I'm scared of swimming in the sea because of these tiny toxic snail, medusas which can kill you and you may even not not notice them
Medieval larpers suited with full plate and weapons vs. Yuropeon police without firearms Who wins?
Based or cringe? https://rmx.news/article/eu-invites-syrias-islamist-president-to-brussels-despite-reports-of-mass-atrocities-against-religious-minorities/
Were you aware that any subhuman, any nigger can create new Jews by impregnating a Jewess? Jewishness is transmitted from mother.
wh*Teboi I might attack you, run down your neighborhood with gangs, but atleast I ain't a racist cr*cker. My actions are not a reflection of me as an intelligent individual, but are the product of decades cruelty and social injustice inflicted upon me and my ancestors by the wh*Te devil. That's why I'm allowed to do those things to you wh*Teboi, paybacks a bitch ain't it?
Lithuanians, do you use the illative case? >The illative case, denoting direction of movement, is now less common in the standard language but is common in the spoken language, especially in certain dialects.
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>go to hooker >cute 24 year old >petitw blonde, blue eyes, from the Norf >she offers me a sig >she starts talking about the dark web >she says she uses Tor >wtf.png >she says she looks up all kinds of gore >I told her you can just use image boards or telegram for that >she says she never used telegram >we talk about the Mexican cartel chainsaw execution video >she tells me she has a balisong knife, taser and mace in her purse >she says you should always twist the knife when you stab someone otherwise it doesn't have any use >who the fuck is this girl >she says she also does MMA >we talk about some old tv shows >sex is also pretty good >no I didn't lick her vagina, did everything safe It was absolutely KC tier man
"Sad to see our chechen Muslim brothers beautiful and build like tanks wasting so much energy of sufi deviance and distortion, this is not islam but a diversion to keep the chechen youth away from real islam" "Sufi stupidity, innovation and corruption This does not represent Islam These are Putin's slaves" "this is not islam, this is shirk it is haram, shirk, and they look like monkeys by the sounds and movements astagfitullah may Allah guide them inshaAllah" "They can’t be Muslims. There is no such a rituel in Islam. If our prophet(sav) saw this ceromony, I think he would forbid it. Besides he never do such an absurdity." Why are Arabs so triggered by Sufism? It's the best thing Islam has produced.
>start the trade war with your neighbour >the neighbour turns electricity off <WHAT FOR??? POOR PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING What a degenerate, lmao
That feel when I sprained my shoulder muscle a few weeks ago and whenever I work out anything with arm movement (even bicep curls) it hurts really bad so I'm restricted to running and working legs and abs. Frustrating as fuck man. I wanna get ripped before pool season.
am i retarded in thinking it's a great time to buy tesla stock? i mean, it can still go down way lower but still, it will at least double the price in the near future for sure
GCSM beautiful! :3 i love you please come and play with me... I hope I'm finding you well.
>Mortality is three times higher than the birth rate in Ukraine, — President of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs >Ukraine has the worst demographic situation in the world. According to statistics, in 2024, 177k thousand babies were born and 495k thousand people died. New Jerusalem soon.
this is the ultimate pedo dogwhistle image a normal man sees nothing wrong with this image meanwhile, a sicko, who has seen videos of such forbidden relationships, will instantly have his brain confuse what it is that the toddler is holding, and involuntarily have a surge of blood rush to his nether regions so, bernd, what did you see?
DEI staff causes major nuclear accident at powerplant in Finland. Right now they're trying to minimize it in the news just like the USSR did with Chernobyl, but its pretty much a full meltdown and in a few days the enormous extent of this disaster will become undeniable.
EBIN someone baited the cops with a sock of fake cash dropped outside the police station Dumbass sandnigger cop didnt even check the watermark before trying to use them and got caught
I don't even give a fuck if America invades us at this point, in fact I hope they do just to have our elites lose power. At least it'd be a good laugh considering how poorly they've mistreated the nation.
Everyone must know what threads I normally hide. 1. Threads with pedo vibes. 2. Threads about brown people unless they are doing something funny. 3. Threads about whores. 4. Threads about the market price of <anything> going up or down. 5. Threads with gore thumbnails.
We are experiencing the great reset... ...of your bank account. It will be reset to 0.
pedos in your area need little girl sluts! no dates, no bullshit, just SEEEEXXXXXXXX
How many members of the Homosexuals made an appearance in this video? A) None, it's suspiciously heterosexual. B) One, C) Two, D) Three,
Someone is targeting me with vibrations that sound like this. I have to suffer this daily all day long
Fellow Berndcels, can you coom with flaccid benis? Me: yes. Basically only tip stimulation, no stroking. The orgasm feels very different. Kind of feminine. The coom also does not explode out of the tip, but slowly creeps out like from a leaky cmetana can.
Your government issued GF has arrived, but she is transactional in nature, you can fuck her however you like, but only if she peggs you first with her horse cock strap-on. What is lörs?
Please explain to me, Bernd, why does Rust failed on the retards while they would shill AI for free all day. Rust have weak shills? Rust is true? t. don't know anything about rust, and nod really interested in rust
We should have theme countries instead of theme parks. A country that lives like in the 1820s. A country which lives like in the 1950s. A country without internet access. A country without fast food. A country with meat based food. A country with plant based food. Instead we have hundreds of countries adapting the same grey NPC ideologies in lockstep.
>sorry Jeremy, the studio decided to pass >But why? You said I was a lock for the role >Unfortunately they tweaked the script in rewrites. They decided to rework the main character from a "handsome, successful Jeremy Renner type" to a "handsome, successful Jeremy Renner type with a fully intact, non-mutilated penis". They're giving the part to Pedro Pascal instead >Damn, that's fair enough, there's no way I could be believable in that role
Do you hate Jews because they are successful? They even survived the final boss: the holocaust.
it's cool to hate Tate because he is a dysgenic nigger but i listen to what he says and agree with everything
Like matter, scum is subject to gravity. Scum attracts scum, scum condenses. The scum gravitational constant has not yet been sufficiently researched.
What do people that dont smoke weed do all day without thinking about smoking weed all day?
Hear, O Israel: Adonai is our God, Adonai in One! Blessed is God's name; His glorious kingdom is for ever and ever! And you shall love Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; teach them faithfully to your children, speak of them in your home and on your way, when you lie down and when you rise up. Bind them as a sign upon your hand; let them be a symbol before your eyes. Inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
>Musk calls DOGE backlash 'tough sledding', but will push ahead for another year He's trying to save America against all odds
me when I obliterate an entire nation of young men and get humiliated on television begging global powers for money
>wake up in middle of night with one of my internal organs pulsating in pain >this lasts for hours >tell no one and have no money for hospital >maybe its just gas and if i poop and burp a lot it will go away >its starts to hurt less as time goes on
Will US stonks get slaughtered again today? I feel like they will drop like a rock at market open, like they have done almost every day for the last 3 weeks.
Tradu pro portugues On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 struck the Tohoku region of Japan, causing a tsunami and resulting in significant damage. Although this major disaster occurred in 2011, a manga book published 12 years earlier in 1999 had the words “The great disaster will occur in March 2011” written on its cover. The pen name “Tatsukiryō” who drew this manga had been having prophetic dreams. Whenever she had a prophetic dream, she would wake up and immediately record it in a notebook with illustrations. This manga “The Future I Saw” is based on some of the things written in that notebook and turned into a manga. In July 2021, before the deadline for “The Future I Saw: Complete Edition,” she had another dream. Like in 1999, black letters appeared on a screen like a movie screen. It read, “The real disaster will come in July 2025.” Furthermore, this time, she saw a scene where the seabed, which seemed to be the epicenter, rose up with a thud. At that time, she wondered if the dream of a summer tsunami that she drew in a manga was not the Great East Japan Earthquake, but this. It was a huge tsunami that was probably three times as big as the Great East Japan Earthquake. She hastily scribbled down the words and scenes that remained in her head when she woke up. She has no certainty about what this dream means. However, since there is an example of the Great East Japan Earthquake, it cannot be said with certainty that it will not happen 100%.
Is Beyoncé a feminist artist or a feminist product? Maybe both? What does being a feminist artist even imply?
1. Stop cyber-defense against russian hackers 2. Witness how your online services get taken down by russian hackers They are playing 0d chess at this point (without any pieces)
I got the flu and acetylsalicylic acid reduces fever much better than paracetamol. Do you use aspirin or paracetamol?
Why are people so dumb that they're ready to die for someone else's profit? I feel sad for victims of this war, but it's not my business. Why do soyciety and state demand from me to sacrifice my life for the eaten Russian children somewhere in Pokrovske where I've never ever been and don't even know where it is? Every post WWII war taught me that it's always a big men's business you should stay away as possible. Show me kids of authorities, oligarchs, and high ranked officers who participate in war. Their dads just make money while sending poor men to die. Where am I wrong? Why don't people see it? It's obvious.
Now that transphobia is normalized, they are setting the stage to attack the LGB. https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/114132787592380677
Every female that fails at life at getting top 1% men invents story that she was raped as child and that those are source of all her problems Does anyone falls for this shit anymore?
https://theconversation.com/new-research-shows-bigger-animals-get-more-cancer-defying-decades-old-belief-251287 A longstanding scientific belief about a link between cancer prevalence and animal body size has tested for the first time in our new study ranging across hundreds of animal species. If larger animals have more cells, and cancer comes from cells going rogue, then the largest animals on earth – like elephants and whales – should be riddled with tumours. Yet, for decades, there has been little evidence to support this idea. Many species seem to defy this expectation entirely. For example, budgies are notorious among pet owners for being prone to renal cancer despite weighing only 35g. Yet cancer only accounts for around 2% of mortality among roe deer (up to 35kg). Peto’s paradox is that bigger, longer-lived species should have higher cancer prevalence, yet they don’t seem to. Back in 1977, Professor Sir Richard Peto noted that, on a cell-by-cell basis, mice seem to have much higher susceptibility to cancer than humans. This has led to speculation that larger species must have evolved natural cancer defences. Several examples of these cancer defences have since been identified. For example, Asian elephants, a species with notably low cancer prevalence, have over 20 copies of a tumour suppressor gene (TP53) compared to our own lone copy. However, scientists are yet to find broader evidence across a range of animal species. Our new study challenges Peto’s paradox. We used a recently compiled dataset of cancer prevalence in over 260 species of amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles from wildlife institutions. Then, using powerful modern statistical techniques, we compared cancer prevalence between the animals. [pic related] caption: Large species have a much greater risk of getting cancer (solid line), but faster evolution rates reduce that risk (dashed line). We found that larger species do, in fact, have more cancer compared to smaller ones. This holds across all four major vertebrate groups, meaning that the traditional interpretation of Peto’s paradox doesn’t hold up. But the story doesn’t end there. At first look, our findings seemed to be at odds with another long-standing scientific idea. Cope’s rule is that evolution has repeatedly favoured larger body sizes, because of advantages like improved predation and resilience. But why would natural selection drive species towards a trait that carries an inherent risk of cancer? The answer lies in how quickly body size evolves. We found that birds and mammals which reached large sizes more rapidly have reduced cancer prevalence. For example, the common dolphin, Delphinus delphis evolved to reach its large body size – along with most other whales and dolphins (referred to as cetaceans) about three times faster than other mammals. However, cetaceans tend to have less cancer than expected. Larger species face higher cancer risks but those that reached that size rapidly evolved mechanisms for mitigating it, such as lower mutation rates or enhanced DNA repair mechanisms. So rather than contradicting Cope’s rule, our findings refine it. Larger bodies often evolve, but not as quickly in groups where the burden of cancer is higher. This means that the threat of cancer may have shaped the pace of evolution. Humans evolved to our current body size relatively rapidly. Based on this, we would expect humans and bats to have similar cancer prevalence, because we evolved at a much, much faster rate. However, it is important to note that our results can’t explain the actual prevalence of cancer in humans. Nor is that an easy statistic to estimate. Human cancer is a complicated story to unravel, with a plethora of types and many factors affecting its prevalence. For example, many humans not only have access to modern medicine but also varied lifestyles that affect cancer risk. For this reason, we did not include humans in our analysis. Fighting cancer Understanding how species naturally evolve cancer defences has important implications for human medicine. The naked mole rat, for example, is studied for its exceptionally low cancer prevalence in the hopes of uncovering new ways to prevent or treat cancer in humans. Only a few cancer cases have ever been observed in captive mole rats so, the exact mechanisms of their cancer resistance remain mostly a mystery. At the same time, our findings raise new questions. Although birds and mammals that evolved quickly seem to have stronger anti-cancer mechanisms, amphibians and reptiles didn’t show the same pattern. Larger species had higher cancer prevalence regardless of how quickly they evolved. This could be due to differences in their regenerative abilities. Some amphibians, like salamanders, can regenerate entire limbs – a process that involves lots of cell division, which cancer could exploit. Putting cancer into an evolutionary context allowed us to reveal that its prevalence does increase with body size. Studying this evolutionary arms race may unlock new insights into how nature fights cancer – and how we might do the same. Joanna Baker, University of Reading, George Butler, UCL
i realized why i'm such a good natured, hard-working, calm, patient person irl its because i masturbate to child porn. it releases all frustrations and make me be able to go about my day calmly and relaxed meanwhile, average normie can be extremely tense, ready to blow at any little problem, or lazy, because they dont see any reason to keep going
Churka is going to be deported from USA. Leftists are in butthurt Go on America. Deport churkas and cockholes swines. MAGA!!! o/
Has Bernd ever though of writing a textbook? I can't think of a more monumental form of immortality in lieu of children or violence. It will be fed into LLMs iterating for generations.
What do you think is real IT skill other than writing strings your team leader tells you to do? Networking Cloud maintenance What Btw edingburgh is epictime of evropa mappeqrance from gook perspective Is there any more majestic cidy than edinburgh? I bet you cant name one
Bros, I've been talking to my Discord ex gf for a while and we've been bonding so nicely. She might really become my American wife in the future if we keep this up. She has no friends and she still likes me, but says she doesn't love me enough to be my gf again, but things can change. She's 16 years old. I'm 27.
Für nächstes mal ohne Amerikaner. Defence circles scheming to shrink Five Eyes intelligence to Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand without the United States. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14477803/Britain-urged-form-breakaway-Four-Eyes-alliance-without-US-Trumps-unprecedented-decision-block-intelligence-sharing-Ukraine.html
Why do we need America when we already have the great republic of FRANCE that produces everything including the best fighter jets, space rockets, and nukes? Literally the best country in the world, and it's completely independent from the sharts and their technology. VIVA LA FRANCE 🇫🇷
What is Bernd's opinion on Kyary Pamyu Pamyu? Does Bernd even know her?
Holy shit. Philosophers are really annoying. I hope some Somali refugees gang rape his effeminite ass. He thinks that he is a deep thinker but his brain is fried by using AI.
Brazilians are the only thirdies who post on Kohlchan regularly. Russians and other Slavs are secondies, before anyone says it. We suffer more than anyone else here.
Good morning. Drinking my sugar drank (and a little whisky-soda with lemon slice on the side, Jameson ofc)
Hearing from a friend who works on a tug in Humberside that the Stena was carrying a full load of AVCAT (military jet fuel). He said they've given up trying to fight the fire as it's too intense and they are worried about an explosion This could turn into a major environmental disaster. AVCAT is really nasty stuff.
germoney spends more than twice as much on the military as us, but has only a fraction of the our equipment. where is all the money going?
Elon Musk says cyberattacks against X originated in Ukraine. Why will he simply not shut starlink down? Ukrainians have no business being on the Internet.