Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
R: 21 / F: 6

This shit is like a punch in the mouth and I have to eat it with a huge chunk of bread every time to wick away the spices from my tongue yet I keep fucking buying it because I like it.

R: 34 / F: 21

did you ever have sleepovers with your friends when you were young? what kind of things did you do?

R: 19 / F: 7

I was thinking about creating a thread about smoking cigarettes but I'm not feeling like it. I am smoking cigarettes though.

R: 32 / F: 6

I crave 16 year old jewish twink bussy.

R: 23 / F: 3

iphone 16 is 2.275 dollars in turkey 999 dollars in united states

R: 29 / F: 8

World oldest toilet 1700 BC, excavated from the greek island cloakos

R: 28 / F: 5

Are you ready for another round of Balkan Wars?

R: 30 / F: 8

This is 200 calories

R: 27 / F: 9

Oh my troonix!

R: 23 / F: 5

There's nothing better than pickled beets. R8 my opinion

R: 30 / F: 5

What's your opinion on Berlin?

R: 31 / F: 8

Tfw no gf.

R: 31 / F: 4

i realized why i'm such a good natured, hard-working, calm, patient person irl its because i masturbate to child porn. it releases all frustrations and make me be able to go about my day calmly and relaxed meanwhile, average normie can be extremely tense, ready to blow at any little problem, or lazy, because they dont see any reason to keep going

R: 28 / F: 9

Enjoying watching children's CP with adults is something demonic, even psychopathic. The best videos are children on children.

R: 33 / F: 6

I legitimately believe that King Charles III has converted to Islam

R: 23 / F: 5

>would you still buy a Tesla? <94% no based

R: 26 / F: 7

First drink's mine, what you having?

R: 21 / F: 5

>First, streamline the damn system. The EU’s decision-making is a maze—27 member states, veto power popping up like weeds, and a parliament that sometimes feels more performative than powerful. Look at something like Switzerland: it’s not perfect, but its federal setup balances local control with a cohesive national identity. Europe could take a page from that—trim the fat, give national governments more say on cultural stuff while centralizing what actually needs it, like defense or climate tech. People respect efficiency; they’ll work for a machine that doesn’t waste their time. Is he right'

R: 47 / F: 37

Thank you for posting in my threads I post a lot

R: 40 / F: 12

I'm going to get you, Igor. Expect me in the next week

R: 31 / F: 5

whites recharging D vitamin

R: 20 / F: 8

>When the Ketamine kicks in

R: 30 / F: 7

Do you regret voting for Drumpf in 2016?

R: 27 / F: 5

Prince Frederick of Luxembourg Dies of Rare Disease, He Was 22 22-year-old Prince Frederick Frederick of Nassau of Luxembourg died on March 1 in Paris, he suffered from a rare genetic disease.

R: 27 / F: 8

I have a gut feeling I will die in my 50s or 60s

R: 32 / F: 7

Femdom is hot. I wish it was real. Why are the fantasies of men so much sweeter than the tyranny of reality?

R: 32 / F: 5

When, ever, it was any different though?

R: 20 / F: 4

>unmoderated cp on the front page of kc for 2+ hours can you nonce moderators at least pretend this dump isn't a honeypot

R: 31 / F: 5

>Shibuya, Tokyo, 2025

R: 28 / F: 3

Reminder that zoomers have bigger penises than millenials on average. look it up

R: 25 / F: 9

my friend told me I look like a pedophile

R: 24 / F: 4

Bernd is unironically even dumber than your average redditor.

R: 42 / F: 12

The fact that yankee tried to tell me that the 90s wasnt a golden age cuz of... some random terrorism incident in who-knows-where.. then when i questioned him about it he told me there are no women under 25 in his family Berndkino??

R: 19 / F: 1

At this point, suicide is a moral obligation, a necessity, for the vast majority of Bernds. There is no self-improvement, no amount of helping that will ever save him and make him whole. No man will ever call him a true friend, no woman will ever love him as a boyfriend or husband, no child will ever be look up to him as a father. The only true self-improvement he can perform is blowing his brains out with a gun on livestream, saving the world from having to deal with caring for yet another fat lazy retarded aspie subhuman. That is the only morally good thing Bernds can do. So, Bernd, are you going to do your part to make the world a better place?

R: 27 / F: 2

How do you get rich in Europe? In America, all you have to do is work hard even with manual labor jobs. But in Europe it is impossible to get rich unless you were born into nobility.

R: 25 / F: 1

i wash my hands with 2 wet wipes and ethanol how retarded am i?

R: 41 / F: 0

me on the right Bernd who keeps telling me to go back on the left

R: 21 / F: 5

survey thread. this is the survey - are you sad? please reply in the thread y/n

R: 23 / F: 2

got blood on toilet paper after wiping myself againts what could this mean? it's bright red and my ass prickles btw

R: 45 / F: 14

Post your snacks! Eating some sea möllö

R: 31 / F: 8


R: 21 / F: 5

Is this 5D chess?

R: 20 / F: 3

This man has sex. You don't

R: 26 / F: 4

My "comrades" drink a lot. It's very impressive, honestly. Drinking beer or brandy cola early in the morning is a part of the routine for them. Multiple shots of vodka during the day, of course. Then comes the evening, so obviously at least half a liter of vodka is in order. How do they even function? It repeats every day, for months. I understood my old comrades who drank buckets because they were objectively in incredibly tough circumstances. But here, in a safe peaceful town, with a roof over our heads, hot meals, simple jobs? It just doesn't make any sense. They feel terrible every day because of the last day drinking, and yet they keep doing it.

R: 24 / F: 8

God I wish Europe reaches the tipping point and starts to get rid of the parasites and NGOs as well. Well done, President Trump.

R: 22 / F: 0

Israel is establishing a Druze buffer state in Southern Syria rate

R: 25 / F: 13

How will you celebrate the death of Putin?

R: 22 / F: 3

s/in/ale supremac/

R: 24 / F: 1

Do you know anyone irl who still talks about COVID? I don't. But if I go on imageboards people still talk about it all the time. Macabre.

R: 21 / F: 3

In what country I can just NEET all my life and dudeweed on welfare?

R: 22 / F: 6

Today I celebrate 24 years old.

R: 27 / F: 8

Why are rightoids defending billionaires?

R: 20 / F: 8

Drumpft bought a Tesla and is trying to sell Teslas LOL Doesn't he know the majority of Trump trash cannot even afford a Tesla xD and the ones that can, think driving EV means you are a gay vegan lefist xDDD

R: 22 / F: 6

Why do right wingers look like this?

R: 32 / F: 13

Am I the only communist on this board?

R: 31 / F: 4

shitlibs hate them. like all things that give power to the individual power, shitlibs want to take them away from you. so as small part of the climate agenda they want to ban internal combustion engines, which includes motorcycles. electric vehicles - I spit on electric vehicles, they will be mandated to have remote control access for cops and whatever the ideological “secret police is in your cuntry. point is - the current generation of superbikes may be the last, for a lifetime. until shitlibs are eradicated. manufacturers are phasing out inline four engines for other, shittier, configurations to appease shitlib emissions lawmakers who will never relent. the new yamaha R9 thats supposed to be a replacement for the R1 liter bike and the R6 is a complete joke. the inline four suzuki GSXR 750 beats it on horsepower and weight and it has been around unchanged for a long time. basically, get a kawasaki ZX10R banshee screamer 200 hp green mean machine

AIshills, explain this:
R: 29 / F: 9

is this the power of AGI? lmao

R: 23 / F: 6

Total American Death

R: 28 / F: 8

rate my 70m2 2 bedroom apartment plan 78m2 including the balcony. this design would enable 4 apartments per floor in a square shaped building with the stairs/lift in the middle. would you inhabit? what does bernd find important in an apartments layout?

What's next
R: 32 / F: 6

I'm thinking of what to try in this life. Do you have ideas? Travelling would be great but I have to wait a few more months before a vacation. On previous vacations I just went to the village and visited grandparents. Yesterday got drunk and it was good at first but also saddening since it's one of few things to genuinely enjoy. Also, thought of trying something gay but don't really want to, shit's gross and if anyone knows I'm fucked. So what are the other options of what to do after shift ends?

R: 20 / F: 4

Do right wingers go to cafes in your country?

R: 22 / F: 9

Boomer dad that always voted AFD now voted Cdu because the TV told him Merz will send all refugees home. Me and me brothers tried to convince him that he won't do anything, but he would just get angry and not listen. Now just week later and merz backpaddelt on every single issue.

R: 22 / F: 12

Thís man is the most German looking person i know. r8

R: 26 / F: 15

This was a few days ago and Trumpft pussied out again just like that. What is this the 3rd time? Do nothing orange nigger trump, 69 zillion more dollars and Gaza for Israel also.

R: 26 / F: 0

Why so you eat salad first, then potatoes and meat later at the end?

R: 25 / F: 2

Thats enough KC for today you guys are really weird :( the brazilians especially

R: 27 / F: 3

Xi Jinping declaring that Chyna is no longer communist.

R: 19 / F: 7

Does your country have cards?

R: 30 / F: 12

White people have to launch these ocean cleanup campaigns because of niggers and brown subhumans like indians shitting up our planet. If we did a cleanup of those creatures, we wouldnt have to do it again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2FNqfpdHV8

R: 28 / F: 3

more ramadan inspired assaults on the europe

R: 19 / F: 1

Racism index

R: 25 / F: 1

i think my mom is gonna block me

R: 26 / F: 6

Its over

R: 21 / F: 4

> created the standard of modern russian langauge < which wasn't even native to him So, yeah average russian speaks russo-german-polish pidgin language.

R: 26 / F: 3

>rajeet, we got a fuckton of money from scamming senile white people over the phone, what we do with it all? <lets use it as venture capital to start an steelmill, soon we gonna be billionaries

R: 21 / F: 2

It's over for Turkey.

Nuclear powerplant in explodes in Finland
R: 24 / F: 5

DEI staff causes major nuclear accident at powerplant in Finland. Right now they're trying to minimize it in the news just like the USSR did with Chernobyl, but its pretty much a full meltdown and in a few days the enormous extent of this disaster will become undeniable.

R: 19 / F: 3

German afternoon TV series for children Please masturbate early and often

R: 47 / F: 23

I basically just spent the entire day with my head down on my desk too exhausted to even watch youtube dont do drugs kids

R: 24 / F: 4

New IQ test just dropped.

R: 29 / F: 10

Place your bets: Option 1: >The good timeline >A freer world >A richer world >An advanced world >You von't eat ze bugz >You will be able to own more stuff >Your opinion is respected >The West is saved >White men are once again loved by everyone >The "globalists" are defeated Option 2: <The bad timeline <An enslaved world <An opening rift between rich and poor; no middle class <A regressed world <You vill eat ze bugz <You vill own nozing <Your opinion doesn't matter <The West is done, world is controlled by NWO technocrat elites with the help of AI <White men are hated everywhere and forgotten <The New World Order begins

R: 18 / F: 3

le art of deals t. drumptf

R: 23 / F: 4

The new viral TikTok challenge is to superglue your lips together. Thoughts?

R: 24 / F: 1

The best part.....they do it for free

R: 28 / F: 6

This old meme is funny because its now true throughout Europe that niggers can get away with anything and the governments in every European country except maybe Hungary are doing everything they can to import more niggers and wipe out the native White populations. Why did Europeans decide to vote for that?

R: 25 / F: 5

25% of humans, more than 2 billion people, believe Alexander the Great was a Muslim who while travelling around saw the sun entering a mud puddle and burning people alive around it because they had no sun-proof armour while next to it unlike him!!! The sun comes daily from that mud hole btw. SOME OF THEM ARE BROWSING KC RIGHT NOW!

R: 18 / F: 2

How to become attracted to such fully-formed/dilapidated woman?

R: 26 / F: 5

I dread the thought of going to work tomorrow. please god just kill me or let me have peace

R: 25 / F: 5

Are Mormons the most moral people in America?

R: 23 / F: 2

I fucking LOVE smoking cigarettes.

R: 23 / F: 2

Orange man is genociding my portfolio.

R: 25 / F: 5

kc decides what i get at store

R: 20 / F: 2

>Life if prostitution wasn't illegal for some reason

R: 23 / F: 9

You may only post ITT if there is a country eternally butthurt at your existence.

R: 14 / F: 4

Grok told me that almost all American animation in recent decades (with exceptions like south park) is outsourced to Japan in Korea. These includes very famous typical American shows like batman, Simpsons, king of the hill and others. Did you know about that? What do you think of this? I feel I was being cheated.

R: 33 / F: 9

Egg prices are officially lower now than when Trump took office.

R: 23 / F: 17

Grey maus for bernd.

R: 24 / F: 7

Last few weeks ive been on thread discussing with normies. One thing ive noticied is that the shift against faggots will be permanent from now on. Ive tried to reason with these people again and again that trump won because they couldnt backpedal from the tranny children thing. The only thing ive got as answer was nonsense about religious people getting jailed for sexual abuses as if this have anything to do with the topic at all. Its impossible to reason with these groups. They will keep pushing the same retard agenda they were at and will keep alienating more and more people out of this movement. Everyone will treat them as lunatics and they will keep crying they are some underground resistence while most people just try to ignore them.

R: 19 / F: 7

Radical Left Patriots are in control.

R: 22 / F: 22

Can I AI-gf' them? Why can't I? Make it happen already, Anne!