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Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:35:06 GMT No. 25529690 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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How is this game? t. Playing for first time
Total posts: 36, files: 14 (Drowned at Sat, 01 Mar 2025 14:04:35 GMT)
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:39:07 GMT No. 25529707 >>25529741
I've finished KCD1, at first combat was rage and alt+f4, but became easier at higher levels, never made a succesful combo :DD Had to read quite a lot reddits and other random sites regarding quests and other stuff. Play KCD1 before KCD2, story will make more sense. Combat is made somewhat easier in 2, can't say anything more, started playing 2 few days ago for an hour or so.
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:40:00 GMT No. 25529710 >>25529717 >>25529723
Combat in kcd2 is too easy and simplified
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:40:12 GMT No. 25529711
lotta gay sex
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:43:14 GMT No. 25529717 >>25529722 >>25529745
>>25529710 It's still fucking hard at the beginning t. got stomped by a bandit once with default starter gear Combat sounds are better in kcd1, in kcd2 it's more like... hollywoodish 'sluah bam bam whoosh'
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:44:05 GMT No. 25529719 >>25529725
in 1 the guy who beats your shit in the beginning I killed him later with one combo to the head, it was kinda cool
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:44:56 GMT No. 25529722 SÄGE!
>>25529717 >It's still fucking hard at the beginning >t. got stomped by a bandit once with default starter gear That´s exactly Bernd´s childhood in the ghetto in a nutshell. But not just once tbh.
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:44:58 GMT No. 25529723
>>25529710 Seems like it, I liked chivalry and kcd1
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:45:06 GMT No. 25529725
>>25529719 Sames with Ulrich, tried to duel him for a few tries, got bummed, returned later and killed him mercilessly with a bash in the skull
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:48:36 GMT No. 25529741 >>25529748 >>25529790
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>>25529707 combos are fucking broken and i've beaten first game without ever succeeding one 1v1 fights are fun once you learn how to do counters and shit, but if you fight with more than 1 enemy then you just have to get on horse and shoot fuckers with your bow i finished KCD1 few days ago and now im playing KCD2 and sequel improved on A LOT of things, it's a fucking joy to play i love how world seems to be alive and natural, people have their routines and there's a lot of stuff going on all the time, like one time i was trying to learn some stuff from a blacksmith but suddenly he dropped his equipment and ran so i followed him and there were some noises and next thing i see is two guys fighting and whole village watching them, one got KO'd and everyone came closer to him to check up on him, and when he woke up people were like >yep that's what you get and him talking stuff like >ahh i should stop drinking, i lost my temper again and people going back to their usual tasks and the blacksmith went back doing his job again stealing/sneaking is much improved, i was a little bit disappointed with fighting system at first but i think it's a lot better now, especially since you've got a dog that you can command to attack enemies which makes 2v1 fights a lot easier and fair for you first KCD i kinda rushed and still spend almost 100 hours in it, and i feel like im gona sink ~150h in KCD2 blacksmithing is so cool i spend literally 2 hours yesterday making swords and horseshoes
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:50:18 GMT No. 25529745 >>25529790
>>25529717 combat in 2nd requires some reaction speed from you because you can negate enemy combos and keep your combos if you don't fuck up timings on your counters and counter-attacks
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:53:22 GMT No. 25529748
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>>25529741 nature in the game is the most realistic and soulful since RDR2 i love this game
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:56:56 GMT No. 25529763
I didn't play it as I intend to finish the first part maybe some day (haven't touched it in years). But I spend half an hour watching youtube compilations of bullshitting guards with high speech skill and other funny moments.
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:03:37 GMT No. 25529790 >>25529806
>>25529741 >>25529745 I've finished main quest in ~80h, bet i've missed a fuckton of sidequests One quality of life improvement in kcd2 is that bushes are passable, in kcd1 it was fucking annoying to always get stuck in forests or random concrete bushes in open fields Haven't tried blacksmithing yet, but i bet it's going to be fun. Alchemy is an interesting concept, but since my memory is fucked from alcoholism i always have to stare at the book after each action, lol also it's a bit easier in kcd2 because of free camera movement, feels more fluid and responsive. Also kcd combat is unique, some duels takes fucking forever and some get doned very fast with few succesfull bashes in the heda, but doing combos is a mystery to me, tried decreasing mouse speed, didn't help and at first the target lock system was making me foam into mouth, but got somewhat used to it later, it's annoying when you try to sprint from 4 heavy armoroud bandits and suddenly Henry locks on to one of them, try to sprint away agains't - get tackled, die, an half an hour of gameplay lost because didn't drink saviour schnaps in time. But overal it's great fun, remember laffing my ass of when doing that priest quest, getting drunk, ringing church bell in the middle of the night, priest throws up from the bell tower, then sex with women, hungoves mass, ebin quest, enjoyed it a lot.
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:10:36 GMT No. 25529806 >>25530309
>>25529790 >One quality of life improvement in kcd2 is that bushes are passable yeah this is one of the first things i noticed and enoyed >Alchemy is an interesting concept, but since my memory is fucked from alcoholism i always have to stare at the book after each action, lol i take a piece of paper and write down every step and ingredients, and still i fuck up almost every time like yesterday i was trying to make saving potions, and after i finished henry was mumbling to himself every time stuff like >hmmm maybe i was boiling belladonna for too long..... no matter how long i boiled it, alchemy in KCD seems like a fun concept, but doing it is melting my brain and always confuses me a lot KCD is one of the most soulful games i've ever played, it's engaging, it got me emotional many times (mostly got me angry) and i don't know how many hours i spend in first game just roaming villages and woods on foot watching at stuff in first game there's DLC From the Ashes where you rebuild Prybislavitz village and you have to heavily invest your own money rebuilding it piece by piece, and it was one of the best experiences in vidya i had in many years, it was such a joy hiring people to work for me and watching it get more populated then just kinda roaming around watching how my village prospers
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:15:13 GMT No. 25529825 >>25529858
Planning to play after I finish Fallout 2
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:23:22 GMT No. 25529858 >>25529867 >>25529880
>>25529825 How is fallout 2 compared to the newer fallout stuff in lörs onions?
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:25:25 GMT No. 25529867 >>25529893 >>25529923
>>25529858 Fallout 2 is probably my childhood's fav game, I played it at the turn of the century. It is a bit full of itself compared to the first one, full of le epic references and dunking on US republicans, social commentary. I think a lot of zoomers would find it very "reddit". Definitely a very significant cultural artifact and a great game in its own right. The later fallouts are nowhere close as well written.
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:27:44 GMT No. 25529880 >>25529886 >>25529893
>>25529858 Fallout 1 is more centred around the story, less QoL features, less side content, serious, grim tone Fallout 2 so far much more side contet, companion control is better implemented, bigger map with diverse places and characters, more dark humour, less seithsn predecessor
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:29:04 GMT No. 25529886
>>25529880 less serious than predecessor Super natural elements that I saw out of place
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:29:54 GMT No. 25529893 >>25529897 >>25529907
>>25529867 >>25529880 Is it worth playing in 2025? I tried Daggerfall for instance, and its unplayable imo because the combat is so retarded and awful. Morrowind I think is the first actually playable Elder Scrolls game. Are fallout 1 and 2 playable such that I wouldn't want to beat my head into the wall?
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:30:31 GMT No. 25529897 >>25529918
>>25529893 With mods, yes
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:31:07 GMT No. 25529902
It's okay. I play with cheats and mods, because don't won't to get annoyed. I lost interest with it in I guess halfway through the story.
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:31:52 GMT No. 25529907 >>25529918
>>25529893 >Is it worth playing in 2025? Definitely if you're not too sensitive to the leftish stuff. You probably bounced off of Daggerfall because it is an early 3D game back from a time when it was still common to use PgUp/PgDown to look up and down in FPS vidya. It was awful to me back in the late 90s too but I played it because there was nothing like it. But fallout 2's interface is simple and easy to understand so you shouldn't have any trouble.
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:35:04 GMT No. 25529918
>>25529907 Its the mouse swiping for attacks and the fact that you can't ever tell if you're close enough to the target to do damage, plus the early game you miss a lot due to not being leveled up, so its a mess. I tried several times to play it, and it was just too frustrating to be fun. I'm playing Oblivion against now just because it is probably the sweet spot for me. I love that game. I am sensitive to the leftist stuff, but I'm also all growned up and have been looking past it for my whole life now so I'll manage. >>25529897 Right, I'll check on mods before I try to play.
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:35:57 GMT No. 25529923
>>25529867 what a bydlo perspective
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:53:18 GMT No. 25530024 >>25530042
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>>25529690 its confy, combat is a bit weird at start, take a bit to get into but than its nice. Until you fight against more than 1 enemy, that is pure chaos. It think it gets easy too fast but the first game had the same problem. The 2nd half also drags a bit. The polish representation is on the spot i heard.
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:57:20 GMT No. 25530042
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 15:36:41 GMT No. 25530295 >>25530316
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12h later finally retrieved my horse now the real game starts
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 15:39:58 GMT No. 25530309 >>25530467
>>25529806 Pribyslavitz is a huge boost to groschen late game, remember i got cought by Erik in the endgame and lost 60k groachen, visited Pribyslavitz - 80k groschen in tge chest, lmao. Apart from that i find Priby underwhelming and not that interesting, also it gor me buttblasted that after conquering it from bandits and killing that guy who stole fathers sword, all the corpses were gone and when quickly checking during fighting noticed there were 1.5-2k armors in the bodies, but had no time to collect and store it to horse, was mad. Later after few pirate encounters got decently rich anyways, so problems werent. Wish there were more endgame equipment, especialy weapons
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 15:40:44 GMT No. 25530316
>>25530295 Pebbles!
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 15:55:20 GMT No. 25530389
Im bout halfway through and i love the writing sofar, very compelling
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 16:08:48 GMT No. 25530467 >>25530475
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>>25530309 >Pribyslavitz is a huge boost to groschen late game it is, but when it started making profit i was just finishing the game so i didn't care about that anymore. honestly i was just so tired of the game, especially after that mission in the monastery, that i wanted to finish the game as fast as possible, finish Prybyslavitz DLC and just go to the sequel but i gotta admit it made me feel super good and comfy >also it gor me buttblasted that after conquering it from bandits and killing that guy who stole fathers sword, all the corpses were gone and when quickly checking during fighting noticed there were 1.5-2k armors in the bodies, but had no time to collect and store it to horse, was mad. same here, i expected to be able to loot all the bodies after he mission but if you don't do it when the fighting is going on then you can't do it anymore which sucks >Wish there were more endgame equipment, especialy weapons yeah.... i was using the same exact weapon for like 50h which was pic rel - i loved that weapon because you'd do a lot of thrust damage and there was a perk which would literally oneshot some enemies if you hit them in the head, i had a lot of fun using it and unfortunately there was no better weapon in KCD2 i want to use two weapon types, warhammers and swords, depending on situation, like if there's an enemy with light armour i want to use swords against them, and if there's heavy armoured enemy i will use warhammer/mace just for roleplay purposes in KCD1 maces almost never break, but if you use sword you can increase mintenance skill using grindstone for example, which sounds super cool if you're in2 roleplay
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 16:10:06 GMT No. 25530475 >>25530512
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>>25530467 pic rel i meant this
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 16:16:38 GMT No. 25530512 >>25530646
>>25530475 Yeah i understood. At first i used sword, then axe, sometimes crows peek warhammeė, finished game.with warhammer i thing. Maintenance lvldup very fast by usim repair kits, got to 20 in no time. Also should jave used bow more often, damn later in game 1shot to cuman bandit and he surrenders or dies, lol Also pribyslavitz is good to invest asap for money trickle, it's expensive, but there are guides how to get somewhat decent income without investink 10ks. Monastery... i took down the prior, stole keys, rushed to the bandit, took him down and kicked a few times then gtfoed the church, didn't do any sides even, lol
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 16:42:58 GMT No. 25530646
>>25530512 Damn terrible grammar, was typing outside in the rain
Bernd Fri, 28 Feb 2025 18:11:47 GMT No. 25531280
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Thread interest score: 5.7 Thread size: 204.02 kB