>heaven in which they live
Hotter than the sun. "Muh plants" why do you care about seeing some bushes?
>fine music
60yo+ and mostly remembered by a few dying old women who are less brown than the average, and possibly their granddaughters, in any case it's going to be history soon.
>fine food
The only thing that makes our food better than American slop is that we're not industrialized enough to live exclusively off of mass produced disgusting canned beans, fake cheese, and other kinds of crap, Brazilians otherwise have the same mentally ill approach to food, but are saved by the fact that normal foods (leaves, grains, beef, etc) are the main foods we have available.
Boomer retards talk all the time about how bad they had it when they were young and supermarkets either only sold natural produce and these disgusting fake industrialized products weren't available at all or were all placed in a small, expensive section of the store with imported food, and how much "better" it is now.
>fine girls
Shitskin piriguete bandidas.
>fine lifestyle.
Brazilians spend their time idling on the street, drinking, watching TV, and screaming. These days the TV is on its way out and TikTok and other similar social media services are replacing it.
You can't even tell a Tuga and a Brazilian apart by looking at them, both descend from Niggers, Índios, Moors, Gypsies, and Jews, in that order.