This German fax meme became so annoying. It's reddit tier. Germans shouldn't be allowed to make jokes, because it will always lead them to repeat it a billion times like the autists they are.
"teeee heee, arent we peculiar! And we arent perfect, we are just mere mortals with kooky habits teee-heee"
Yep, the whole fax meme is very reddit-tier. Humour for people who dont know how to joke IRL, essentially.
Of highly advanced fax technology for the 21st century.
I mean, fax is pronounced 'fucks'. So everytime a German uses fax, he fucks. Can you say the same?
IIRC fax machines are actually superior if done properly (something- something secure).
They're not that bad per se, they just have to be used for their special purpose.