its 10% fat cream
3x as strong as homogenized milk
people dont realize they can drink the heavier creams
coffee cream is good too 18% but whipping cream is too heavy
its really good for you, saturated fats are also structurally very similar to testosterone
I'm not familiar with these terms. I only use single cream and double cream.
Single's about 20% fat content and double is 40-50%. Simple. Double's exclusively for desserts if you want them rich. Single's for everything else.
im pretty sure its at least the same system in america as in canada
if it isnt i mean just figure it out
drink heavy creams, add heavy creams to food items instead of milk
very easy lifehack
I looked it up and we have different standards for fatty creams apparently. Our single creams are comparable but our fattier ones aren't. You're missing out over there I'm afraid to say.
I sometimes put double cream in my porridge as a treat but it's very fattening so you can't put much in.
Yeah I'm looking it up right now and even Europeans don't eat cream as fatty as we do on our rainy grey island. Like you, the French, Germans and Italians don't go past 35%. They leap from that into butter if they want anything fattier.
when i discovered i could use heavy cream instead of milk i felt like i unlocked gourmet food, its insane how much better it is
kraft dinner has never been better