Mixing of neighbouring people's, for example Germans and Western Slavs or Finns and some Indo-European people, is completely normal and will naturally, over hundreds of years, happen on itself. On the other hand mixing people with completely different ancestral history who have evolved thousands of years in completely different climates is not normal, at least en masse. There are of course no clear actual racial lines in nature, at least not anymore since the ancient human species have all disappeared, rather vague differences which grow as you travel a further distance. We are all mixes of different ancient humans, Europeans have Neanderthal DNA, Africans don't. I don't care if some individual decides to racemix, but there should be a large population of members of every race who practise in preserving their differences. The previously mentioned constant slight mixing happening between neighbouring sub-races is not equal to mixing all humans into a gray mass. It won't create an ugly abomination nor a blood/health problems unique to mutts. It will still preserve the difference to a race let's say on the other side of the Globe. Racemixing is anti-evolution.