>the one getting rich now are women (and their boyfriends) instead of porn studios and its managers.
nod really :DDDDDDDD
For the ones promoting their OnlyFans profiles on platforms like Twitch, Instagram or TikTok, only a handful of OnlyFans creators are making anything worth being envious of with the rest earning anywhere from supplemental incomes to poverty wages. The average OnlyFans girl could hope for, at most, 100 dedicated subs if she actively promotes herself online. An OnlyFans girl can expect to gross $1600 every month at the absolute most. Assuming those subscribers keep their memberships at $20 a month and either don't cancel or upgrade their memberships to $50 for three months (or however she chooses to sell her subscription services), she can expect to gross $20k a year tops. Of course, we're not accounting for tips, pay-per-view (PPV) content and other streams of money which could add more to the gross, and what she actually nets is another equation entirely. Even in entirely ideal circumstances where some are allegedly bringing in six figures, an OnlyFans "career" is an entirely time-limited offer. As the girls age, their subscriber counts will go down and they'll have to find work elsewhere.
There's a big reason why sex work is aggressively marketed to the young as a viable career. Not only does prostitution appeal to the liberal and leftist mindset of "sex work being work" and enjoys a slight bit of cultural cache as something cutting edge, sex work appeals to young women because finding work is increasingly difficult for the average westerner. Entry-level jobs are becoming fewer and further between, and reorienting the economy towards service jobs has placed a massive amount of people simply unfit for those positions in massive amounts of debt no thanks to the educational inflation and the subsequent credentialism crisis. Of those that are capable, working in an office and all the politics that come with it are their own version of hell. Busting your ass in a kitchen under intense pressure is even worse. Working dispatch as a 911 operator is even more stressful. In comparison, selling your ass for cash from the comfort of your own home is the definition of low stress and low skill.
There's a reason why "Office Space" was so popular. We've all heard stories of office workers suffering from a range of mental illnesses or just are under duress all the time. It grates on the soul when your manager refuses to honor your work with better pay, ignores your overtime and even straight up tell you to break labor and work safety laws. It's degrading if your work is 99% of the value of what your company sells and you get half as much as the manager whose job is to write 2 emails per day. It's degrading if you get fired because management made bad decisions that cost the company a lot and they let you go despite none of it being your fault.
I can't say I pity these whores when they behave just as predatory towards their johns and simps, but at the same time, I can empathize with how some wound up where they are. It's all in all a fucked set of circumstances, for lack of better words.