Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
BREAKING: YouTube will prevent people from downloading videos
R: 35 / F: 4

It is totally over. https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/12563

R: 42 / F: 12

the facial abuse whore that got deepthroated became a police officer

R: 44 / F: 27

The Swedish Intelligence Agency SÄPO blames Russia for gang violonce in Sweden. Wow!

R: 29 / F: 1

i sometimes think extremely negative thinks about russians but their service for humanity is undeniable

R: 42 / F: 7

A hooligan/far left protest for raising retirement pensions ended with many people arrested and wounded.

R: 21 / F: 5


Incel tries to get a job part 11
R: 42 / F: 5

So I went to job interview, he asked me a bunch of dumb questions i didnt even bother answering last one was: "imagine your planed crashed and you are on an empty island but there are cannibals on there, and once there was a professor there who was studying bugs, the cannibals ate him but everyone threw up and they decided to not eat smart people anymore, when you came they give you a thermometer to see if youre the same as the professor and you have to check the temperature of the bug with it, how do you do it?" I said idk, the whole intreview was bullshit On monday i'll get a few pennies and might be enouggh to buy 10 packs of cigs and eat buckwheat for a month untill i get paid in germany or netherlands Slave traders will take me there for free.

R: 25 / F: 2

What's the most efficient exercise to get abs at home?

Stroh Rum 80
R: 32 / F: 3

Drink this and everyone will want to be your friend.

R: 39 / F: 8

>snow white <is brown Why?

R: 67 / F: 15

Do you think it is funny? does it make you laugh? >hurr durr london = stabs does it make you laugh to know how a sharp piece of metal perforates your flesh it is funny?

R: 43 / F: 3

Rate my BWC

The sunny seasons have arrived
R: 30 / F: 9

The Keins are out and do their thing, again.

R: 29 / F: 5

Sick of all the subhumans on Kohl. Footnik. Audrius. Igor. A ton of pedos. Ukrogore guy. All of these people are filth. I demand mods who ban the fuck out of these subhumans.

R: 32 / F: 12

mom is cooking gook food against

R: 22 / F: 6

Who was in the wrong here?

large titanium deposits in the Styrian Erzberg
R: 32 / F: 11

New drilling has revealed large quantities of titanium in the Styrian Erzberg. However, it lies at a depth of 170 meters. Scientists and technicians are now working on an efficient mining method. This could potentially make Austria a serious titanium supplier.

R: 23 / F: 6


When will manlets learn?
R: 34 / F: 7

Look at this dude! He looks exactly like a baby getting fed in his tiny baby chair! Manlets, i swear, and they also have to get comically buff to look even shorter.

Anyone have these videos?
R: 34 / F: 16

They were beautiful, but because of some trannyjanny I didn't had time to download them... :( Please re-upload.

R: 26 / F: 2

JD Vance attends a classical music concert and people notice him, you won't guess what happens next.

R: 29 / F: 6

Can the United States beat the EU in a trade war?

R: 25 / F: 8

Hypothetically speaking, how someone playing a video file recorded in 2008 showing a 3 years old girl being raped in Moscow harms a new child in the future? Computers files can't rape people.

R: 48 / F: 10

Did Jesus Christ take on our sins as His own?

R: 31 / F: 7

Hey pooplack, you were right! Its over!

R: 35 / F: 8

What dumbass bird is that even for austr*a. I thought we cow as well.

R: 36 / F: 7


R: 27 / F: 10

in front of my supermarket the feminist WHORES painted this mural encouraging girls to be rats (LET'S BELIEVE OUR GIRLS)

R: 34 / F: 8

Imagine being disabled, knowing any child you have would be born with the same horrible disability and deciding to have a child nonetheless.

R: 35 / F: 1

I hate this shithole so much, it's unreal

R: 39 / F: 11

How many of you are police officers?

Psychological question
R: 27 / F: 4

How do you feel about yourself when directly dealing with very attractive women, of your age or a bit younger, professional, powerful=sexually valuable women? I noticed I still feel and act like a little boy. I try to act cool and reserved, somewhat disinterested, but actually I feel fear and therefore try to pretend disinterest or being calm. I actually feel as inferior as when I was a schoolboy dealing with sexy teacherettes. I completely lack that attitude of being a "man", that is, being powerful and entitled to seduce and have sex with, "get", such women, I would never try, because I feel very, very inferior and out of their league, weak, not worthy. While I feel those women are very sexy and I would like to have sex with them very much, I wouldn't dare, can't dare to try because I fear them like my mother when I was a toddler, helpless, incompetent, afraid, weaker, inferior. I think that is wrong, "normal" men apparently have a self-image of power and being vastly superior to women, so they can easily "get" them and have sex. How is your emotional state towards real-life women? Are you also socially avoiding them, fleeing them, because you feel inferior to them?

Former Philippines president is arrested for crimes against humanity
R: 31 / F: 7

They arrested our guy! Jews never forget

R: 22 / F: 2

Nippon has fallen

R: 25 / F: 3

I am named after an Apostle of Christ You're probably named after some italian or german

R: 27 / F: 8

What is your opinion on Afro-Russians?

R: 21 / F: 2

Fight breaks out in Costco Toronto over Pokemon cards

The ‘Mar-A-Lago Accord’
R: 29 / F: 7

>The Mar-a-Lago Accord started as a theory in November 2024, when Stephen Miran, now a key Trump economic advisor, published a report arguing that the overvalued US dollar was hurting manufacturing and widening trade deficits. >He outlined policies to weaken the dollar, restructure debt, and shift financial burdens onto allies. The idea would force US allies to absorb portions of American debt in exchange for continued military protection. >This could involve swapping existing foreign-held US Treasuries for new 100-year, non-marketable “Century Bonds.” >These bonds, once issued, would not be publicly traded, meaning they would be locked away in foreign central banks, removing them from global debt markets. >The benefit, for the US at least, is less Treasury supply in the open market, which would push interest rates lower, easing debt pressures. buck breaking if true.

R: 26 / F: 1

ITS OVER ? battle of kursk 2.0 Ukrainian forces lost control of the road and fled into some kind of marshland without roads

R: 22 / F: 3

Wow, wow, wow! Are we based, guys?

R: 31 / F: 3

Is this a good book about Roman history? I bought it at a train station bookshop to read on a trip.

R: 33 / F: 13

why are they like this

R: 21 / F: 6

Do picrelateds even make sense? They are monogastric animals, so they can't convert cellulose to saturated fatty acids and their fat is made out of what they eat, which in 21st century means crap. Sure, if you live close to forests and feed them food waste they can be useful, but that's not how they raised en masse.

R: 29 / F: 7


R: 37 / F: 4

Why doesn't Bernd have a based hobby like this?

Old ass games
R: 37 / F: 7

I can't find old games anymore. Like Medieval 2 Total War or Fallout Tactics. Is that stuff just so old its on some ROM site like Vimm or Archive or something?

Coffee Beaner
R: 44 / F: 23

I got a bean grinder and a french press and I've been using it to make the best damn coffee ever. The coffee bean selection at walmart is just ok but when this bag is finished I'm going to get some real gourmet shit. I have also developed a doughnut addiction but that's future me's problem. What is bernd's favorite coffee brand and method of preparing coffee? Some of the pros I have noticed so far as compared to instant kofi: Easier on the stomach Aids with digestion Doesn't give me anxiety. I feel like the caffeine is getting absorbed more slowly and controllably instead of the sharp impulse that I was accustomed to. Needs less coffee milk to taste good. I could even drink this black with maybe a lil sugar.

R: 34 / F: 5

god i wish i was that trannie drinking piss

R: 30 / F: 8

>the orange fucktard mumbles something about crypto >it spikes for a day >his cronies sell their bags >crypto dumps like a dead weight REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

R: 25 / F: 7


R: 30 / F: 7

Do you drink alco random amounts or do you pour it autistically a strictly measured amount into the pyrex cup?

R: 28 / F: 6

Why do so many shitskins settle for Polish women? Don't they have any self respect? Imagine being so desperate that you go marry a Polish, so gross.

Finis Germaniae
R: 29 / F: 0

Apparently SPD wants to give merkelmen voting rights (regardless of citizenship) as their price for agreeing to the coalition. 'Tschland is fucking finished, they looked at the British speedrun and took it as a challenge.

R: 32 / F: 11

Meet the new education minister in the UK! Say something nice about him! Before he was elevated to this role he was in charge of more than 20 Muslim religious academies in the UK

R: 21 / F: 4

In which German federal state is Unteralterbach located?

R: 19 / F: 6

Why are brown people like this?

R: 20 / F: 6

What happens next?

Poland launches campaign to raise awareness of Polish achievements
R: 32 / F: 16

Poland has launched a campaign, titled “We Did It In Poland”, to promote awareness of Polish achievements in science and business. The campaign aims to draw attention to recent innovations that many people, including Poles themselves, may not realise originated in Poland. “We have great scientists, innovators and entrepreneurs who compete at a global level,” said the government’s minister for EU affairs, Adam Szłapka, at the launch. “The campaign shows the modern side of our country and encourages us to speak loudly about Polish successes and feel proud of where Poland is today.”

R: 25 / F: 7

I have seen some evidence that strongly suggests we live in something like The Matrix. Should I keep going to work, sleep, and repeat?

R: 24 / F: 4

How should I confirm that no one has been in my apartment when I'm out? Is it enough to put a piece of paper between the door? What method does Bernd use? I don't want to get surveillance cameras.

R: 34 / F: 7

Going to make una pizza e later io mangiano it, yum yum. Its a third time in my life I try to make a pizza, the dough is always shitty I think I do something wrong, additionally I don't have an oven so I put pizza to airfryer maybe that's the reason BTW we had Italian in high school and I only remember how to order a beer >prendo una birra >GRACIE mille MOLTO BENE 4 years of fucking Italian and for fucking 4 years we were learning tenses and how to order a beer (polak in Italy would be on vacation most probably, maybe thats the reason) This year I'll spent my vacations there in a expensive resort because cheap resorts in Italy, it feels like they treat you like a dog so it's better to spend some money Love Italy, hate Italians, but maybe I'll learn language because it's fucking easy, no accents just say what you see on a paper

R: 29 / F: 14

Why are Germans like this?

R: 28 / F: 4

Does he really think politicians are going to listen solely to his voice when there are tons of immigrants whom are identified as swedish national in 2025? +philantropic svenjas and her simps taking moral high grounds against immigrants Does he think his legal course of action can deduce the coming back of old mighty sweden?

R: 25 / F: 3

Hunter biden just casually fucks the wife of his dead brother, smokes meth and crack, and walks naked in front of her daughter all the time, like its no big deal. How does he do it? Also 100% chance he molested her. What a chad.

R: 37 / F: 7

drank them side by side earlier jack = more wood/barrel, less sweet jim = less wood/barrel, more sweet would take jim over jack any day t. disabled

D - E - M - O - C - R - A - C - Y - ?
R: 28 / F: 9

DEMOCRACY? Canada's new leader, Prime Minister Mark Carney, was never elected by the people. He has never received a single vote in his life and has never held elected office. A WEF globalist now rules Canada.

R: 26 / F: 3

Horrifying death A man was shopping with his wife and daughter when crates fell on them and killed them

Massive protests in Serbia
R: 29 / F: 4

Tomorrow a huge protest will be held in the capital of Serbia, Belgrade, protesting the government’s refusal to accept the demands made by the students, as well as protesting against general incompetence and corruption. From the student to the teacher, worker and pensioner, war veterans and children all around Serbia will gather together in this protest. Is this really it? Some policemen announced that they won’t be going to work tomorrow and that they have no intention of beating up children. This might be the only chance that the opposition gets to forcefully remove the president from office. The implications are obvious; a color revolution is in the works. Unlike the protests in Greece, the Serbian protests have no leftist character. The left is very weak, and the protest attendees range from neonazis to liberals and communists (most likely due to the fact the protests have been organized “apolitically”). The situation in Serbia is very volatile, and the validity of these protests need to be questioned more seriously, since no matter how much they deny it, this reeks of liberal infighting. Only time will tell what the consequences of these past few months will be, and whether this will be another October 5th or just a failed mass movement.

R: 48 / F: 21

Am I the only communist on this board?

R: 26 / F: 5


R: 33 / F: 4


R: 30 / F: 12

Let's just imagine we all live in a sitcom. But which one?

R: 29 / F: 10

You can find 16 year old girl friends on dating apps as an ugly middle aged man? How? https://slatereport.com/news/missing-16-year-old-girl-found-dismembered-after-meeting-man-on-dating-app/

R: 35 / F: 6

do you use mpv or vlc?

R: 31 / F: 2

Watch this carefully, second by second. I think it's high time God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah again.

R: 31 / F: 16

On left my gf. On right your gf.

R: 33 / F: 11

man, south ukraine really is a comfy place to buy land and live an idyllic life 1. very cheap land now 2. very low population density for ukrainian standards (although pretty high for russian standards) 3. warm climate allows you to farm a lot easier id move, but population density is too high for my tastes. i want to be isolated and have to move a few dozen km to nearest village

R: 32 / F: 3

Imagine dumping Monica Bellucci for a negress

R: 28 / F: 3

Text hidden

R: 26 / F: 6

Orange man bad.

R: 30 / F: 2

>Americans pay money (rent) to their parents for living with them.

R: 25 / F: 6

would you rather live as a poor in helsinki finland or as a midclass by latinX standarts in latino country?

R: 28 / F: 8

store now charge 5,5€ for a pack of synthetic butter They also DOUBLED the water in the crushed tomatoes

R: 32 / F: 5

>A third of Americans describe their ideal relationship as something other than complete monogamy, according to YouGov data: https://bbc.in/4iayFqG Ameribros, our answers?

R: 21 / F: 1

Should be erected early next year.

R: 44 / F: 27

Best job in the world

R: 28 / F: 7

How do I get sex from a f*moid?

Mom love?
R: 24 / F: 5

Can you fall in love with... a woman that could be a great mom for you? I don't know how to explain. So basically there's this woman at my work, and she's very nice to me, and I really, really wish she was my mom. My real mom is long dead, but a man needs a mom. And that woman could be an outstanding mom for me. I have very intense feelings for her, as a son. Is it weird? Should I confess?

R: 34 / F: 8

It's over for Musk, that little bitch is crying.

R: 21 / F: 6

This shit is like a punch in the mouth and I have to eat it with a huge chunk of bread every time to wick away the spices from my tongue yet I keep fucking buying it because I like it.

R: 34 / F: 21

did you ever have sleepovers with your friends when you were young? what kind of things did you do?

R: 19 / F: 7

I was thinking about creating a thread about smoking cigarettes but I'm not feeling like it. I am smoking cigarettes though.

R: 32 / F: 6

I crave 16 year old jewish twink bussy.

Real hard questions
R: 32 / F: 16

At what age should a pedophile abandon a child he molested because she is now too old?

R: 28 / F: 4

La Malinche was always a big redpill for me. She sold an entire civilization for one foreign chad down on his luck. She actively plotted to undermine her own people and culture, convincing so many that it was pointless to resist her chad. The Mexicans could have very easily killed him and it was largely thanks to her honeyed words that they didn't. And she knew the full truth, that Cortes was just an outlaw and didn't have nearly as many cards as he claimed. She didn't care because he was a chad. She saw the great smallpox die-offs, saw the gold-crazed Spanish slaughtering men, women and children, was literally there to see them starve Tenochtitlan into submission and slaughter, an act so against Mexican culture of the time it shook the entire Mesoamerica to its core, she saw her once great people reduced to slavery for a handful of foreigners they could have at any point resisted successfully. She still didn't care. She probably didn't even care when she was dying of smallpox herself, already probably sidelined in favor of younger misstresses. It's probably the single greatest act of female betrayal in recorded history, but they are literally all like this.

R: 30 / F: 8

This is 200 calories

R: 23 / F: 5

There's nothing better than pickled beets. R8 my opinion

R: 30 / F: 5

What's your opinion on Berlin?

R: 31 / F: 4

i realized why i'm such a good natured, hard-working, calm, patient person irl its because i masturbate to child porn. it releases all frustrations and make me be able to go about my day calmly and relaxed meanwhile, average normie can be extremely tense, ready to blow at any little problem, or lazy, because they dont see any reason to keep going

R: 23 / F: 5

>would you still buy a Tesla? <94% no based