Now after 3 years of Ukrainians in the Wect, how have your experiences with them been? me: Overwhelmingly negative. They're like Balkanoids, but louder and more stupid.
i've noticed that americans online seem to view scandinavians and lutheran culture with suspicion and contempt e.g. midsummer as a weird "white supremacist" cult or something when it's really the most innocent thing ever
Grok told me that almost all American animation in recent decades (with exceptions like south park) is outsourced to Japan in Korea. These includes very famous typical American shows like batman, Simpsons, king of the hill and others. Did you know about that? What do you think of this? I feel I was being cheated.
As an immortal being there will come a time when I am finally powerful enough to do anything I want when that time comes I will crush humanity and destroy myself with it And then we will be free
Help! I have a female co-worker (28yo) which is so emphatic that she immeadietely knows that is something wrong on first sight. A few words/questions from her can trigger you into tears. Two Co-workers already had a meltdown before her. I'am feeling that I`ll be the next one for Berndism reason. Don't get me wrong she is definitly not a bad person, rather a very kind person, but she can smell the tiniest problems like a dog and openly aproach them.
why do collegecucks love niggers so much? niggers are notoriously disdainful of higher education
A beautiful person is the most beautiful thing in the world An ugly person is the most grotesque thing in the world
the last good thing in my life, little ray of light, hope, interest, joy, was the Starship program. but now it is evident that it is a failure. now absolutely everything in my life without exception is shit, is getting worse with time and is hopeless
The Germans will sacrifice every single Ukrainian for profit.
I will start reserve training in May. My body will be ready. this excited about something f WAR!
Why do third worlders like to show off skyscrapers in their cities? Anyone can build them, it is not impressive?
Why would you not use the self checkout in the store? Why would you interact with people? Self checkout is the best. No random cunts looking at you.
I have 4000 tabs open in firefox and I need to migrate to waterfox WHAT A FUCKING PAIN IN THE ASS
rank the post black death centuries that you prefer to live in 1500s (16th) >1700s (18th) > 1800s(19th) > 1600s (17th) >1900s (20th) > 1400s (15th) > 2000s (21st) > 1300s (14th)
You know the thing when you put your bed laundry into the washing machine and suddenly the big cover of it, "eats" up all the other smaller ones? Its crazy how that works I call it the Lauert-Prinzip. Now we just need to find out how to generate infinite energy from the Lauert-Prinzip
Rate my military plan for a new war in Europe after Ukrainian army inevitably collapses without US aid
oil sheiks are filthy rich so they are the ones who should pay for ählämic upkeep in the west not tax payers
>First, streamline the damn system. The EU’s decision-making is a maze—27 member states, veto power popping up like weeds, and a parliament that sometimes feels more performative than powerful. Look at something like Switzerland: it’s not perfect, but its federal setup balances local control with a cohesive national identity. Europe could take a page from that—trim the fat, give national governments more say on cultural stuff while centralizing what actually needs it, like defense or climate tech. People respect efficiency; they’ll work for a machine that doesn’t waste their time. Is he right'
The shorts and shoes make her look little boy and the top makes her to look a street hooker.
Do you believe these numbers? I can't believe europoors are more degenerate than us. The average brazilian is a sexual beast.
A new psychopath EU leader just emerged. Really fitting for this failing shithole of union. >reportedly by pro-Assad elements
Why? GermanBernd get in here, what is this? roflmao
Thank God. The German car industry was saved by the coming war. Thank you Putin!
What if AI and robots do all the work. And humans just do a performative competition to decide status and who gets sex. It's the only way I can imagine the future. Because all jobs can be done by AI.
If Ladybird will have a working prototype of a browser sooner than Servo, it will be an actual, absolute proof that Rust is a language of suckers And I'm pretty sure it will be the case
>German state funded propaganda radio is coming up with a new reason each day to talk about drafting people from 17-29 immediately Should I prepare a bug out bag with cash, gold and my passport? They're really pushing it.
I’m sure this is a common question. I want to run more often, but I also lift weights and I don’t like running when my legs are sore. How do people combine regular cardio AND weightlifting? I’m trying to get into shape asap before summer but damn I can’t run when my legs are super sore from all the leg lifts I do.
i love anna pavlova you know laura b and masha babko, how theyre brown yet you guys still like them for me thats anna pavlova, she just has that soulful super energetic cute personality i wish my daughter was like anna pavlova i wish anna pavlova was my daughter
After asking Bernd why Russians claim they're the Third Rome and ROMAnians claim to be direct descendants of the Romans and getting no answer I Wikipedia'd it. The Third Rome thing is the Russian orthodox Church inheriting the leadership of orthodox Christianity after the fall of Constantinople. With orthodox people claiming they're the true inheritors of the mandate of ancient Rome which is being the first church. It sounds bizarre to westerners because when we think of Rome we think of the western italian roman empire not the Eastern Greek roman empire. With the ROMAnian thing it's because dacia (romanian province of the roman empire) was the main roman outpost in the region against foreigners so it got a lot of investment and immigration from central Rome. Eventually when they lost the province though the Romans pulled out but they language remained. Much like how even after the Romans left Britain they barely left a genetic trace though. Romanians are much like Hungarians and bulgarians where genetically they're balkanites who speak a foreign language because they were conquered. A lot of the ROMAn larping was nationalist propaganda in their fight for an independent romania too to differentiate themselves from the Hungarians, Bulgarians and slavs that claimed their clay.
Post your internet speed and how much you pay for it >200 reais (34,54 USD)
Womanoids are already half naked, wearing tops and mini skirts. I suffer t.incel
so what happened with ihor's ass(but not ihor's ass)-eating literal whore? haven't seen her attentionwhoring around anymore.
If your capital doesn't have a downtown of SKYscrapers, please keep your voice down when you talk to me, ok? I only ask you for this
This used to be a joke image in 2022, but in 2025 America and Russia on the same team against EU and china makes sense Did a time traveler made this meme???
Not long ago in an all-white block on Chicago's West Side, a FOR SALE sign appeared in front of a modest frame bungalow. Immediately a wave of fear swept across the block. A Negro family already was living several blocks away. Not far beyond that was the western edge of Chicago's "Black Belt." Every year its border had been moving closer, enclosing blocks like this one along the way. Suppose the bungalow came into possession of a Negro? What would happen to the rest of the block? All the residents were plainly worried. Among them were a widow who had been living alone and had no assets but her home, and the parents of four young children who feared what "change" might mean to the youngsters' safety. "Relax," said the bungalow owner. "I'm selling this through a white real-estate man. I won't even talk to a Negro." Imagine their shock, then, when the FOR SALE sign came down and the new owners moved in— Negroes. And consider the impact of what happened next. Three more buildings, which were already owned by property speculators, "turned" immediately. Other Negro families arrived to look at homes in the block. Real-estate men, both white and Negro, swarmed in. Almost overnight the family with four children sold out at a sizable loss. So did six other home- owners in quick succession. "We'll stay," a few owners said. "We're broad-minded." But the situation was out of their control. Finally the last of the whites left—whether or not they could afford to move. Like hundreds of others who have been similarly blitzed, they never really knew what had hit them. I knew. I triggered the whole sequence of events by buying the bungalow and quickly selling it to a Negro. I am a block-buster. Another and perhaps slightly less odious name for my craft is real-estate speculator. Cornering a Share of the Harvest I specialize in locating blocks which I consider ripe for racial change. Then I "bust" them by buying properties from the white owners and selling them to Negroes—with the intent of breaking down the rest of the block for colored occupancy. Sometimes the groundwork—the initial block-busting—has already been done by some other speculator by the time I arrive on the scene. In that case all I have to do is to work on the remaining whites and reap my share of the harvest. Actually, block-busting probably is tougher on the whites than the Negroes. Nobody who has lived in a neighborhood for years, seen his children grow up there, remodeled his home exactly to his liking and become accustomed to nearby school, church and shopping facilities likes to be uprooted. This is particularly true if it happens so suddenly that he has no new neighborhood in mind, if he has to accept less living space and a higher-interest mortgage than he previously had and if he must sell his property at a loss. Several elderly persons have died because of the anguish and upheaval involved. As a result of my business dealings, I have been cursed, called "nigger lover," "vulture," and "panic peddler," had doors slammed in my face and even been chased by an irate woman with a broom. "You're Communist and un-American!" one owner shouted at me. "You've sold out your own race!" others have yelled. It is hard to forget, too, how even long-time neighbors and friends may become jealous, suspicious and antagonistic toward one another. After one middle-aged couple had built a sub- urban home and sold their former home to a speculator—and the speculator had "turned" it— several former neighbors hired a sound truck and drove to the couple's new home. They cruised the block, shouting, "Be sure and meet your new neighbors, the Joneses. They sold out their old block to Negroes." Once a block has been busted, some white owners simply stare, almost dumbfounded, as we draw up sale papers for them. Others break down and cry. Some say, "It's OK to show the place to Negroes before we move, but we don't want to be in the house to watch it when you do." But no matter how emotional or awkward some situations may be, there is one compensation for it all—money.
Bernds rate my mech's paintjob in mechwarrior online Friends said i should remove hakenkraus because PGI canacucks can ban me, but it's spinning in the wrong direction, perhaps i should add a rainbow for untouchability?
Americans are actually egggarchs. People mock them for having expensive eggs, but at least they actually have eggs, even if they are overpriced because companies are profiteering and blaming le bird flu of doom. Meanwhile, this was the egg section when I visited the shop today please r8
A week of mourning due to the only thing that kept internet bearable. Ublock wont be forgotten. F
It would be fun if NATO got involved like in Libya. Maybe article 5 from a false flag against Turkey.