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Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:25:02 GMT No. 25594584 [Kohl] [Report thread]
sanpaku eyes.jpg
128.44 kB, 584x1510
Once again I am filled with despair and rage. This world is a Kafkaesque nightmare realm designed purely to extract misery from us. We are born into this realm as slave nigger-cattle and will die as such. Our demonic overlords reign over us, mocking us and denying the slave nigger-cattle the right to be even a fraction of a fraction of a real human being. We are higher, divine beings stuffed into these flesh-vessels over and over again, forced to live out lives of horrific torment, then die pathetic worthless mongrel deaths and then are reincarnated to repeat the process all over again, thanks to the arbitrary whims of the Architect of this Realm and his minions, the Archons. We are their playthings, and everything that happens is essentially a big cosmic joke. That's what has been going on the past decade or so: our demonic overlords have basically gotten bored with things so they decided to turn everything into a big fucking joke and see how long until things melt down. It's not just completely over for humanity, it never even began. We're not even humans, we're supposed to be 4D energy beings. Instead we're stuck here on a desert prison planet shithole nightmare realm and we're just pretending it's okay because "God will provide". Lmao, God is on their side and always has been, if he is not a myth made up to pacify us. These demons are the ones doing all the work. We're stuck in Hell and it's only going to get worse from here on out. There is no hope.
Total posts: 3, files: 1 (Drowned at Sat, 08 Mar 2025 19:29:53 GMT)
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:29:50 GMT No. 25594623 >>25594816
535.03 kB, 1200x675
Instead of going schizo why not have a cold one?
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:29:58 GMT No. 25594627 >>25594816
Don't say that.
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:51:06 GMT No. 25594816
>>25594623 It don't matter, and I've had a couple anyways. >>25594627 I just did, because it's the godawful unfortunate truth.
Thread interest score: 1.8 Thread size: 24.92 kB