Why are people in the Southern USA so much more religious than people in Northern USA?
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 21:55:04 GMT
No. 25655322
Same reason they're more conservative. Population is more disbursed into rural areas rather than concetrated into big cities. Rural folk are generally religious and conservative.
Why is the more rural population always more religious and conservative?
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 22:13:11 GMT
No. 25655427
Mexicans are even lower IQ.
Non-theist religion is fine but they don't have much of it in the new world.
There are more shitskins in bigger cities.
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 22:39:51 GMT
No. 25655595
probably church is the only entertainment the have there
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 22:40:02 GMT
No. 25655597
we lag behind so are only conservative by default, the northerners blew their religious wad earlier, that's all
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 22:45:26 GMT
No. 25655624
>Population is more disbursed into rural areas rather than concetrated into big cities
Are those type of "mega churches" really in rural areas? I don't think so. It's urban/suburban.
Western US is more urbanized population wise than northeast I see from googling.
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 23:23:38 GMT
No. 25655821
why do you think all southerners bleach their hair blonde? the truth is they are not white but mystery meat shitskins and always have been, and this blonde hair is an attempt to look less mongrel. the northerners on the other hand are more often of pure white stock from later emigration
south = dysgenic, mongrelized, low iq heda (like russians)
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 23:24:20 GMT
No. 25655823
More niggers and spics in the south
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 23:27:01 GMT
No. 25655837
They want the preacher's D.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 01:46:28 GMT
No. 25656325
Because it was the South where Evangelicalism was invented in the 18th century. Which ended becoming the quintessential American religion.
The North was characterized by being settled by groups with structured Protestant churches like the famous Puritans, Quakers, etc. Where belonging to the community was associated with following organized religion. Meanwhile Evangelicalism was characterized by rejecting authority and rituals in favor of emotionalism and personal worship, their cult made special emphasis on sermons of preachers that would rally great crowds, this would eventually lead to modern megachurches and other charismatic movements.
While people in the North with more traditional Protestant churches became secularized like in Europe, the opposite happened in the South where widespread "revival" movements of preachers reinforced this new way of worship which required or not going to church often, this was helpful in the colonization of the Frontier as people didn't depend directly of church authorities to spread the faith, you could be your own authority with your own Bible.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 01:48:47 GMT
No. 25656335
i hate evangelical christcucks so fvcking much!
even mudslimes are better than them. at least mudslimes hate kikes.
evangelical christcucks think kikes are some kind of superhuman sacred cows
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 01:50:14 GMT
No. 25656340
Simps. I don't understand, therefore God.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 02:02:22 GMT
No. 25656369
Their 'accent' isn't even real - it's straight up fucking brain damage.
Interacting with southern dipshits is painful in every way, there's really no difference between them and niggers.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 03:33:35 GMT
No. 25656737
Largely rural population. Mixed scots-irish, huguenot french. Less anglo saxon protestant first families. more yeomen and irish