What's the point of having the train run in circles? Even when I was a child, I thought model trains are stupid and boring. You don't even have a nice setup with model trees and houses and train stations. Which is worse than the diaper thing.
I want to build a garden layout, but thats a long term project. I can take my current layout outside, and i additional have sections to lengthen it. Also, there's a large railway layout 30 mins from me, where I can take it
Ok, I'm also mildly autistic and also like trains (machines in general), but diapers?! That's too much. My only paraphilia is the patricians paraphilia, "that" philia.
I understand the logic behind being a tranny but i do not understand the logic in thinking that trains are cool. They're boring, even the engineering behind them is rather uninteresting compared to some other systems.