>What you think of this mini pc?
Doesn't look like a terribly good deal.
>>3.80 GHz x 8 cores
These 8 cores are only "E-cores", ultra low power "efficiency" cores intel puts on other CPUs to supplement faster "P-cores", performance cores to do the real work.
This cpu however has zero p-cores and thus is pretty slow. You'll even notice it on web browsing how it's sluggish.
Ontop of that the GPU is trash.
I would only consider AMD based mini pcs, their recent 3 generations of APUs all have fantastic CPU and GPU performance allowing you to even play serious games on them.
I looked at this one yesterday myself:
It has a dramatically faster CPU and GPU, only draws 8 Watts in idle, but can boost up to 90W power usage to run games as well, quite interesting.
It is cheaper than the one you posted in your OP, but this is a "barebones" without RAM and without SSD. You would have to add those yourself. A decent 1TB SSD is 55-60€, 32GB RAM kit is 72-105 depending on how much you want to spend. So that would be 494€ total for a *vastly* more capable machine.
If that's too much money, I would look for a slightly older mini pc with a Ryzen 7000 APU in it, look for a GPU that ends with 80 in the name, like 680M, 780M those are the fast ones. If you are in doubt just search the CPU name and look for AMD spec website or techpowerup search result, they'll tell you.
This one is a previous gen one, quite a bit cheaper. Friend of mine bought that recently and put it on his 4k TV to watch youtube and play some games with his kid, he's super happy with it.
Geizhals doesn't seem to have many mini-pc's with SSD and RAM already in it listed, but given you have a gayming pc you probably are confident enough to put an SSD and RAM into a barebones?
Maybe you already got an old SSD kicking around so buying one without SSD would be more money efficient for you.