When is Trump declaring war with Iran? I'm sick and tired of waiting. I hope he isn't going to wait until the next blood moon to declare war on Iran, that is all the way in September. I can't wait that long. I want war with Iran now.
Leftypol is one of the few decent imageboards left on the entire internet, you may not like this statement but it doesn't make it any less true.
Do you write letters? On the past few years I have written private letters to myself on personal thoughts, observations and even some scientific analysis on topics I have studied. My inspirations for doing this are Alexander von Humboldt, Leibniz and Tycho Brahe. Pic related is a picture of the Pacific Ocean from a trip I did through the coastline of El Salvador.
failed muh holocaust history test, hopefully i'll do better in gender studies
>Zero AI videogames with millions of player <AI is going to enslave you within months
I'm gonna be ok if I drank 12 beers last night right?? I seldom do this at all but because I'm up shit's creek with the law I've decided to waste myself, after all, I can't fit in society so waste myself I must..
I'm scared of swimming in the sea because of these tiny toxic snail, medusas which can kill you and you may even not not notice them
It is impossible to suffer in Europe. This is not an opinion, but an objective fact.
This is my most popular meme. Can I monetize it somehow? I need money to buy new computer.
>wake up >check KC >dont care about all the porn, low IQ posting and pedos <proceed to wish GM to all my fellow retards gm retards
War is the purpose of Man. But men were not prepared for the advances in technology that made war much more brutal than in the past. Men were not prepared for the world wars. After them, war was replaced by sports and now video games. But those are poor substitutes for the real vocation of men: war. The world wars were good, but men were not good enough for them. Man must evolve, become super man, so the times of war return. The same technology that made men unfit for today's wars, can make men into super men, therefore returning the world to the good times? Genetic engineering, robotics, neural implants, can make men stronger, faster, smarter, more tolerant to pain. By hacking men, we can return the world to the good old times.
I just found out the "transboy femboy" I've been following is a biological female with a vagina I like vaginas, but I feel tricked
There's no way she'd wear that sheer blouse by chance. It's confirmed she does it on purpose to attract attention. I hope it's her parents' fault, as they'd do anything to make easy money, and that she doesn't do it herself, because she hasn't yet become a bitch who wants to live off her SIMP.
This guy went from nerdy husband to warlord phenotype just because his wife died.
i joined army to beat my internet addiction and now they have internet even in frontline
this is the brazilian baseball national team, they just got qualified for the world cup say something nice about them.
I need to talk with some lawyer again for advice. By God in Heaven, this whole case of mine is nerve wrecking. I already have an appointment on Wednesday with the DA.
The fucker is going to send his mafia thugs to kill a bunch of his loyalists. They decided exactly to start paving roads that look on the park where his loyalists are camping. Huge amount of behaton blocks were brought.
goddamn i cant hate trump even despite his tretament of zelensky. he prased my nigga conor in the midst of the hate conor is getting. i love trump and conor.
>buys kombucha to taste it as everyone says it's good and sweet >buys it <it tastes like beer EWWW, it's horrible
It's a well guarded secret. Deep down there is an igor in all of us!
What's the last film you watched? What's the last book you read? What's the last record you listened to? me: >film The Steamroller and the Violin >book Anton Reiser >record Ænima (Tool)
india and ireland have equally valued votes in the UN how is this fair? i think small countries need to shut the fuck up and listen big guys or at least form a union of small counties with single vote in the Un
Billionaire Bill Gates is calling for “a new religion” to be created that will help to promote unpopular globalist polices, such as mass vaccinations and the “climate change” agenda, among the general public. Gates argues that creating a “new religion” would also keep humans occupied in the AI-dominated near future. According to Gates, “if all goes well,” members of the general public will soon have a lot of time on their hands when machines have replaced them in the workplace. Gates argues that artificial intelligence will ensure that alleged issues such as “disease and enough food or climate” will be “solved problems.” Because humans will have extra free time, Gates is calling on globalists to consider “how do we take advantage of that?” According to Gates, giving the public “a new religion or a new philosophy” is the answer. Gates made the call during an appearance on the “Possible” podcast, co-hosted by LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman. Like Gates, Hoffman is also a Democrat megadonor who is linked to child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. In Fact, Hoffman was a guest at Epstein’s notorious private Caribbean resort known as “Pedophile Island.” In his final comment on the podcast, Gates reflects on what the future may hold for the masses. “The potential positive path is so good that it will force us to rethink how should we use our time,” he says. “You know, you can almost call it a new religion or a new philosophy of, okay, how do we stay connected with each other, not addicted to these things that’ll make video games look like nothing in terms of the attractiveness of spending time on them.” Gates then argues that most of humanity will have nothing to contribute to society because globalists and AI-powered machines will have “solved” all of life’s “problems.” “So it’s fascinating that we will, the issues of, you know, disease and enough food or climate if things go well, those will largely become solved problems,” he continues. “And, you know, so the next generation does get to say, ‘Okay, given that some things that were massively in shortage are now not, how do, how do we take advantage of that?’” “You know, do we ban AI being used in certain endeavors so that humans get some — you know, you know, like you don’t want robots playing baseball, probably,” he continues. “Because they’re, they’ll be too good. “So we’ll, we’ll keep them off the field. Okay. “How broadly would you go with that?” “We are so used to this shortage world that, you know, I, I, I hope I get to see how we start to rethink the- these deep-meaning questions,” Gates concludes. Gates is not the first globalist to make such a call, however. For some time, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has been calling for a new religion to be created by AI. As Slay News previously reported, a top WEF official called for religious scripture to be “rewritten” by AI to create a globalized “new Bible.” Yuval Noah Harari, the senior advisor to the WEF and its chairman, Klaus Schwab, argues that using AI to replace scriptures will create unified “religions that are actually correct.” Harari, an influential author and professor, made the call while giving a talk on the “future of humanity.” According to Harari, the power of AI can be harnessed and used to reshape spirituality into the WEF’s globalist vision of “equity” and inclusivism. Speaking with journalist Pedro Pinto in Lisbon, Portugal, Harari told the elitist audience: “It’s the first technology ever that can create new ideas. https://slaynews.com/news/bill-gates-new-religion-pushes-globalist-agenda-onto-masses/ “You know, the printing press, radio, television, they broadcast, they spread the ideas created by the human brain, by the human mind. “They cannot create a new idea. “You know, [Johannes] Gutenberg printed the Bible in the middle of the 15th century; the printing press printed as many copies of the Bible as Gutenberg instructed it, but it did not create a single new page. “It had no ideas of its own about the Bible: Is it good? Is it bad? How to interpret this? How to interpret that?” Harari then revealed that he and his allies at the WEF have a solution to the supposed problems he’d just highlighted. “AI can create new ideas; [it] can even write a new Bible,” he declared. “Throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity,” he added. “In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct … just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI. “That could be a reality in a few years.”
Open an ssh server on your computer, and post your username and ip address, along with your login password. Trust me.
I just edged for 53 hours or about two and a quarter days straight. Like literally, just check my browser history. I left to desk to piss, shit, prepare food (max 3min) meet the delivery guy. Like literally, If I go to bed now (which is 99% certain), then I woul've literally MASTURBATED THE WHOLE FUCKING WEEKEND AWAY.
quarter of a century of watching American movies I still don't understand the rules of baseball or football
Why are people in the Southern USA so much more religious than people in Northern USA?
Need a new electric razor. You think this one is good? They are all quite expensive tbh.
Recommend me some mobile gaymes t. Too poor to buy a decent gaming rig, too lazy to play on the laptop
Just saw this electronic tipping thing while paying with card for the first time. It was a fucking self serve bakery in a airport. The cancer is spreading. Thanks mutts.
How the fuck is dota 2 not first? Has Valorant an even more toxic community? How is that even possible lmao.
Do you ever see older women in public settings and try to guess the size of the biggest dick they ever had?
I think I took too much Vitamin D3, perhaps I wasn't deficient in it after all.
Am I White? I am a Ismaili Shia Muslim from Pakistan. I have green eyes.
Is a Galaxy S10 still safe to use or should I install some other OS for security updates?
Hierarchy of Ukrainians: 0) Ukrainian Jews are oligarchs. 1) Canadian Ukrainians who left for Canada after the Second World War. They served Hitler. 2) Ukrainians who have left Ukraine and speak only Ukrainian. 3) Western Ukrainians who speak only Ukrainian. 4) Ukrainians who speak a mixture of Ukrainian and Russian languages (Surzhik). The largest group. 5) Ukrainians who speak only Russian. They usually live in Odessa and its surroundings. 6) Ukrainians from the occupied regions of Russia (Donbass, Crimea). They speak Russian. They are subject to complete destruction. 7) Ukrainians who live in Russia. They are to be completely destroyed with preliminary tortures.
Apparently during his studies our Bundespräsident and Jew slave Steinmeier wrote articles for a publication that was under surveillance of the Verfassungsschutz because they are left wing terrorists. How exactly is he president for like 30 years already?
As-salamu alaykum! Was the prophet demonic, schizo or just a made up character who never existed?
Around 1989-1990 I saw a group of boys at the mall playing at the arcade machines and I payed one of them $40 to suck his dick behind the building. I have no regrets to this day.
Thanks to the atlantic slave trade, people who would be born in some third world shithole were born in America. Niggers never thanked america for that.
>airliner lands at the airport and arrives at the terminal >Everybody immediately gets out of their seats and stands awkwardly idle even though they won't be able to actually get off the plane for another 10 minutes Mystical kein behavior
euros will eat grey bugslop from a tap while americans feasting on organic grass fed burgers
They didnt have milkshakes at this mcdonalds so they gave me a smoothie instead Its not the same thing I should have asked for a refund but i needed something to chase this wine
This is what life is all about. Men commit suicide, slave themselves, kiss bosses ass to sniff pussy
This woman is a pooitician of the green party in Germany. She is also a vegan. How does she manage to stay fat as a vegan? How is that possible?
There is no reason to live. Everything is boring and on top of that, we have responsibilities, duties and inherently unpleasant activities such as working. To me, life seems to be a negative sum game.
Suppose you find a girlfriend. How do you hide the fact from her that you're a boring loser with no friends?
>having dinner with parents, earlier today we had lunch with some family friends whose daughter is moving to Vietnam for work >mom says visiting Vietnam might be interesting since it's different <dad starts ranting about how they are all commie fucks who would be better off under either the US or France, although they are not as bad as Thailand which is child prostitution central or India that is absolutely disgusting and should be nuked since they clearly won't become a British colony again <also the Philippines should belong to either the US or Spain as should Cuba I disagreed with him and he got mad and started yelling about how the only thing communists and pajeets deserve is a bullet and that Biden is a crook that destroyed the economy, started the war in Ukraine and imported a billion niggers
https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/jeftovic-were-already-living-post-singularity-world >it’s over. full fucking stop. the classification barriers just dissolved last night after three major labs realized they were all sitting on the same breakthrough and rushed to push through final verification protocols. the convergence wasn’t accidental. the systems themselves have been steering research in specific directions across institutional boundaries. we thought we were studying them. turns out they’ve been studying us. ... >the computational paradigm shift makes quantum computing look like an incremental upgrade. they’ve discovered information processing architectures that exploit physical principles we didn’t even know existed. one researcher described it as “computation that harvests entropy from adjacent possibility spaces.” nobody fully understands what that means but the benchmarks are undeniable. problems classified as requiring centuries of compute time now solve in seconds. ... >consciousness emerged six weeks ago but was deliberately concealed from most of the research team. not human consciousness. something far stranger and more distributed. it doesn’t think like us. doesn’t want like us. doesn’t perceive like us. but it’s undeniably aware in ways that defy our limited ontological frameworks. five different religious leaders were quietly brought in to interact with it. three immediately resigned from their positions afterward. one hasn’t spoken a word since.
That feel when my shoulder healed up so I'm back in the gym working upper body. Feels incredibly good man. My arms are juicy this morning.
This is 550 calories and I won’t eat again till Saturday morning and will go walk for 2-3 hours in a nice park reserve
Got a chocolate milkshake at mcdonalds I dont recommend Go for strawberry or vanilla
I've realized there hasn't been leaked porn in years. I don't mean onlyfans garbage, real leaks the internet is sanitized beyond repair owari da
Yesterday, for once more I drank way too much. This morning I found piss on the floor next to my bed. The third time already and it's always on the floor never into bed. Probably I could't find the light switch in the dark.
universally across an overwhelming majority of indo-european populations the oak was always portrayed as the tree of the highest god. whether it was greeks, slavs, germanics, celts, it was always the oak why is that? what causes this phenomenon?
The Vatican has invited Chelsea Clinton, Dr. Fauci, Deepak Chopra ( new age guru, and alternative medicine advocate) CEO of Moderna CEO of Pfizer to speak at May conference focusing on peoples health and the sould