Baced Russia making Argentina white again
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:01:56 GMT
No. 25523027
>it's very complicated to live with russian passport
>can't pay for Netflix
I suffer every day.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:03:34 GMT
No. 25523037
how they of moni ?
criminal activity for sure
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:06:13 GMT
No. 25523051
Why Argentina? She should have come to South Brazil instead.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:32:05 GMT
No. 25523148
You know that where Russian soldier step his foot is Russia. So happy feature xDD
I can understand why Russian are leaving Russia, but why Argentina? Why not a 1s world country? Why not Chile?
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:37:53 GMT
No. 25523172
They probably don't easily give passports to parents who popped out an anchor baby. In the US for example, you have to wait until the kid's 18 or 21, then they have to file a bunch of paperwork. Only then do you get a green card.
Argentina giving out passports to people who gave birth in their country just 2 years ago is pretty extreme and unusual.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:38:26 GMT
No. 25523176
What 1st world countries allow ruzzians?
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:40:11 GMT
No. 25523185
Chile doesn't grant citizenship automatically to people born there. It grants it eventually but it's a long and slow process. In argentina you are born and can get a national ID the day after.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:44:27 GMT
No. 25523209
Had friends of the family returning from Germany (EU become poorer than Russia, so they are coming back after 30 years). When they drove past sprats using russian passports they were given trouble. When they used german passports they got their asses kissed.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:47:17 GMT
No. 25523220
All of them? They only banned direct flights, some have shut down Moscow embassies, so you'd have to apply for visa elsewhere.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:48:41 GMT
No. 25523228
My family came here in the 1990s and we all got citizenship after 2 years.
A lot of people don't even apply for citizenship because it doesn't confer any special benefits that being a legal resident doesn't already provide. You can vote and get a passport to travel but that's it.
You arrive to Argentina as a tourist, you can immediately apply for a temporary ID card which lasts 90 days and anounce your intention to stay long term, once you have a temporary ID you can begin the process to get a definitive ID which takes more time and requires you to submit some paperwork (such as proving you don't have a recent criminal record for serious offenses) once you have that, you wait 24 months and can apply for citizenship which requires you to prove you paid taxes during those 24 months but like I said before you only need citizenship if you want the passport. For most people a national ID is enough.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:49:33 GMT
No. 25523238
Happy Russians run away from shitty Russia.
Babby will grow up to be a Waldi and worship Rashka
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:56:05 GMT
No. 25523268
I didn't understand at what point you can stay there legally for unlimited time while not being a citizen. Definitive ID gets you residence rights and you can get it in those 90 days?
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 15:01:41 GMT
No. 25523295
You arrive at the airport and the immigration services will ask you how long you are planning to stay. Typically they grant you a 90 day tourist permit.
You go to the Ministry of the Interior, show them said permit (to prove you arrived to the country through legitimate means) and anounce your intention to stay long term and apply for a temporary ID card which is valid for 90 days.
With the temporary card you go and apply for a definitive ID card.
At every point of this process you are a legitimate resident of the country
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 15:22:39 GMT
No. 25523406
Pregnant women are so hot
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 15:24:24 GMT
No. 25523418
And you can creampie them all you want.