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Talk to me Bernd Wed, 12 Mar 2025 23:11:16 GMT No. 25625848 [Kohl] [Report thread]
82.81 kB, 704x596
What are your main fetishes and how do you think you got them? As a good OP, i start: >Farts (From cute females) I think i got that fetish because once a really cute girl farted in the same room i was back when i was in school. Being a bunda lover myself i started fantasizing about how that foul smell came from her bunda, and how that's actually erotic even though the stench was unbearable.
Total posts: 18, files: 7 (Thread is alive)
Bernd Wed, 12 Mar 2025 23:14:42 GMT No. 25625866
all of them
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 00:05:36 GMT No. 25626056
Smoking Probably because my mom often said things against it, so it was a bad girl forbidden thing. I also like the addiction aspect, that a grille has an urge that she cannot stop (like being horny). That said, I like it much less if gf does it. It makes me horny, but I prefer a non-smoking gf. Anal sex because it's a bit wrong and perverted, and you can see the pussy really well. I first liked it in porn and then in real life for the same reason as in porn, and the sensation is really nice, too. Grilles who like it say it feels "full" and therefore satisfying, which is nice, too. Older women because they have a kind of round ass that young grilles cannot have and because they are hornier and more skilled at sex. Also again because it feels a bit wrong for them to fug a younger guy. Unfortunately, I'm aging out of "younger guy". At least I look younger than almost all femoids of my age.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 00:06:23 GMT No. 25626058
>Farts (From cute females) You can count on a Brazilian subtly implying how Germanic he is
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 00:28:20 GMT No. 25626127
>Monster Girls That one's mostly from reading too many fantasy stories and playing too many fantasy video games, but I've also always had that "call" for a fundamentally non-human lover. >Pubic Hair I really, really like the idea of a girl having a massive bush down there. It makes me horny as fuck. >Redheads Redhedas are cute and adorable, also crazy. What's not to like about them? Anyways, it probably comes from the fact my first kiss was from a redhead. >Tomboys Tomboys are also c&a, and I like women who are smart, competent, and easier to approach as a man.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 00:44:50 GMT No. 25626206
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This thread is cursed
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 00:54:50 GMT No. 25626255
>>25625848 Hoop earrings because my first gf who was a really hot teen used to wear them
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 00:58:50 GMT No. 25626276 >>25626815
Not sure if it is because the first girl who kissed me was that type, but I like small, curvy (but tight) girls with big tetten.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 01:02:41 GMT No. 25626292
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Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 01:04:58 GMT No. 25626306
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Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 03:10:49 GMT No. 25626815 >>25626828
>>25626276 That's not a fetish. That's your type.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 03:15:07 GMT No. 25626828 >>25626960
>>25626815 OK, I'll go with something else from a similar time: Whale tail, visible thong. Lots of grilles - almost all of them hot - had these with the low-cut pants and short tops that they had at the time.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 03:43:54 GMT No. 25626956 >>25626975 >>25626977
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I have no idea. I just got them. I've never been interesed in fucking. As a 12yo kid, I saw a porn of a guy licking a girl's pussy and thought it was extremely erotic. Since then I've only been masturbating to girls being licked. It started with pussy licking, but I've progressed to ass licking, feet licking and spit. I just want to taste girls, man. That's way hotter than pentrating.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 03:45:00 GMT No. 25626960
>>25626828 I am also from the whale tail era. It was indeed a nice sight to see. That's when thongs themselves were becoming mainstream. I also like something that has been popping up a lot lately on social media that's similar: girls wearing low-cut pants or shorts over a leotard, so you see their hips.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 03:50:14 GMT No. 25626975
>>25626956 I think I was also into lesbian stuff and such before I first got my dick wet at the ripe old age of 21. After that, I got a taste of really pounding the holes. Sex without a guy is usually small, gentle movements. I much prefer the more violent and dynamic movement when a guy is involved now and I avoid the lame lesbian stuff. Pussy licking is actually something that I enjoy doing, but it doesn't look like much.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 03:50:40 GMT No. 25626977
>>25626956 Cunnilingus turns me off, because it's the most submissive sex act a man can do, and I can't picture myself ever doing it. It's also the main way men catch VD.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 03:51:49 GMT No. 25626981 >>25627095
Why are favelaniggers such coomers?
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 04:29:24 GMT No. 25627090
>>25625848 >Bdsm When i was really little i started watching bondage. They had hotter models and i just became desensitized over time. I started to hate whores and I'm super into rape necro and bdsm and rough violent sex. I wish every prostitute would just get a heart attack and die frankly. >Leather/lube/sex dolls/bimbos I'm trying to intentionally give myself a fetish for having sex with a sex doll. >Tentacles JAV is just a cut anove the rest in general but to me tentacles represent my arousal. Just demonic tendrils reaching out from me to grab choke molest rape penetrate and cover women in slime and fleshing appendaged probe. Tentacles to me ate a manifestation of my male energy. I just want to be married but I'm sick and evil from watching porn as a kid and i'd fuck anything with two legs and a wet patch. >Hucow I really like viewing women as meat i found bdsm as a kid where people say at a table and ate a woman the thought of a roast pig or turkey but it's really a woman made me so horny. I see juicy bodies and it's just like being at a deli!! Succulent meat! I want to milk human cows and just chew succulent meat. I love dehumanizing women into well women. Men should be normal and they should be treated like meat and animals. Breed them and chain them up. I mean I've done every fetish imaginable I've jacked off to and felt up trees I've seen and fapped to EVERYTHING at one point i literally pulled up a list of every fetish just to make sure i did everything. I'm a fapstronaut. These are my core fetishes though just obliterating women honestly and farming the survivors as i hold back a tentacle demon from another dimension. I wish i was married i pray to God and beg him but he never answered me. I hate all of you you're all so disgusting and weak you raped me and left me to rot. Nobody has a soul it's just a nightmare. I'm totally alone.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 04:30:40 GMT No. 25627095
>>25626981 Low iq
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