Femdom is hot. I wish it was real.
Why are the fantasies of men so much sweeter than the tyranny of reality?
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 18:49:06 GMT
No. 25587401
Femdom is real but it is only done when a woman likes you enough to partake in it merely to please you. Kinda like fellatio.
So it isn't real
Your statement is the equivalent of saying "Elves are real but it is only when women put on fake pointy ears at cosplay events"
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 18:52:46 GMT
No. 25587435
No woman has ever liked you!?
This is KohlCHAD25
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 18:55:58 GMT
No. 25587454
"Femdom" is the act of a woman dominating in bed, it's not exactly a state of life, what's done in the bed does not represent what is done outside of it.
I think you meant "woman who enjoys dominating others", that's something that doesn't really exist.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 18:59:10 GMT
No. 25587475
femdom is hotter when there is an age gap
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:00:20 GMT
No. 25587483
You are wrong. It's the same type of pleasure as any other sexual practice that is not piv. You basically tease each other with it before piv in some weird position.
t. femdom enjoyer
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:03:28 GMT
No. 25587499
I'm surprised powerful women (actual ones, not feminist delusions) don't exist IRL since "TFW NO TOMBOY FEMDOM GF" is a very common fetish among men
Instead human foids are significantly weaker than men
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:10:27 GMT
No. 25587530
Femdom is gay
You are gay
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 19:11:55 GMT
No. 25587542
I have a confession to make. I got beat up by a girl who did martial arts when I was 13, no I did not enjoy the experience. In my defense I was a skinny piece of shit back then and have since gotten big.
Aside from that incident you are pretty much right. But "femdom" is more about psychological domination, taking the lead, giving orders and stuff. It's fun just for the sex but living like that your whole life is exhausting for women, hell it'd probably be exhausting for me too, i'm a chill guy.
When I was 14 or 15 I would play Dungeons and Dragons with this group that was DM'ed by a couple in their late 20's. I thought they were the coolest people in the universe and I was attracted to his wife, Kim, a petite woman with a rather large butt and long brown hair. After a while I started hanging out with them after D&D sessions on the weekends, we would play video games or watch anime. He would show me Hentai mangas or pictures that he had downloaded off the internet (this was in the late 90s, so the internet was a pretty new thing to me, anyway, so I thought that was awesome) although a lot of them involved BDSM in some way or another. I asked him why so many of them had stuff like that, and he told me that because that's what they liked to do with each other in the bedroom, before going into detail about how Kim would tie him up, or he would tie her up, and they would "play" with each other.
A week after that when we were hanging out, he asked me if I would like to be tied up by Kim, I didn't really understand what he meant by that, but then Kim came over to me and said "you're so cute, I'd love to do it. Come on, it will be so much fun!" and I understood what they wanted. I honestly didn't want to do it, it seemed weird to me and I felt like it was an unsafe situation that I was getting myself into. But, I wanted to them to like me, and no girl or woman had ever told me that I was cute up to that point (except my mom, I guess) or showed any interest in me.
After that, when we would hang out after Dungeons and Dragons, we would basically have BDSM sessions where Kim would tie me up and her husband would tell her what to do. I enjoyed some of it at first, but when they started doing painful stuff like whipping and spanking I wasn't really in to that. I was given a safeword to use, but whenever I used it Kim's husband would get angry and act like I had really disappointed him and storm out of the room. They also were trying to do things with my ass that I definitely wasn't comfortable with.
I finally talked to them and told them that I didn't want to "play" any more. They were like "OK, fine, it doesn't really seem like you're cut out for it, anyway. don't tell anyone about it though." I actually went to play Dungeons and Dragons with them a couple of times after that, and both of them were pretty cold and distant towards me, and they seemed to target my character unfairly with things trying to get him killed or something. I stopped showing up to the D&D sessions after that, and never told anyone about what we had been doing.
Anyway, that's the story of how I got femdom'ed when I was a teenager. Please smash that like button and subscribe
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 21:15:37 GMT
No. 25588492
it is absolutely real, you just don't understand what it is
when you buy an old car that needs a lot of work done on it and your gf gets irritated that you have a faint whiff of engine oil on you each night when you join her for cuddles and a movie so she makes an offhanded comment one day about how if it weren't for that car you would have so much more time together and how nice that would be, and then treats you with absolute and crushing coldness day in and day out for months on end, shrugging off everything you say to her or try to do for her with perfect indifference until you finally cave and sell it off, that's female domination.
when in britain during WW1 pretty young women would approach at random any men they saw in the street who had not gone to kill and die in the trenches and give them white feathers, that was female domination of a kind more devastating than any ballbusting session could ever be
beating you with a paddle, locking you in kc armour, yanking on your leash to force you to kiss her feet, these and all other things in your fantasies are demonstrations of overt and material force, which a woman who is truly proficient in the exercise of power avoids at all costs, so as not to inspire a reaction likewise involving overt and material force from the men they are trying to control, upon which they would instantly lose all control they had gained over them
if femdom is what you want, there's no need to get lucky trawling fetishist dating sites, all you have to do is date a woman who's used to getting everything she wants and give her everything she wants, and without giving it any thought she'll viciously break down your resistance and build up an unbreakable hold over your mind and your being, and you'll have a relationship with a female partner who'll rule you more harshly and totally than in your wildest dreams, just like uncountable men have had throughout all times and all places in all of the world without even knowing it, it just won't be like you imagine it with your male conception of authority
no I'm not a woman and no I don't speak from personal experience, I just understand these things
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 21:18:36 GMT
No. 25588523
Seems like they shouldn't have treated you more poorly after you didn't want to do their sexual things. I think its cool of them to offer and its cool you tried something new and novel but it seems like they were kinda dicks. I may be a sexual freak, but I can totally still treat people with respect out of the bedroom and I wouldn't have a problem with someone if they didn't like my sexuality.
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 21:19:01 GMT
No. 25588528
Women suck dick and make men cum and it's fun for them
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 21:22:33 GMT
No. 25588554
regardless of whether you liked it or not you belong to her now, track her down and offer her your unconditional submission
Fri, 07 Mar 2025 21:38:43 GMT
No. 25588672
Is it possible to have a normal relationship and be a normal man by day and turn into a sissy occasionally in the bedroom and find a woman thats alright with that?
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:19:52 GMT
No. 25593765
She's a 'lesbian'. I am not chad enough to make her admit she is straight. I would do so if I could since she's pretty cute, even now.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:06:28 GMT
No. 25594072
Well, you could have snitched on them and they'd have been both in prison
Lovely couple
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:52:44 GMT
No. 25594365
Yeah my thinking was that I didn't want to tell the police about all of the stuff we did, it would be embarrassing.
Also I had found a new group to play a different RPG with, and I was worried if I told anyone about what had happened my parents would take away my gaming privileges lol
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:15:41 GMT
No. 25594531
unironicaly, no.
men and women love differently.
All a man needs is a girl he finds attractive that is willing to give him some attention, thats enough for the majority of men to think about spending the rest of his life with her.
A woman needs her man "to be a man", you need to be consistently better than other men at many different things, be it basic biological things like looks and height, or more complex stuff like charisma, handywork etc.
Think back to school days, in the nerd group most men were incels destined for imageboards or plebbit, and yet usually the group leader would sooner or later land a female, why? he probably looked better than most, had more charisma (thus making him the leader), had better grades compared to the avarage guy (advantage of nerds in school, one of the many reasons why dating after school and uni is much harder).
Now, let's talk about "ICKS". It's very rare for a man to be able to show any weakness when dealing with women, think back to how your mother shames you for every failure or low point in your life, and she never even thought about dating you. Women get mega disgusted when men show weakness, many will unironicaly stop loving you the second that you show weakness in any regard.
t. relationship pro
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:18:28 GMT
No. 25594544
Mediocre creative writing exercise.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:14:48 GMT
No. 25595893
I guess we mainly seek affection from a female.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:17:33 GMT
No. 25595914
Does this artist draw nude stuff?
Also threda is full of retarded oponions and generalization about Woman.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:18:33 GMT
No. 25595921
>Also threda is full of retarded oponions and generalization about Woman.
Please marry me pretty lady
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:19:23 GMT
No. 25595925
Im just saying that u are wrong that is a male trait silly goose.
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:38:57 GMT
No. 25596065
Post tits with timestamp or GTFO
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:43:26 GMT
No. 25596103
Do not make demands of our queen
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:46:28 GMT
No. 25596136
my Gf sometimes orders me to lick her feet. She really likes that.