you are making a lot of underlying suppositions and premises and taking them as inherently true to then base your arguments on them, like most ultralibertarian tards do
not everyone makes the best decision for themselves, especially as groups, separated by geography, by age, by gender, etc.
think of it as a family. Families are inherently communist, because only the father and mother work, and the children dont produce shit, or they produce very little, yet they need same amount of food, same house to sleep in, same bed, same warmth so they dont freeze. if you applied 'free market' thinking to a family, you would let the children starve and freeze to death, because they dont produce. and its the same with population, whats happening now with capitalists, most of the wealth is going to top 10% of the population and the bottom are getting fucked.
>The ultimate crushing blow for socialism is that if one knows that created wealth will be seized by Soviet Hitler Chi Minhzedong, then there is obviously less of an incentive to exert effort to create wealth.
This is another retarded unprovable claim that sounds good but doesnt stand up to logic. Money is not the only incentive in the world, especially after a point, once you have a house and and food on the table and whatnot, you dont get motivated by money. The soviet union, china etc, they have made or are making great wealth and great advancements in technology, people feel good when they create things, then they improve, when they help others, it's not purely about money.
>Why should anyone want to work harder or push themselves if you cannot enjoy the fruits of your own labour?
because fruits are not only in money. they are in satisfaction, in fame, in approval from peers, in the pursuit of excellence etc. only moneygrubbing selfish goblins think of 'money' as the be-all, end-all.
>distributed seemingly arbitrarily
its not arbitary, its actually very smart and its for the benefit of everyone. thats one of the smart things that ceausescu did for example, he raised living standards for everyone, developed the whole country and made cities everywhere, not just in the capital and 1-2 points of interest. every single place got roads, got hospitals, got apartment buildings, it was done, as i said in the beginning, taking into account where humans live for illogical and irrational reasons, not just pure profit.