Does the capital city of you're cunt have suspiciously high average annual earnings as compared to other regions?
Alkoholfrei edition Me trying out that sober lifestyle, what is pern having?
Nod a very good movie I thought the premise was interesting but its just very shallow and lacks any degree of depth
Just had an online argument with a feminist. She called me nazi and havesexincel She doesn't know I am gay and have a lot of sex. I don't align with LGBTQIA+, but with Ernst Roehm and Michael Kuehnen. What a dumb whore '''Sieg Heil'''
This is the entrance to my special basement. - Fritzl was just an amateur.
Apparently they can be programmed to want anything, vaxx injections, war, you name it - just by adding dancing.
How do people who live in warm climates? You don't even know what it feels like to have cold hands warmed up after a long excursion outside. When the air hits you from the refrigerator do you cringe? Because it seems like people choose to not live in cold climates. When really its super uncomfortable to be hot. You can just smarten up and layer more in cold climate. You can be as cool as you want in a cold climate. Its awesome.
It’s a fair gripe! Punching in log(8) / log(2) to get log 2 ( 8 ) = 3 log 2 (8)=3 takes more keystrokes than feels necessary. It’s not intuitive unless you’re comfy with logarithm properties, and it’s prone to errors if you misplace a parenthesis. A dedicated "log_b" button or syntax would streamline it, no question.
1. Always be mean first. 2. Don't let an insult go unanswered. 3. Persecute and kill your enemies.
What's this? I deleted the hidden pref folders and kept creating new accounts before to continue with fresh trials. Now I get this. Is this new? Does Bernd have a neat trick up his sleeve?
Fucked up and hit up my neighbor for a cocaine hookup last night. Now all I wanna do is burn hundreds on it. Stupid drug. Its too good and two hookups are in my neighborhood. This video is probably older than a third of the posters here.
Femdom is hot. I wish it was real. Why are the fantasies of men so much sweeter than the tyranny of reality?
Did you know that if you dry the juice of wild lettuce in the sun, you can get a mu-opioid?
Its fucking over. Manus, the world first autonomous ai agent....and its from the chink. And Open source. Even a 89 IQ bernd now could create 100 AI agents that just argue all day with you about how romania is white.
I want to translate songs of Suicide Boys to Ukrainian. Is there any AI that can do it right now? I don't mean lyrics, but voices.
I don't know what complicated words mean. Like "discombulated" wtf that means? Why would you ever use that if not pretentious? I just need like 30 words to explain everything there is.
There are seven mosques in Kiev (population less than 3 mln) There are six mosques in Moscow (population about 15 mln)
Some Russian sources of the 19th century described the Chechens as a violent, treacherous, "miserable" people,[111] whose concepts "do not exceed cattle",[112] having "no morals, nothing to distinguish them from wild beasts",[113] "dirty in soul and body, alien to nobility, unfamiliar with generosity", which differs from all Caucasian ethnic groups "by a special desire for banditry and predation, greed for robbery and murder, deceit, warlike spirit, courage, determination, ferocity, fearlessness and unbridled arrogance",[114] as well as "malice".[115] Yermolov believed that the Chechens "do not even comprehend the most understandable law: the right of the strongest"[116] and that "there are not more vile, or more insidious, or more criminal people in the world."[117] What would have happened if North America or Australia had been exclusively settled by Chechens?
I decided to leave after yesterday. Enough for me. My left side teeth has been fixed which made most pain, all of left side pain has gone, so headaches too, and two more have been fixed, ive been to nose doctor and will go to only 1 more time if the surgery is very fast then ok and if not I will going and fix them when im back, there are 9 more teeth to be fixed but It's Fine. So I borrow money again I spoke to someone, to have for food untill i get paid, ill have to come back to fix stuff again, but 3 weeks without work and 4 before at rehab is too much for me.
Reminder that zoomers have bigger penises than millenials on average. look it up
White people have to launch these ocean cleanup campaigns because of niggers and brown subhumans like indians shitting up our planet. If we did a cleanup of those creatures, we wouldnt have to do it again.
How can I thwart potential assassinators. I spend more money on intelligence services but it seems to be a limited factor.
This brown mutt tattooed bydlo subhuman just declared "Holy War" on CHYNA.
KC used to make stuff like this unironically for humor. Now it's a nursing home for the mentally ill and pedos.
I have a mint degree that I do for a living. I have to take ADHD medication to do this job. But I'm fed up with this life. I want to give my ADHD brain and body its original purpose and become a warrior. Is it too late to become a mercenary?
>Detective Melissa Mercado is a $144,000-a-year New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer who has been with the force for seven years, records show. Do you find it hot when women have to behave professional and decent during the day, but are actually massive sluts and exhibitionists?
Without Europe, the US has difficulty financing its growing national debt. It is a forgotten economic weapon, according to economics professor Niku Määttänen. The US is dependent on Europe – even if its president, Donald Trump, does not want to say it outright. In the past, it has often been said that China has an economic hold on the US in the form of a large holding of US government bonds. However, compared to China, Europe owns a significantly larger share of the US national debt. In total, European countries own over $2,700 billion of US national debt, while China owns only $760 billion. The only difference is, of course, that Europe is not a single country and therefore needs to make joint decisions to exploit this hold. If European politicians were to advise banks and institutions to stop buying US government bonds or even sell their holdings, it would have devastating consequences for the US economy. The interest rates on these government loans would skyrocket. However, economics professor Niku Määttänen at the University of Helsinki says that it is not so easy to use this means of pressure, as it would also mean losses for European investors. – The moment a country or investor starts dumping US government bonds, the value of these securities plummets. Therefore, economists have not seen this as a realistic scenario so far. As long as there are other investors around the world who are willing to buy US government bonds, the effect of a European sale would also be limited. Although most people have so far dismissed this idea, the situation has actually changed, says Määttänen. – The US national debt has continued to grow, and economists are starting to question whether the US can really manage its debt. If confidence in US economic policy and the independence of the central bank begins to wane, this could in itself lead to higher interest rates on US government bonds and increased risk for investors. The US is no longer seen as such a safe haven for investors. This is something that European politicians can benefit from. – I don’t see that Europe can directly use the US national debt as a weapon for pressure, but I do believe that Trump’s economic policy can achieve the same effect. Elon Musk addressed the cabinet the other week about the economic problems facing the US. The US is paying more in interest on its national debt than the entire US defense budget, he said. This is a warning sign that usually indicates a great power is in decline. Why does Europe continue to buy US government bonds despite the Trump administration so openly acknowledging the problems? – It’s the money that speaks. You get a sufficiently good return on the investment and no one seriously believes that the US economy will collapse, says Niku Määttänen. Elon Musk used the interest rate as a way to highlight the necessity of saving on public spending. But Niku Määttänen condemns Elon Musk’s savings ministry as a way to reverse the debt. The US cannot save itself from its economic predicament. He believes that the US will ultimately be forced to raise taxes. As the US national debt grows, it could lead to increased demand for other safe investment alternatives. European countries with strong public finances, such as Germany, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland, could benefit from increased demand for government bonds. – There may be some good coming out of this, but given today's geopolitical uncertainty, it feels like small consolation.
open gay eye: >I can't do that I'm too retarded to have real time data grok: <I got access to all X in real time jew bros, did we get too cocky?
I've noticed that those "hot hebes" end up looking even better when they are adults. I'm starting to think that le hebephilia is just a meme and those girls are simply girls that look good because they will be attractive adults I've noticed this in models and in girls I've seen For example, I had a neighbor that I met when she was 13. She was really pretty back then but now she's 20 and looks even better Am I missing something?
LLMs just got 10 times faster and 10 times more efficient with a technique. How over is it for codecels right now?
so basically we going to die and instantly born again and live everything in a eternal cicle? If entropy's law is a thing, thats how it its for everything
Form a horde, now! Sharpen your blades, polish your guns!
What is it that underlies the claims of the paranormal/supernatural? Some like Jacques Valle or John Keel or Allen Hynek or Jung postulated this vague hypothesis that it was tied to some manifestation of the human group mind, though to what degree was unclear (either actually creating tulpas, to simply mental archetypes being applied to external phenomena). To me, this seems slightly more plausible than the idea that a person has an immortal spirit that can "haunt" a place, or that extraterrestrials from light-years away have come to this planet just to fuck with us and act in absurd fashion. But at the same time, I don't outright just accept the theory that it's a manifestation of the human mind. If it were, I think it would be reasonable to say existence would be much more chaotic, and high strangeness much more visible or prominent.
Buy from EUropea is the latest current thing. Does Bernd join? Does Bernd think it cringe?
Imagine getting dementia in your 60's after all the brainrot from decades of imageboard use, your wife and children will find out you were a nazi pedo incel all along.
I've spent a year in Bucharest after I've spent a year in Stockholm. I don't know what I liked more tbh, on one hand Stockholm is pretty, more orderly, more nature, more quite, but Bucharest is prime example of Eastern Euro capital -- rent is dirt cheap, consumption galore, malls everywhere, ubiquitous and cheap services, more open people, etc. What does Brent think? Is it better to live comfortable but risky life with hefty salary on the East, or pace yourself and live an average life on the Wect with a various social nets to pick you up should something happens?
To refer to the Moldovan gypsy posting under Austriaball, should I use the word "austrogypsy" or "colon gypsy"?
Nothing beats good French cheese paired with fresh bread and a glass of scotch. It is simply euphoric.
I'd be a hyper-sexual fuck god, if it weren't for my inceldom. I'd probably go to wild sex bangs every other day. Instead I spend my time with Bernd and press F5. In another life, maybe. Such cases.
This Iranian woman won a Field's Medal before dying of cancer at 40. What have you done with your life?
If you lost your penis and testicles to an accident or cancer, would you attempt to go trans or just blow your brains out?
>Ukrainian in Ukraine = wants the war to end <Ukrainian in West Ukraine or abroad = wants the war to continue It’s easy to beat the cactus with someone else’s penis
recommend me some no login instagram viewers. i need to check out something but i am not going to give my data to jews and create an account there
How is it possible that American school education is so bad compared to the rest of the Wectern world while their university education is the best in the world?
The soundtrack I'm blasting in my Koss Porta Pro as I'm doing the school shooting which I'm planning
Why arent the gooks the best chess players? I thought they smarter than yts.
65h work per week im like igor but without the welfare and black dick sucking experience
Once again I am filled with despair and rage. This world is a Kafkaesque nightmare realm designed purely to extract misery from us. We are born into this realm as slave nigger-cattle and will die as such. Our demonic overlords reign over us, mocking us and denying the slave nigger-cattle the right to be even a fraction of a fraction of a real human being. We are higher, divine beings stuffed into these flesh-vessels over and over again, forced to live out lives of horrific torment, then die pathetic worthless mongrel deaths and then are reincarnated to repeat the process all over again, thanks to the arbitrary whims of the Architect of this Realm and his minions, the Archons. We are their playthings, and everything that happens is essentially a big cosmic joke. That's what has been going on the past decade or so: our demonic overlords have basically gotten bored with things so they decided to turn everything into a big fucking joke and see how long until things melt down. It's not just completely over for humanity, it never even began. We're not even humans, we're supposed to be 4D energy beings. Instead we're stuck here on a desert prison planet shithole nightmare realm and we're just pretending it's okay because "God will provide". Lmao, God is on their side and always has been, if he is not a myth made up to pacify us. These demons are the ones doing all the work. We're stuck in Hell and it's only going to get worse from here on out. There is no hope.