20] and represented Romania on the national committee of the United Nations Environment Programme peak """globohomo"""
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 09:13:17 GMT No. 25545539
>>25545088 Yes. These individuals worked in the belly of the beast, know it inside and out. It is because of their familiarity with it they have rejected it, and declaim it to their electorates.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 09:15:16 GMT No. 25545547 >>25545579 >>25550750
We don't need Russian lapdogs in the eu If Romanians love Putin so much they can raus out of the eu
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 09:20:25 GMT No. 25545579
>>25545547 Surely they can. They also have the right to vote for whomever they deem fit for president and they did. EU ordered to declare the election null and void because they didn't like the outcome. Gypsies can vote another Hitler or Bush or Brezhnev for all I care. It's their country and their votes.
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 15:43:37 GMT No. 25547926
>>25544322 >tens of thousands how many tens of thousands? it was at least 20 of them media trying to minimize the turnout
Bernd Sun, 02 Mar 2025 21:32:44 GMT No. 25550750
>>25545547 Are you intentionally shilling for the NWO, or is it possible to be so unaware of the obvious capture of the EU by corporations that are intent on all the horrors of a global technocratic totalitarian tyranny?
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 16:09:16 GMT No. 25555453 >>25555460
EU is anti-democracy The entire point of the EU is to take power away from elected governments and give it to foreign judeo-bureaucrats
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 16:09:44 GMT No. 25555460
>>25555453 well said
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 16:10:55 GMT No. 25555470
32.03 kB, 512x512
eu be like we are le for democracy eu also be like we gonna cancel your election results because its not the result we wanted
Bernd Mon, 03 Mar 2025 16:11:38 GMT No. 25555477
>>25543979 this is the whitest thing i've ever seen
Thread interest score: 6 Thread size: 162.22 kB