Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
R: 20 / F: 2

I've eaten this. Good?

Myths about your Kountry
R: 30 / F: 2

>"brazilians shower everyday!! we are so klean!!" False. Last time i showered was 2 weeks ago, my room smells like my ass (not in a good way). Post Myths about your Kountry/Kountrymen.

R: 27 / F: 3

an incoming ceo at my company wants to reduce the it budget. currently i work 70h at 30 usd per hour rate. he wants to cut my number of hours to 55. however he also gave me another options. working full time at 20 usd per hour. would Bernd take such deal?

R: 26 / F: 2

there is a new ceo in my company and he cut the it budget. limited my number of hours from around 70 to 50. however he also offered me a full time job but for a lower hourly wage. i kinda need the additional money but i am not sure if i can do full time. also this would mean that per hour i would earn less than i did in my previous job. would you take such deal? or would you try to negotiate?

list of things my dumb mom has said
R: 26 / F: 10

1. Pedophiles aren't straight they're all bisexual because they like children but they're not bisexual they're child sexual 2. She believes in hybrid vigor from race mixing especially with blacks 3. She said pornography was not filmed prostitution but acting (my father laughed at this one) Women aren't really people I hope you can all see that they need to be abused and limited as sub makes. (Sorry for porn just I mean really look at this random picture please kill my mother)

Chinga tu madre señor Trump
R: 20 / F: 5

soy cabron y que!

R: 24 / F: 2

i bought youtuber chcoolate ama

R: 32 / F: 7

That feel when I've been hitting the gym super hard and taking protein supplements and I'm getting serious results. I'm gonna keep this up.

R: 19 / F: 1

How do I make censored text on kohlchan? You know with a black line over the text.

R: 27 / F: 2

does your cunt give foreign aid to china?

R: 23 / F: 3

Bernd animal

R: 45 / F: 12

Are there any Brazilian imageboards still online?

R: 22 / F: 2

Heard my neigbors fucking and moaning It's over

R: 26 / F: 4

Why don’t we put more solar panels over parking lots? Especially here in the Sunbelt where our cities 1. We get a lot of sun, and 2. Our cities are covered in parking lots.

R: 22 / F: 7

I wish the Brazilians here appreciated the heaven in which they live, fine music, fine food fine girls, fine lifestyle. Brazil really is amazing!

R: 23 / F: 6

I want that stupid black hellcat and a beautiful house.

R: 28 / F: 6

I'm worried that when the Germans finally get around to rausing the American bases that they get carried away with "Ami go home" and go raus-crazy and raus me too.

R: 24 / F: 1

> 'The two men remain under "judicial control", authorities say, meaning they have to comply with certain conditions, including returning to Romania, which the BBC understands could possibly be as early as the end of March ' LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 They will never ever come back

R: 25 / F: 15

(((WHO))) is bankrupt and short of 1,5 billion My prediction is they going to release their bugs and blame it on trump

R: 22 / F: 3

What was the appeal of Harry Potter? t. didn't read, didn't watch

R: 34 / F: 61

You could be in the Philippines roleplaying the Vietnam war by fighting islamic insurgents, but instead we sit on KC. So boring.

R: 33 / F: 10

trust the sharts feel the braap

R: 33 / F: 22

Post your cookenings, Bernd! I'm making pörkölt, and the highly controversial tofu variety for that. Second plan: kale főzelék.

R: 28 / F: 5

We should be thankful to Donny for America’s decline. Managed to fuck up ties with Canada, Mexico and Europe. The biggest clown I have ever seen. Well, this is what Americans voted for after all.

R: 29 / F: 9

It got to my knowledge that Putin is a horse enjoyer, is that true or just propaganda? If a man is a horse enjoyer, I do trust his decisions. t.horseguy

R: 24 / F: 2

Skyr is BOGO this week. What's it like and how do I use it?

the king of insturments
R: 26 / F: 12

name a better-soudning more based instrumend protip: you cant

R: 39 / F: 3

I would be neutral perhaps even sympathetic to Israel if they didn't control my government. The fact that they meddle in my country's affairs is really annoying. I don't think the vast majority of Americans even condone AIPAC unless you're the vocal Evangelist minority but even some American Jews themselves don't support AIPAC. It's a foreign element that was not expressly wanted by Americans at large.

US Helps Russia Restart Nord Stream 2
R: 30 / F: 6

Former CEO of the Nord Stream 2 project Matthias Warnig is planning the resumption of the gas pipeline with the support of American investors, the Financial Times (FT) reports. "Matthias Warnig, with the support of American investors, is developing a project to restart the gas pipeline," the newspaper said. Sources told the Financial Times that the administration of US President Donald Trump is aware of this initiative, which is considered part of a strategy to improve relations with Russia. To implement this plan, it is necessary to lift US sanctions against Russia, obtain Moscow's permission to resume gas supplies and Germany's consent to transit gas to any European buyers. EU leaders expressed concern about the discussions around Nord Stream 2 and held talks on this situation

R: 26 / F: 6

This isn’t a justification of my crime but rather a reflection. When I was sixteen I insisted on going to a therapist. Because I was aware of my problematic paraphilia. The therapist essentially laughed me out of the office, saying that a 16 year old couldn’t have the paraphilia I claimed to have. My 18th birthday came around. My parents asked what I wanted. I said I wanted to go to therapy. I spilled my guts to the therapist about the problematic paraphilia. They said they wouldn’t have me as a patient because of it. I. Found another therapist. They said they would keep me as a patient as long as I never brought “IT” up. The only time I got therapy to address the underlying issue was when I finally got arrested, convicted and sentenced. What the FUCK. there has to be a better way.

Incel thread
R: 35 / F: 7

Incel thread itt only incels allowed in this thread pic related: typical incel

R: 28 / F: 2

What are the most complex softwares that exist? I thought it were RDBMS like PostgreSQL, SQL Server or Oracle DB, but ChatGPT says it's operational systems like windows and linux.

R: 22 / F: 3

Eurofags, how would u like to get 40 million niggers for free?

R: 27 / F: 3

>destroys any hope for nuclear research for the rest of history

R: 19 / F: 4

I’m tired of this clown. Are there any impeachment chances?

R: 30 / F: 9

remember Trump failed a ton of businesses including a casino

R: 47 / F: 19

its over

R: 21 / F: 7

How do you even come up with these science questions? It seems too sill even for AI.

R: 17 / F: 3

Guys I won't lie It's kind of disheartening to see stupid faggots make millions while I do my best and achieve nothing

R: 25 / F: 9

transsexual cia niggers fuck in the dark

R: 17 / F: 3

why pooreuropeans don't like well designed american cities

R: 13 / F: 2

I would gladly prostitute myself for this.

R: 36 / F: 8

Did you ever kill someone?

R: 23 / F: 15

The most scummiest , dishonest , rat people I have ever met are pot heads while pretending to be virtuous and deep Is there any scientific explanation for this? Does drug just messes up their neurons?

R: 22 / F: 3

Hello, bernds

R: 22 / F: 1

made & ate barszcz pls rate

R: 19 / F: 7

why did you constantly mention that show Black Mirror? it's literally for/about niggers and females

R: 27 / F: 10

The question is not IF The question is WHEN

R: 26 / F: 7

If you don't understand why ex-ussr is so fucked up, just keep in mind that slavery here ended less than 34 years ago. Before that being unemployed, running a business, keeping gold or foreign currency or just living outside your place of registration were criminal offenses.

R: 16 / F: 3

So wholesome 😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩💖💖💖💖💦💦💦

R: 23 / F: 0

red alert source codes just got released

R: 21 / F: 8

Why are eurofags so massively homosexual?

R: 21 / F: 21

when the dust settles we can all agree that these 3 politicians are the most powerful politicians in Europe righ now who defend our white European civilization against mutto sharts from shartistan and mongol horde asians russians from east right?

R: 12 / F: 2

After 12 years on /int and creation more than 10,000 threads, I can share my experience with you 1. Image is very important. At least 50% success rate. My suggestion: use either a photo of a girl, or some kind of info graphics. The kohlers also work, but keep in mind 2. 2. Imagine shouldn't be popular. Bernds memorize all images, and they are only interested in new images that they have never seen or saw long ago. 3. The thread's content can be completely different. But here are some important notes: 3a) Always remember: Bernds are assburgers, so they have autistic interests: military, politics, countries, history. Less often programming, natural sciences, mathematics. Almost never: relationships with people, except from the point of view of autistics. 3b) Always leave some simple question, so even the dumbest Bernds would like to take a little time to answer. For example: "Why did Hitler hate Jews?" 3c) Try to be a little sarcastic/dumb, so Bernds would like to correct you. For example, "Why are women so perfect?" 3d) Try to be uniq. The Bernds spend their lives here, they remember every thread ever created. 4. Always, ALWAYS answer Bernds in your thread. Try to have a discussion, otherwise the thread will have no more than 10 replies. 5. Two bump are enough, if it didn't work, then you can think what was wrong (see 2. 3. 4.) and try to fix it another day. Now, when I teached you everything i know. I ask you to go and try to create a successful thread on your own. Then post here a link, I will r8 it, and send you a feedback.

R: 22 / F: 4

This could be you but you choose to spend your days masturbating to jewish porno instead

R: 28 / F: 3

Good Morning! Guete Morge! Moin Moin!

R: 27 / F: 3

Damn, I wish I lived in Brazil the women are beautiful, even the chubby ones!

R: 24 / F: 5

Who is old enough to remember Operation Reconquista? I bet you faggots dont even know what this is.

R: 21 / F: 2

My sleep debt is equal to the national debt. I can't pay it off. I can go to bed at 19:00 and wake up tired... six hours later, still tired... is this life after 35?

R: 27 / F: 5

Do you know what Kang Chuck is doing here?

R: 24 / F: 6

Why do Ausländers exist? Why doesn't everyone just stay in his own country?

What next for Russia?
R: 24 / F: 3

1. Africa Wagner dood. They reformed into AfrikaKorps (!) yet are fighting in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine. The new Afrika Corps do have one base in Burkina Faso which was acquired last year before their redeployment. 2. Middle East Syria dood, wat nou? Has Russia negotiated lease of their bases with the Arabs? They have no other presence in MENA aside from this. As an aside, has anyone heard anything from Assad recently? 3. Europe There will be British (and maybe French?) soldiers celebrating a chilly Christmas on the Black Sea this year for the first time in nearly 170 years. Sweden and Finland have also joined NATO and Europeans are currently considering joining up forces with some zeal. Russian power is ebbing round the world and their power over a select handful of European countries is in rapid retreat. What will Putin's legacy be? Is there any hope for him or an expansionist Russia? Suppose Russia keeps Crimea and the Donbass, will this be a sufficient prize for the losses mentioned above?

R: 27 / F: 8

>children are innocen-ACK

R: 24 / F: 7

this is your appearance

R: 24 / F: 3

Is this normal? All came out from on ear at once

Zelensky calls Vance "CYKA BLYAT"
R: 21 / F: 5

not cool.

R: 25 / F: 3

what comes to your heda when you hear this

R: 21 / F: 6

I'm wageslaving to secure a better life for my future family unit. Pic related resembles how I imagine my wife. She's likely in school or working a part time job somewhere right now. I would still need to court her in order to breed. What are you working for?

Anime characters lost their caucasoid features
R: 20 / F: 8

This is evidence that Whites are not as admirable as they were in the past to Asians. They used to have sharper facial features and stronger nose bridges which are caucasoid traits.

R: 22 / F: 1

Baced Russia making Argentina white again

R: 43 / F: 22

When I was a boy in the legendary 1990's, this woman was a fitness guru. At that time, with absolute nightmares of hotness like Erika Eleniak or Nicole Eggert running around, my young mind told me this woman was gross because short boy hair. It was only as an adult I realized that she was absolutely stunning and would look amazing as a raven-haired vixen. Its funny how dumb we are when we are young.

JEWS HAVE WON White Hohols have been maimed for nothing
R: 30 / F: 7

Now that Deal is signed (((Zelensky))) can go back to ISRAEL his homeland while USA does extract resources and directs them back to Israel :) JEWS HAVE WON White Hohols have been maimed for nothing

R: 26 / F: 6

Where can you watch rape and incest stuff?

R: 21 / F: 4

just have sex incel

R: 23 / F: 10

Reminder that Browns are loose on kaycey, and many of them have been programmed to believe they are not brown. STAY VIGILANT, STAY SAFE.

Endchan Movie Corner
R: 54 / F: 41

Hello, Bernd! Today we are watching El Camino on our cytube channel, at 21:00 UTC (22 CET, 4pm EST), in little less than 2 hours. https://cytu.be/r/endcorner Now if you haven't seen Breaking Bad, this movie might not will make sense to you, some stuff really needs context. In the meantime, as a warm up, probably will stream Captain Blackbeard Radio Episode 22. Come on, Bernd! Join us!

Why are you unhappy?
R: 25 / F: 4

I'm unhappy because I don't have a gf and never had.

R: 21 / F: 8

Keir Starmer says hes going to war We are so fucked man, what the fuck do these dumb britons have with Ukraine all day?

R: 20 / F: 3

Did you know the Brazil has two supply voltages just like Japan. I was reminded of this after the power socket thread from yesterday. Let's say you move from a state with a supply of 127v to a state with a supply of 220v, does that mean you have to change all your appliances?

R: 49 / F: 29

How do i stop being a faggot?

If manlets rule, you lose
R: 20 / F: 2

The reason the Deutschland lost in WW2 so badly was due to manlets and their Napoleon complex, trying to rematch WW1 and not be content with their current position. Leaders from WW1 were giant gigachads who imposed respect among their troops and even Wilhelm II was as tall as Hindenburg, who mind you the latter was 2.00 m. Just looking at all these pictures you can see who were people born to lead while the others were some dwarfs who tried so hard to be respected and got their asses kicked.

R: 20 / F: 4

How to avoid demons when they're hiding, i.e., the opposite of picrel?

R: 15 / F: 1


New meta in hearthstone bread
R: 37 / F: 3

I got legend. I used the hard and true strategy of git gud. And it paid off. If you can git gud. You can do anything. It’s how I made it. I didn’t grind that hard. I probably had like a 80 percent win ratio when I took the plunge. But that’s not even good enough. Should have won them all. Gotta git gooder.

R: 29 / F: 3

I tried Spotify after using YouTube and MP3s to listen to music my entire life and the experience so far has been great. The audio quality is much better than on YouTube and you can adjust the bass and such in your settings. I heard that Spotify ads could be annoying because they interrupt your music, but I haven't got an advert like that so far. Very nice, me like.

R: 22 / F: 6

It's funny to watch all the AfD "supporters" rage and spit into the wind after the election you lost, and there's nothing you can do about it. next election afd will be even weaker. it's over

R: 29 / F: 6

what if i told you i had the cure for death?

another XL bully mauling death
R: 19 / F: 6

and again the owner is a young woman who refused to give it up, the articles suggest she had a boyfriend who was present at the time of the mauling but he was probably just a bernd she kept around to lick her clean afterwards if anybernd has experience with gene editing, you have a duty to develop a new breed of large dog which is harmless to humans and other animals, yet is very aggressive and forceful during mating, and additionally has the intelligence to adapt its positioning to suit partners that can't keep their hips low and backs straight, and the stamina and a sufficiently delayed ejaculation to satisfy even the most frustrated owners, so that these ladies no longer have to resort to animals like these, with every day that goes by more innocent lives will be lost

R: 18 / F: 6

This AI girl has 107k followers and a ton of hornyposters in the comments. Is this normal???

South Korea is poor
R: 26 / F: 5

How can we increase our income?

R: 17 / F: 3

That's the amount of tea bags I go through every day. I fucking love (unsweetened) Tea so much it's unreal.

R: 29 / F: 15

Text hidden

R: 21 / F: 5

What is this hair style called?

R: 23 / F: 7

D'ye think we can restore our part of Aral sea? Dye think we can repair what russians destroyed? There are no more saline winds anymore, there used to be atleast 4 days of saline wind a week.

R: 28 / F: 4

god i love trump

R: 21 / F: 10

Who is brownest on Kohl?

R: 22 / F: 4

What is Trump’s end goal? What does he want for the USA?

R: 36 / F: 5

Im so disoriented Its like where the fuck am i, what am i doing? Why? Aint no fucking reason The tao does not reason, it is arbitrary as the wind blows What do you know of tao?!

R: 22 / F: 4

Why do black people have better teeth hygiene than white people?

R: 20 / F: 3

Melania Meme Coin has Crashed LMAO they just can't get enough of money and cattle are dumb beyond reason and buy Shitcoins Does Baron have also Meme Coin? LMAO