>Why are americans so paranoic?
I am going to assume you mean Paranoid.
As for why, for dudes who work with children it's self preservation because if anything that can even out of context be categorized as inappropriate happens then your whole live is fucked, socially, legally, career, hell someone might even hear about it and go vigilantly on your ass.
So to work with children as a dude everything you do has to be 100% above scrutiny at all times, preferably never being unaccompanied with a child so there are always witnesses, and being strict with what types of contact are appropriate and what aren't.
I taught karate and while I had no issues because I more or less stayed professional, one of the instructors got into trouble because he crossed some lines in online communications with one of the students.
Dude almost got his ass beat, but the head instructor talked the family down, instead giving him a six month suspension and a very stern talking to from all the other instructors on not to do anything like this again because it reflects poorly on all of us.
This was for basically flirting between him and a around 14 year old student.
No touching or full on crimes being broken, but still it crossed the line and he was punished.
People have zero tolerance for sus behavor involving their own kids. Trust that took years to build can be destroyed in less than a second if you do the wrong thing with a kid.