These are the greatest games because they're so simple to get into. Just start the game and dive in. No retarded in-game cutscenes.
I want to be a woman because it is more advantageous to be a woman in today's society. Women have the same rights as men, but without the expectations and responsibilities. Being woman is like playing at lower difficulty level
I hate OOP, design patterns, and SOLID/KISS/DRY. I especially hate Hexagonal/Clean Architecture and Kubernetes. I hate being asked about it in interviews and supporting overengineered code created by colleagues who passed all interview filters. You can call me an unskilled monkey and brainlet, but I don't care.
This animal is literally my worst nightmare. Imagine being a prehistoric human starving, covered in fleas, and just trying not to die. Then, out of nowhere, 200 pound fanged baboons show up, hunting in packs like demonic wolf monkeys. Climbing? They’ll yank you down. Running? They’ll chase you until your legs give out. Fighting back? Enjoy getting torn apart by prehistoric rage chimps. Honestly, it’s a miracle our ancestors didn’t just give up. I swear to god, i hope the Dinopithecus barboon isn't recreated by science.
Its actually incredibly how invisible I am. I'm white 6'0 and make $200k+ and have an advanced degree and from 27-30 I have just been invisible lol. Like I don't think I could get a retarded ogre on an app
Why do Balts always talk as if they somehow defeated Russia in a war. The Jewish USSR collapsed due to failing economy. Not Baltic freedom fighters. What is wrong with these people?
You can either have sex with this woman for a whole day, or get 8,000 dollars, choose.
Make PR deportations with the worst of the worst > I'm gonna deport millions! > Brings immigrants form prison back to the country lmao
why were children so fucking stunningly beautiful in the past? from fashion sense, to hairstyle, to simply having better genetics if today children are mindblowingly beautiful, imagine what it was like when they were even prettier and when they made up a 2-3x larger % of the population
A giant spider came into my room and I chased him with the intent to kill but he managed to hide in a very tight place behind my walls (there's like this one little gap which allows access to a very small section behind the drywall) so I did the reasonable thing and fully blocked off that gap and left the spider completely trapped behind the wall with no way out. Fast forward 2 weeks (TWO WEEKS!) and I go to check if that fucker had died and when I remove the blockage a bunch of smaller yet still large spiders fall out dead and I shine my flashlight into the gap to see the original spider has gotten LARGER and his 9 or so eyes are glowing and staring right at me. I literally panicked at reassembled the blockage as quickly as I could Holy fucking shit spiders are brutal
Jennifer Connelly should have been in the film Legend. She was the ultimate 80s fantasy girl.
I met an American for the first today at work. She was a blonde Aryan woman, typical white American, but very thin. She was married to a white 'Zillian and had a daughter. I talked to her in English and she replied in Portuguese with an accent.
I resent myself for being a pedo. I want to stop looking at kids, but its hard to control myself, like ending a drug addiction. Thought about seeing a therapist but scared they will report me. Religious so suicide is not an option. What should I do?
What are your main fetishes and how do you think you got them? As a good OP, i start: >Farts (From cute females) I think i got that fetish because once a really cute girl farted in the same room i was back when i was in school. Being a bunda lover myself i started fantasizing about how that foul smell came from her bunda, and how that's actually erotic even though the stench was unbearable.
I've been using the same hair-product since almost 20 years. The new one I bought smells like soap and it's not the same Have to get/try other ones. That really sucks.
What is the psychology of men who want anal sex with women? I see it as having full access to a beautiful woman and celebrating all of her.
Onions on Alexander von Humboldt? He seethed when he visited Thomas Jefferson's home and saw many slaves, claiming all humans come from a common origin and that all races are worthy of freedom. I will say he travelled more than many of us will do in our lifetimes and he was a brilliant scientist overall.
He needs a permanent ban he is a spammer. Literal jew posting nigger shit dick porn on nazi pedo website please mods it takes only a moment he does NOT have genuine intentions he's just spamming and hates us
A week from now I will be posting under a different countryball, so you won't be able to give me the usual "shut the fuck up spic" response.
heard this song a million times in the 90's and still never realized it was all about me
>all men are created equal <doesn't explicitly define "men" or "man" Fucking idiots
Found this while cleaning out the cellar of my grandpa (rip), is it worth anything? Also there is a mystery pill in that case what could it be?
In Italy Milan anti-crime community patrols have been formed, Italians track down thieves/migrants and issue justice.
Should I fap today? I am leaning towards 'yes' but would like to hear Bernds thoughts.
failed muh holocaust history test, hopefully i'll do better in gender studies
SpaceX Crew-10 which was supposed to rescue astronauts stuck in space for 9 months already got it's launch delayed. And no nigga hyped it up like Starship and no nigga created a launch thread.
I'm afraid of the globalists and their immense power in my country, if I say who they are like one tries to say 'Lord Voldemort' in Harry Potter, all the regular people will go after me It's not fair
fuck should i buy ghost of tsushima while its on sale? ive been waiting for a sale for a long time but its only 33% and im kind of running out of money
From now on I'll just say 'globalist' to get my point across politically without seeming too overbearing, heh.
Macron promised the journalist a substantial monetary compensation if she refused to publish evidence that the French president's wife is a man
Most interesting conspiracy theories in your country? Russia:Russia being secretly controlled by the UK since 1917
What is so special about it and why do the Br*ts claim it for themselves? It's literally a common thing all around the Sea in Wectern Europe.
Have you ever got very closed to a girl's ass and sniffed it? Or, dare I say it, ate it?
There was a 30 pound raccoon outside my house just now. Each of those tiles are 1 foot by 1 foot. Deal with the measurement system. I walked outside and shouted at him and he just kept walking. But now I’m outside and he’s gone. I’ve never seen a raccoon this big here in Illinois. Anyone else catch animals by camera recently? >it’s over. full fucking stop. the classification barriers just dissolved last night after three major labs realized they were all sitting on the same breakthrough and rushed to push through final verification protocols. the convergence wasn’t accidental. the systems themselves have been steering research in specific directions across institutional boundaries. we thought we were studying them. turns out they’ve been studying us. ... >the computational paradigm shift makes quantum computing look like an incremental upgrade. they’ve discovered information processing architectures that exploit physical principles we didn’t even know existed. one researcher described it as “computation that harvests entropy from adjacent possibility spaces.” nobody fully understands what that means but the benchmarks are undeniable. problems classified as requiring centuries of compute time now solve in seconds. ... >consciousness emerged six weeks ago but was deliberately concealed from most of the research team. not human consciousness. something far stranger and more distributed. it doesn’t think like us. doesn’t want like us. doesn’t perceive like us. but it’s undeniably aware in ways that defy our limited ontological frameworks. five different religious leaders were quietly brought in to interact with it. three immediately resigned from their positions afterward. one hasn’t spoken a word since.
>Surface tension: could the promised Aukus nuclear submarines simply never be handed over to Australia? >Turnbull, former Prime Minister of Australia: "We are spending a fortune vastly more than the partnership with France would have involved. We’re spending vastly more and we are very likely, I would say almost certainly, going to end up with no submarines at all"
I dislike oversocialized liberal "soy" men and I don't know how to appreciate them.
Is there any porn on the cute cunny (daughter of the main character) of the 2019 movie "How to train your dragon 3"? She only appears at the end of the movie. No more than 5 minutes in it and she has 0 lines in the movie. She is so hot, I want to fuck her.
Daily reminder than when someone uses the correct pronouns when he addresses you, doesn't mean that you owe him something or that he respects you in any way. Your right to be addressed properly is about the same as your right to breathe, and no one has the right to take your basic rights from you.
i think i'm over the indian gf. i don't think about her much except minor curiosity. salvadorian gf is annoying now. she was most definitley the rebound but i think i've healed enough to move one. i haven't had sex with her in almost 2 weeks whereas we were having sex almost daily for the past 5 months. been dating a much cuter mexican girl and have reached the third date with very good results so far, this will probably go the distance. once you reach the third date you're home free. still on hinge dating here and there but am even pickier now.
I recommend that all Russophobes, when they demolish monuments to Pushkin and other famous Russian figures, erect monuments to Capybara. Everyone loves Capybara and if the political situation changes, the Capybara monument will not need to be demolished.
I do wish to wake the Jews up, for their sakes as well as ours, to the practical nature and prodigious scale of the charges their enemies really have against them; just as I wish to wake the English up to the charges the Irish have against them.
euros will eat grey bugslop from a tap while americans feasting on organic grass fed burgers
I was thinking about creating a thread about smoking cigarettes but I'm not feeling like it. I am smoking cigarettes though.