New Jersey’s First Islamic City: Muslim Politicians Seize Power in Paterson, Declare It ‘The Capital of Palestine in America,’ Raise Islamic Flags, and Advance Sharia (Video)
I wish the schizo theories from 10 years ago was real. What happened to Qanon and that vaccine that was supposed to kill everybody? Why isn't Hillary in prison yet?
Why after months Trump still did not spill the beans on UFO like he said? Do we need another Area 51 naruto run?
These "accelerationist" "tech-bro" "Dark enlightenment" jews (white) are the cringiest shit ever. They are all "let me shave my head bald (soy)" "my wife is asian (soy)" tier 2010 redditor retards and the only thing they know how to "accelerate" is the demise of capitalism and the inevitable communist victory.
They all cracked out on amphetamines and seriously why do wypipo (jews) love meth so much? White people love heroin also.
Is Macron's "wife" actually his biological father and their relationship is part of a satanic ritual orchestrated by the Rothschild Family?
Sexy black investigative journalist Candace Owens says so.
She also informed me of the Olivier Duhamel scandal that has been pretty much hidden from the public, which may be connected to it.
I'm in a bit of a moral dilemma. I really wanna do drugs right now and i know a good fren would have atleast MDMA and LSD, maybe a bit coke at home. I have his key but can't ask him if i can have some. I'd leave money of course, i'm not a thief but can't ask him for permission either. Would Bernd do it?
This shit is like a punch in the mouth and I have to eat it with a huge chunk of bread every time to wick away the spices from my tongue yet I keep fucking buying it because I like it.
i've mastered the art of masturbating in a public restroom
there is a guy sleeping right above me, and one to my right, right behind a single piece of wood
but i did with, leaving out 0 sound. difficult part is cleanup operation since i cum 5 liters to cp every time but no problems either
I got a £40 T440 Thinkpad and don't know what distro to get. Since this is an old clunker im only going to use it for programming, writing reports, reading pdfs etc.
>inb4 gentoo
Day after tommorow I will receive my salary and I will buy this USED 300$ laptop and install GENTOO and HYPRLAND and I will code in RUST. Plz r8, like and subscribe to my blog.
>fast paced countries
>slow-paced countries
how all of the given slow-paced countries are richer and earn better than in poland? I can't really work non-stop, everything I need is a sun and a bed - no work
Shartmaster to kick out Puerto Rico from the union
I want Europeans to suffer. You have no idea how much I want to see Europeans die, you can take your pretty landscapes and comfortable lives and shove it with genocide. I want you all to die
>Marry a Latina tradwife>Wait 20 years until the definition of white gradually shifts, like it did for the Finns, Irish, Poles, Italians, Greeks, Armenians and Jews
The white race has been saved.
the last picture of my Instagram, i think as people rejected me on social media, also rejected me on antisocial media (as image boards) then the thing i see at the end of the tunnel of desolation is Jesus king promising me to be rich n give me company of kings n prophets n great ppl that don't lie n don't betray God
This is currently the only show which I download and actually enjoy. I download and seed others but mostly I don't watch them. A couple, Severance and Apothecary Diaries, I still watch despite finding the current season tiresome. I think maybe I'll enjoy again but thus far no.
Things I did today:
1. Went to barber. New short haircut for the warmer months.
2. Ate butter chicken at Indian (probably bangladesu though) restaurant with sister. Sister took the veg option she doesn't like chicken for some reason.
3. Finished Final Fantasy XII game only to realise there's no "post-game" but I have a save before the final fights so it's okay. Dunno if I go and bother at finishing all the hunts though.
How was your day?