quarter of a century of watching American movies I still don't understand the rules of baseball or football
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:36:57 GMT
No. 25645124
There's a 14 minute youtube video that explains it quite well, I watched it last year and watched some games too to see what is this thing all about. It's basically their "ski jumping", if you follow my analogy. A sunday family friendly sport with rather low intensity.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:37:27 GMT
No. 25645130
its fairly easy i can explain this to a toilet cleaner in 1 min
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:38:26 GMT
No. 25645140
We have Ukrainians for that job now.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:38:46 GMT
No. 25645142
never called you one :P kek
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:39:16 GMT
No. 25645144
Yes but I assumed it in the context mr. tricky trickster.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:40:16 GMT
No. 25645154
its a family friendly sports
dad takes family out where he doesnt have to move and sip beers for hours
children get to sing chants whenever they want to (plenty of moments to do it)
mum doesnt have to cook because you can bring in or eat foods there in the stadium
pretty chill summer weekend out activity
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 17:30:42 GMT
No. 25646037
baseball is about putting the ball into play
9 fielding positions, of which 4 infield (dirty diamond), 3 outfield (grass), 1 pitcher, 1 catcher.
game is centered around batting team and pitching/defending team.
there's a batter, and there's a pitcher
pitcher throws a "valid/hittable" ball to the catcher. throws 3 valid hittable balls to the catcher, and that's an out. then next batter up.
3 outs is an inning
9 innings in a game.
most runs after 9 innings win.
batter has to put the ball into play; he can hit the ball, and as long ball is hit (within the lines), the batter runs to the bases around the diamond. there are 4 bases. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. If the batter is on a base he is safe. If the batter is not on base, he can be forced out with a tag.
the batter can advance whenever he's on base; usually when the ball is in play.
defensive team, the fielders. if they catch a ball from a hit ball - out.
it's a very simplified game of cricket, but with bases
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 17:37:55 GMT
No. 25646067
if the batter hits the ball, and the ball flies within the confines the foul lines but over the fences, then it's considered a home run.
it scores 1 run, and scores all the batters on base. a team can score 4 runs; if there's 3 batters on base.
what are the foul lines? they're lines that radiate from the home base (plate), so anything within the 90 degrees is fair, anything outside is considered foul
pitcher throws 4 unhittable balls? the batter is awarded 1st base.
what's hittable. it's an imaginary zone defined by the size of the homeplate, then elbows to knees of the batter. as long as the ball passes through over home plate, and isn't too high or hits the ground, it's valid
it's really fucking hard to hit a ball from major league pitchers. like really fucking hard. it's gotten harder over time, and most batters went from a 1/3rd chance in the 90's to 1/5th chance to the present day.
modern day pitchers can throw balls that look it will cross home plate, then dive down. some can throw just junk, others can throw like a regular straight fastball, but take 10mph (speed off) to trick.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 17:43:17 GMT
No. 25646102
the game is predominantly played by the dominican republic, californians, japanese/koreans (dying there), and some taiwanese
also yids. jews love this game. it's a slow paced game, it's gotten worse over time, and it's just a heritage sport. it's a team game, where individuals can impact.
it's weird. it's like if basketball was just repeated 1v1 horse and the rest of the team watches from the bench.
or it's like watching penalty shootouts in soccer, but done over 90 minutes.
If you made a game of penalty shootouts in soccer, like that's the primary game, then put the rest of the team behind the goalie so that if those catched the ball; that's the premise of baseball. weird right? british game.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 17:50:33 GMT
No. 25646157
baseball is easy to play, also very fun. I used to play at highschool, at sport class. One time the catcher got his teeth destroyed by batting guy. Good times.
don't care at all about handegg, tho'.