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Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 07:57:12 GMT No. 25591685 [Kohl] [Report thread]
Not long ago in an all-white block on Chicago's West Side, a FOR SALE sign appeared in front of a modest frame bungalow. Immediately a wave of fear swept across the block. A Negro family already was living several blocks away. Not far beyond that was the western edge of Chicago's "Black Belt." Every year its border had been moving closer, enclosing blocks like this one along the way. Suppose the bungalow came into possession of a Negro? What would happen to the rest of the block? All the residents were plainly worried. Among them were a widow who had been living alone and had no assets but her home, and the parents of four young children who feared what "change" might mean to the youngsters' safety. "Relax," said the bungalow owner. "I'm selling this through a white real-estate man. I won't even talk to a Negro." Imagine their shock, then, when the FOR SALE sign came down and the new owners moved in— Negroes. And consider the impact of what happened next. Three more buildings, which were already owned by property speculators, "turned" immediately. Other Negro families arrived to look at homes in the block. Real-estate men, both white and Negro, swarmed in. Almost overnight the family with four children sold out at a sizable loss. So did six other home- owners in quick succession. "We'll stay," a few owners said. "We're broad-minded." But the situation was out of their control. Finally the last of the whites left—whether or not they could afford to move. Like hundreds of others who have been similarly blitzed, they never really knew what had hit them. I knew. I triggered the whole sequence of events by buying the bungalow and quickly selling it to a Negro. I am a block-buster. Another and perhaps slightly less odious name for my craft is real-estate speculator. Cornering a Share of the Harvest I specialize in locating blocks which I consider ripe for racial change. Then I "bust" them by buying properties from the white owners and selling them to Negroes—with the intent of breaking down the rest of the block for colored occupancy. Sometimes the groundwork—the initial block-busting—has already been done by some other speculator by the time I arrive on the scene. In that case all I have to do is to work on the remaining whites and reap my share of the harvest. Actually, block-busting probably is tougher on the whites than the Negroes. Nobody who has lived in a neighborhood for years, seen his children grow up there, remodeled his home exactly to his liking and become accustomed to nearby school, church and shopping facilities likes to be uprooted. This is particularly true if it happens so suddenly that he has no new neighborhood in mind, if he has to accept less living space and a higher-interest mortgage than he previously had and if he must sell his property at a loss. Several elderly persons have died because of the anguish and upheaval involved. As a result of my business dealings, I have been cursed, called "nigger lover," "vulture," and "panic peddler," had doors slammed in my face and even been chased by an irate woman with a broom. "You're Communist and un-American!" one owner shouted at me. "You've sold out your own race!" others have yelled. It is hard to forget, too, how even long-time neighbors and friends may become jealous, suspicious and antagonistic toward one another. After one middle-aged couple had built a sub- urban home and sold their former home to a speculator—and the speculator had "turned" it— several former neighbors hired a sound truck and drove to the couple's new home. They cruised the block, shouting, "Be sure and meet your new neighbors, the Joneses. They sold out their old block to Negroes." Once a block has been busted, some white owners simply stare, almost dumbfounded, as we draw up sale papers for them. Others break down and cry. Some say, "It's OK to show the place to Negroes before we move, but we don't want to be in the house to watch it when you do." But no matter how emotional or awkward some situations may be, there is one compensation for it all—money.
Total posts: 15, files: 4 (Drowned at Mon, 10 Mar 2025 11:59:29 GMT)
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 07:59:50 GMT No. 25591691 >>25591734
the jews did this
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 08:02:40 GMT No. 25591709
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 08:08:59 GMT No. 25591734
>>25591691 It liberated people from their cramped ethnic neighborhoods in the cities and gave them the freedom to live in suburbs like Levittown where they became generic whites. I think they did their children and grandchildren a great service.
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 08:17:46 GMT No. 25591761
"We'll organize," some residents said. "We'll keep the niggers out." But other speculators and I already were buying buildings in adjacent blocks and holding them until we thought the area was ready to be turned for maximum profit. You can't appreciate the psychological effect of such a color-line march unless you have seen it. First, Negro students begin enrolling in neighbor- hood schools. Then, churches and businesses in the area quit fixing up facilities as they normally might. Parks which have been all white suddenly become all Negro. A homeowner applies to his bank for a home-improvement loan and is turned down. "Too close to the color line," he is told. Small businesses begin to close. New whites, if they move into the area at all, are apt to be of lower economic class than before, and they are tenants, not owners. Because lending institutions always blacklist an area for regular mortgages when change appears imminent, whites can't buy there if they want to. So it went in my typical South Side block. But the residents still thought they were safe because everyone had agreed not to sell to Negroes. Hence they weren't too disturbed when a bluff, friendly accountant who was retiring and moving to Florida announced to neighbors that he was listing his three-flat building for sale. As weeks passed, however, and no buyer was found, their suspense grew, and the owner became desperate. "We're stuck," he told his wife. "We told every- one we wouldn't sell them out. But we have to." Up to this point only a few Negro real-estate men rather tentatively had rung doorbells in the block. Now we speculators and brokers, both white and Negro, really went to work. One paid several Negroes with noisy cars to begin driving up and down the street a few times a day. He also paid a Negro mother who drew aid-to-dependent- children payments to walk the block regularly with her youngsters. Another arranged to have phone calls made in the block for such people as "Johnnie Mae." Sometimes calls would consist only of a whisper, a drunken laugh or a warning—such as, "They're coming!" I didn't participate in these vicious tactics. Few large speculators do. If I operated so crudely, frankly I wouldn't have consented to write this report, even under the fictitious name in the by- line. I just use psychology. I began my work in this case by sending a post- card to everyone in the block and others in adjacent blocks. The cards said, "I will pay cash for your building." That was all except for my phone number. The word "cash" was the key. It assured homeowners they could get out quickly and re- minded them that their neighbors could too. Then a canvasser and I headed for the block to repeat the offer in person. Best Price for First Building My first stop was at the home of the retired accountant who owned the three-flat building. "How much are you asking for your building?" I asked him. "Twenty-two thousand," he said. "Well," I said, " you might get that if you wait. But you know what is happening in the neighbor- hood. If you want a quick cash deal, I'll give you $18,000." But, knowing that we speculators often pay proportionately more for the first building on a block to go, he would come down only $1000 in price. At that point I got a break. My canvasser, who had been talking with other owners, rang the doorbell and called me onto the porch to tell me something. "His neighbor in the one-story brick just sold for $14,000," he told me. "Sorry," I told the accountant. "Negroes will be moving in next door. Eighteen thousand is tops." His quick call to the neighbor confirmed my canvasser's report, and he accepted my offer on the spot. The moment I make a deal, 1 always place a "Sold by" sign in front of the building. A few Three housewives who organized to fight block-busting tactics in their Peoria Avenue-95th Street neighborhood have now sold to Negroes: Mrs. Helen Sullivan (left), Mrs. Bernie Brown and Mrs. Diane Bishop. As Mrs. Sullivan puts it,". . . pretty soon one sells, then another, then you do too." such signs—the gaudier, the better—show that events are moving. So does the ringing of door- bells. And with thirty other real-estate men working a block, including regular dealers as well as speculators, those bells ring often. Changing the rest of this block, as in most other blocks, was easy. After posting my signs, I merely sent a man down one side of the street and up the other punching doorbells. When a delivery driver who had two young daughters in school said he "probably would leave for the good of the kids," but wanted to think about it, my man discussed the pros and cons in a friendly way. "If you take my quick deal," he concluded, "you'll have no worries about the kids. You can give them a nice yard and have them in a good suburban school next week." The man and his wife, obviously troubled, decided my canvasser was right. They sold at a $2000 loss. To an elderly couple who hesitated, saying their home and neighborhood were the only ones they had known throughout their marriage and they would "stay around and see what our new neighbors are like," my man said, "I know what waiting has meant to people like you in worry and strain. Waiting never makes it easier. If you take my cash deal while I still can offer it, you can be- gin looking for a new retirement home tomorrow." They sold too.
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 08:49:54 GMT No. 25591902
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:04:46 GMT No. 25594455
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:25:14 GMT No. 25594589
At least they don't speak German
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 17:38:06 GMT No. 25594707 >>25594925
With such terror tactics it's no wonder americans are so found of their suburbs
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:04:25 GMT No. 25594925 >>25594940 >>25595044
>>25594707 The real question is why the 2nd amendment failed to stop it.
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:05:43 GMT No. 25594940
>>25594925 Middle class people have too much to lose to jump on the sword over a relocation
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:12:15 GMT No. 25594984
>>25591685 That's thanks to anglos being so friendly with jews Divine retribution
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:19:09 GMT No. 25595044 >>25599296
>>25594925 All talk The government literally sent the army after people to force "integration", where were the armed resistance groups? They'll argue the army had more equipment and soldiers but obviously an insurgence is completely different from open field battles. It is all cope to pretend the issue isn't the lack of balls.
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:20:17 GMT No. 25595049
They refused to kill the invaders and suffered the curse of God. Many such cases.
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 07:54:26 GMT No. 25599296 >>25601291
>>25595044 Really makes you think the guns are just a relief valve for whites.
Bernd Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:54:14 GMT No. 25601291
>>25599296 I don't think that's the issue but rather that Americans have been domesticated by excessive material comforts, brave new world style If you look at groups like the pioneers heading west in the 19th century a very noticeable difference is how they were less attached to whatever meager material possessions they had, and I think it's no coincidence they also had the guts to fight when necessary. You can look at examples ranging from caravans fighting off injuns to mormons gearing for war against the government
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