Sat, 01 Mar 2025 09:38:45 GMT
No. 25537410
I hate all people, not because they have a special colour, but because people are fucking stupid, including you.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 09:40:16 GMT
No. 25537413
Niggers, jews, and spics.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 09:46:46 GMT
No. 25537437
Obama made me racist.
t. Windows Update hater
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 09:47:41 GMT
No. 25537441
To be precise, I don't even think I'm a racist. Because I judge by the content the character.. just happens that niggers, Jews, Indians and other browns most often lack my desired character.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 10:10:20 GMT
No. 25537558
Exposure to different races.
t.has been living as a minority as a German for decades
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 10:37:37 GMT
No. 25537755
I don't care what color they are, although I have a fondness for pink lips and nipples. If they're pieces of shit, thieving, lying, layabouts, shiftless, boastful, murderous, violent, stupid, stinking, rapine drunkards, I find them unwelcome company in any environment, but most particularly my home, my community, and my nation.
Turns out I'm racist against niggers, spics, and Jews. Who knew?
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 10:38:17 GMT
No. 25537762
Not necessarily in that order.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 10:39:10 GMT
No. 25537769
I can be all those things and I'm white as they come, I guess I'm trans negro
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 10:39:59 GMT
No. 25537774
Good thing you're in Canuckistan where I don't have to put up with your bullshit.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 10:40:44 GMT
No. 25537781
No, I am ethnical German, but I was raised by a stupid single mother who was prone to bad decisions and bad money management.
This implied only renting flats in the worst quarters of my city.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 10:42:08 GMT
No. 25537794
You're right, you'll just come to the internet to deal with my bullshit
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 10:51:26 GMT
No. 25537858
I'm not a racist, because the classical division of humanity (homo sapiens) into three or five "subspecies" is simply scientifically inaccurate. I am "culture/social" racist however. I think there are toxic collective value system, ways of life and worldviews that should simply not exist. And if the individuals and groups holding on to them refuse to reform, they should be exterminated.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:03:36 GMT
No. 25537908
im not racist
racism is a negative label for those who are against people destroying the nation
people screaming "muh niggers" and "muh jews" on the streets only undermine the cause, as they affirm the stance of the corrupt people, who bring in criminals, barbaric cultist and psychopaths from other countries, as if I am against that process solely because I have some racial prejudice,
making my point of view on the problem invalid
and that's not just my problem
as instead of doing something to the crime, cultism, mental health and other USAIDS funded activities in their home countries, they just send the bad fruits away
I don't hate Jews
I hate the GULAGS, who were built by Jews, Ukrainians, Priebalts, Georgians and Armenians
I hate the genocide of Russians perpetrated during WW2 and in the 1990's
I don't hate Germans, French, Spaniards or Italians
I hate nazis, who still haven't paid out for their loss in the war, while taking positions in EU parliament and HATO
and I hate commies,
not all, but the specific ones, who have not done anything to help Russians to restore our numbers after the mentioned genocides
>the classical division of humanity (homo sapiens) into three or five "subspecies" is simply scientifically inaccurate.
C'mon now. Abos aren't the same species as ypipo.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 12:02:28 GMT
No. 25538156
Being surrounded by wogs.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 12:06:05 GMT
No. 25538183
> 1st
I'm not disputing it but you know that if you have a high-dimensional distribution you can plot the embeddings to say basically anything, right?
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 12:06:23 GMT
No. 25538188
Alright m8
t. your anglo doppelganger
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 12:27:02 GMT
No. 25538313
Actually they very much are. All anatomically and behaviourally modern humans, post-AoA are more closely related to each other than intra-african populations. Meaning that Abos, Papuans, Norwegians, Chinese, Natives of the Americas from the Artic to the Amazon are more closely related than sub-saharan populations either in East, West or Southern Africa. (See for example Tiskoff et al)
Yeah, it might be hard to believe but classical racism is based on phenotypes or at best some skull-measuring. To compare it to post-DNA or even aDNA (when you can study the genome of long-dead individuals) classification of human diversity is like comparing modern medicine to what the Ancient Greeks though of the body, you know humours and hist.
And before you post such PCI maps then you should tell people where the datasets are collected from. There is no standard set of genes for any population in the absolute, but they are rather clusters of data-points consisting of all individuals alive at that specific time. Now that would be an impossible task to represent in practice, since people keep dying and are born each moment.
So, then you have to choose which datapoints you choose as a representative of whatever population you want to study. And then this choice colours the entire data. I don't even need to open second picrelated and I already know where that data is from (Richard Lynn) the dude is self-confessed racist who got most of his datasets for African populations for literal asylums for retards.
lol grow to fuck up you poltard chud.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 12:44:26 GMT
No. 25538408
Fuck yourself with a barbed wire wrapped bat you lying sycophant.
Subsaharan africans are up to 20% admixed with H. naledi, that had a brain the size of a chimps. Europeans OTOH, are admixed ~3% with NEA that had a brain ~20% larger than modern AMH today. We are nowhere near to the same species.
All across the natural world you can find genera that have similar body plans just like Homo. However those genera are packed with species that differ, particularly in behaviour. You can see huge differences in intellectual capacity between black and whites, just for a starter, and then there's MAOA 2R, which is exclusive to blacks and causes them to be ~500x more criminally violent.
Those are species level differences moron.
Quit sucking nigger dicks and wipe the cum out of your ears so you can hear facts when they're spit at you.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 14:24:09 GMT
No. 25538984
C-can't we all just get along? We can compromise on Niggers, Jews, and Spics. Win/win/win.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 14:28:59 GMT
No. 25539015
Also jews made me an antisemite.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 14:33:36 GMT
No. 25539041
Living in a Mohammedan ghetto for several years.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 14:34:58 GMT
No. 25539049
>Actually they very much are. All anatomically and behaviourally modern humans, post-AoA are more closely related to each other than intra-african populations.
After all these years, someone from /pol/ will still always cite Llewontyn's Fallacy as fact. We need a law like Mutt's Law for this.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 14:37:20 GMT
No. 25539057
My favorite recast story from my family is when my uncle came by. My brother told him the neighbors are pollocks. And a voice came out of nowhere that said “We’re not pollocks”. And he said who said that? Where did that come from?
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 14:38:22 GMT
No. 25539066
They were funny. The guy got shot in the head and lived. So he would go on the corner swearing all day a few times a week. Good guy.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 14:47:02 GMT
No. 25539130
I was raised around niggers. I saw it up close and personal my whole young life. There was no option for me but to be racist. You cannot reside around the American negro and not end up a racist.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 14:50:52 GMT
No. 25539153
Abos, but the most interesting thing I found was that the light skinned abos would hate the other abos as much as the whites did.
Sat, 01 Mar 2025 15:00:24 GMT
No. 25539207
That is a rather tough row to hoe, particularly as the leftist antiwhite propaganda has permeated the West in recent decades.