How's america winning though
No wall, no mass >1mil deportations, no new bydlo steel jobs (lol) just a self-inflicted dismantling of its own soft power and shitty initial economic and equity performance
It's just internet losers and polnigger retards circlejerking about self-destructive actions and tesla/steak n' shake infomercial-tier grifting
You haven't really answered the question though; by what metric is America winning
'Make mad all' is a decent goal for an imageboard schizo or lolcow, but I'd imagine you hold your government to higher achievements
Unironically this is leftards fault, if they hadn't implemented their tranny hugging policies, rightards wouldn't haven't had the need to vote even bigger retard in the office, now everything is full retard
It's the fault for classical liberals and moderates for allowing tranny-huggers and progressive screechers to take over common sense neoliberal shitlib competence
Though I guess you can say the same for oldschool republicans debasing themselves for tea party and eventually MAGA iq89 facebook mouthbreathers