>Confucius Institutes are widely considered chink eqivalent to amerimutt "muh democracy" NGOs
Sure but that's less socially disruptive than American NGOs and attacked way more everywhere
>reddit is co-owned by chinks and r/sino is basically a chineese propaganda tube
When you look into all these claims it gets weirder, see:
>The only reason the US government sells bonds is to finance debt.
The demand for sovereign debt creates it. Any capitalist government issues debt because capitalists demand it. Look how a low tax, anti deficit guy like Milei is working so hard with the IMF to restore government credibility so Argentina can keep issuing debt.
>There is no circumstance where it advantageous for us to pay interest on foreign dollar-valued holdings rather than not pay interest on it.
Like I said paying them to use dollars in that way as opposed to others is advantageous in ways you don't grasp.