Tue, 11 Mar 2025 21:07:24 GMT
No. 25618645
Liberals hate autonomy and freedoms(especially freedom of speech which they call "hate" speech). They hate equality and prioritize brownoid privileges on expense of whites.
Most of them are etatists with class conciousness.
They also hate democracy as a method of people voting for their representatives. Instead they perceive democracy as a rule of "democrats".
I see colored dems as nepotistic vermin trying to destroy healthy white societies for the benefit of their in-groups and white dems are simply traitors, most often than not trying to signal moral superiority or get into positions of power where they supposedly can protect "the oppressed"
No, they are the true liberals.
Liberalism as you are trying to describe is impossible to build on the notion that "all people are born equal" because it contradicts the empirical facts of human bio and cultural diversity. It's a mistake of altruists trying to play non zero summ games with a cheaters who don't know(and dont want to) how to play non zero summ
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 21:14:41 GMT
No. 25618698
Equal under the conditions of life, ordered freedom (I hate when they say liberty), and property
The men who wrote the Declaration of Independence knew nobody was equal which is why they didn't want a universal democracy in the first place
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 21:15:26 GMT
No. 25618708
This country was never supposed to have universal suffrage
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 21:17:13 GMT
No. 25618717
And as you know they didn't have this for a very long time until very recently.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 21:19:48 GMT
No. 25618734
Anyone who reads the Declaration of Independence quite literally doesn't understand the context surrounding it tbh
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 21:23:04 GMT
No. 25618756
Do you really think Thomas Jefferson actually believed that all humans were equal, the writer of this document??? The guy owned slaves for fuck's sake.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 21:25:04 GMT
No. 25618776
What an abhorrent definition that is full of jewish bullshit
What is a train?
A train is an infrastructural and material object that emphasizes trasportaional automonomy, stability, adaptability and the protection of cargo (such as poulty, lead, eggs), orginially for the state and later for both the state and private economic actors, including businesses.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 21:54:57 GMT
No. 25618955
It did, I think Mr. Benjamin knows more than what's he letting on..
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:03:06 GMT
No. 25619011
Classic liberalism was another one of those psyops. I only know the term from Jordan Peterson.
Libertarian is another psyop because it's literally based on the same fucking word which means free translated to Germanic vocabulary.
The reality is simply that the term freedom is vague and ruling powers are always trying to shift the conception of the term.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:07:13 GMT
No. 25619041
Any words starting with libre/liber lost any and all meaning. Currently those who identify with them usually do not align with their original meaning but identifying yourself with those words just because you align with their original meaning is stupid.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:10:48 GMT
No. 25619074
>The reality is simply that the term freedom is vague
By itself, it doesn't exist yes I agree
>but identifying yourself with those words just because you align with their original meaning is stupid.
I disagree
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:12:03 GMT
No. 25619078
I'm a communist. Billionaires should be hung, drawn and quartered into 999 different pieces and then having his meat fed to pitbulls.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:13:01 GMT
No. 25619086
Depends on the type of billionaire
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:13:43 GMT
No. 25619092
No, any billionaire should be brutally killed and have their families quartered, raped and skinned. Millionaires that don't contribute to the State also need to get fucked up. Rich people are evil.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:15:23 GMT
No. 25619105
> Liberals hate autonomy and freedoms(especially freedom of speech which they call "hate" speech). They hate equality and prioritize brownoid privileges on expense of whites.
You mean liberahas or leftist soyaks. Liberals never were like this.
There is a great diseption in term liberal. The original word was stolen by socialists and usually when an american says liberal they mean soc dem soyaks lgbtghzsrf+ who despise freedom, private property, freedom of speech, free market and so on
that's way the word libertarian was made up to distinguish true classical liberal from soyaks
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:15:25 GMT
No. 25619106
If you believe the State is an answer to society's problems you are part of the problem, monkey.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:16:06 GMT
No. 25619109
>Do you really think Thomas Jefferson actually believed that all humans were equal The guy owned slaves
They probably thought of negros as some form of more evolved monkeys
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:16:40 GMT
No. 25619114
>I disagree
Most people don't speak Spanish or French. Thus their view of the words is entirely defined by their current usage. You don't speak Spanish or French in your daily life either, so what do you care?
If you say you're a classic liberal they will just lump you with the other liberals and your opinion is simply drowned.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:19:07 GMT
No. 25619134
Is this Dwayne? Why would an actual German conflate the American "liberal" with actual liberals?
You're attached to the idea that there is some liberalism in Europe you can return to but the liberalism in Europe has long become synonymous with the liberalism in the USA.
In fact Sozialliberalismus (social liberalism) has a long tradition in post-war Germany.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:26:49 GMT
No. 25619194
We need to come up with Russian word for liberals
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:30:39 GMT
No. 25619232
There were men in your country in the 1800s who were close to the original term, why don't Germans know about them?
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:33:27 GMT
No. 25619260
It's as if Germany's past prior the World Wars means nothing to the average German.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:34:40 GMT
No. 25619271
Societies as a whole have shifted over time. The notion that "all people" includes foreigners (immigrants and people in other countries) and genetically disabled retards is new.
Or women in politics being okay. However the overton window has moved long ago. There is no self-proclaimed liberal in Germany today who would tell you women shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:38:41 GMT
No. 25619299
People don't talk about it outside of school. War ended 1945 80 years ago. Barely anyone allowed to fight in it is still alive today. Even if you're 86 years old, you'll probably just have bad childhood memories of the war conditions.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:39:14 GMT
No. 25619307
This is what 80 years of occupation did to my people.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:40:03 GMT
No. 25619314
So what would the average German call someone who has liberal beliefs but believes in limited suffrage, that not all people should have the same rights?
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:40:51 GMT
No. 25619317
Because this is basically a liberal prior the 1900s.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:42:34 GMT
No. 25619333
>but believes in limited suffrage
You mean women voting? Conservative, I guess.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:43:57 GMT
No. 25619340
My father believes not everyone should have the same rights either, that a person should be given the right to vote based on how much you give to the State in taxes
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:44:54 GMT
No. 25619345
But I don't believe this is good enough in terms of rights
He certainly wouldn't be seen as a liberal in Germany.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:45:48 GMT
No. 25619351
Well he thinks of himself as such, and so do I, to an extent
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:47:58 GMT
No. 25619362
What other liberal beliefs does he have? If his nigger loving doesn't outweigh his belief in a hierarchical power structure other liberals will dislike him. Simple as.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:49:24 GMT
No. 25619370
Sopa de macaco
Uma delicia
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:51:45 GMT
No. 25619383
Since nobody is truly equal nobody should be afforded the same rights and privileges, the question is how to set up the State in such a way that benefits everyone on an individual basis which I don't think hasn't happened yet. So far it's set up to where a certain type of person that is to say, the American landowner chiefly, is the subject of which this country was founded on. These documents that they wrote was mainly for their benefit, but no one else, and to think otherwise is kind of silly. To take what they said literally, is very silly.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:56:30 GMT
No. 25619404
Like they obviously didn't mean niggers, immigrants, and women or even other certain white men could have rights otherwise they would've allowed them such at the inception of this country.
He believes that "anyone can succeed" in this country and tries to roleplay that he's not discriminatory.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 22:58:44 GMT
No. 25619418
And I don't think it's even possible to judge each and every single individual what rights they can and can't have but to treat everyone the same under the law is also very stupid.
>Do you really think Thomas Jefferson actually believed that all humans were equal, the writer of this document??? The guy owned slaves for fuck's sake.
Jefferson literally thought America should stay deindustrialized and sneeds should import everything manufactured from Europe from profit from buckbroken slaves
>There is a great diseption in term liberal. The original word was stolen by socialists and usually when an american says liberal they mean soc dem soyaks lgbtghzsrf+ who despise freedom, private property, freedom of speech, free market and so on
Not really or you never actually read any early lib writing. Basically all those rights were considered conditional in some sense and already by the time you get to John Stuart Mill liberalism was full reddit
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:20:36 GMT
No. 25619556
There are camps of liberals and not all of them are thinking about the same thing, nor would they agree to that same thing.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:23:00 GMT
No. 25619573
There might be liberal elements about socdems but it's definitely not
>freedom, private property, freedom of speech, free market and so on
Whatever they are "liberal" about, it's not those things
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:24:42 GMT
No. 25619580
You can go back to Locke and see liberalism coming from schizoid mind
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:27:06 GMT
No. 25619591
Everyone under the same rule of law is ridiculous yes but I don't think Locke would've been one of those SJW retards, I think he would've been a modern libertarian at best maybe somebody like my dad
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:31:44 GMT
No. 25619612
He was a Puritan, like I said very schizoid mind and we all know how things develop
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:35:29 GMT
No. 25619630
Anyway I am liberal about
>private property, freedom of speech, free market and so on
But I am illiberal about equality of rights
You are liberal about gay sex
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:38:32 GMT
No. 25619642
I am liberal about that too but I also don't care about it
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:45:00 GMT
No. 25619670
For example can you really say a physicist, who has scientific knowledge of the Universe and does alot for the State, should be treated in the same way as a mentally retarded person? By law, they are treated equally as any other citizen but they aren't equals.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:46:26 GMT
No. 25619678
And so the rule of law is not efficient enough and it should be changed.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:48:34 GMT
No. 25619691
Or rule of law should be done away with, either way.
Wed, 12 Mar 2025 07:13:34 GMT
No. 25621407
> Not really or you never actually read any early lib writing
I read John Locke and he was pretty radical libertarian even by today’s standards
Wed, 12 Mar 2025 07:26:56 GMT
No. 25621431
As it developed in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the intellectual movement that went under the name of liberalism emphasized freedom as the ultimate goal and the individual as the ultimate entity in the society. It supported laissez faire at home as a means of reducing the role of the state in economic affairs and thereby enlarging the role of the individual; it supported free trade abroad as a means of linking the nations of the world together peacefully and democratically. In political matters, it supported the development of representative government and of parliamentary institutions, reduction in the arbitrary power of the state, and protection of the civil freedoms of individuals.
Beginning in the late nineteenth century, and especially after 1930 in the United States, the term liberalism came to be associated with a very different emphasis, particularly in economic policy. It came to be associated with a readiness to rely primarily on the state rather than on private voluntary arrangements to achieve objectives regarded as desirable. The catchwords became welfare and equality rather than freedom. The nineteenth-century liberal regarded an extension of freedom as the most effective way to promote welfare and equality; the twentieth-century liberal regards welfare and equality as either prerequisites of or alternatives to freedom. In the name of welfare and equality, the twentieth-century liberal has come to favor a revival of the very policies of state intervention and paternalism against which classical liberalism fought. In the very act of turning the clock back to seventeenth-century mercantilism, he is fond of castigating true liberals as reactionary!
The change in the meaning attached to the term liberalism is more striking in economic matters than in political. The twentieth-century liberal, like the nineteenth-century liberal, favors parliamentary institutions, representative government, civil rights, and so on. Yet even in political matters, there is a notable difference. Jealous of liberty, and hence fearful of centralized power, whether in governmental or private hands, the nineteenth-century liberal favored political decentralization. Committed to action and confident of the beneficence of power so long as it is in the hands of a government ostensibly controlled by the electorate, the twentieth-century liberal favors centralized government. He will resolve any doubt about where power should be located in favor of the state instead of the city, of the federal government instead of the state, and of a world organization instead of a national government.
Because of the corruption of the term liberalism, the views that formerly went under that name are now often labeled conservatism. But this is not a satisfactory alternative. The nineteenth-century liberal was a radical, both in the etymological sense of going to the root of the matter, and in the political sense of favoring major changes in social institutions. So too must be his modern heir. We do not wish to conserve the state interventions that have interfered so greatly with our freedom, though, of course, we do wish to conserve those that have promoted it, Moreover, in practice, the term conservatism has come to cover so wide a range of views, and views so incompatible with one another, that we shall no doubt see the growth of hyphenated designations, such as libertarian-conservative and aristocratic-conservative.
Wed, 12 Mar 2025 15:57:43 GMT
No. 25623217
liberty for those with huge economic power to fuck you over.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 02:32:30 GMT
No. 25626675
Milton Friedman has never ran a successful business or worked for a private firm for hire. His whole life's accomplishments were possible thanks to the so-called "welfare state": he was hired by government in the 30's, then taught economics at universities.
> Milton Friedman has never ran a successful business or worked for a private firm for hire.
and how it devaluates his ideas?
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 08:06:34 GMT
No. 25627720
It means he should be taken for granted, at best.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 08:12:53 GMT
No. 25627733
If you learned from a professor about things he read about never really experienced them first hand, like for example military strategy, would you really trust this person 100%
I wouldn't think so if I were in your shoes
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 08:14:33 GMT
No. 25627741
So many things people will learn about but most of it is trivial at best and is never really applied in any way, rendering them useless and Berndish
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 08:16:03 GMT
No. 25627745
Marx is also a good example of a faux intellectual by the way
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 08:25:05 GMT
No. 25627764
> If you learned from a professor about things he read about never really experienced them first hand, like for example military strategy, would you really trust this person 100%
I don’t learn how to build business empire from him, I learn how economics works