>>25594239>how hard did they molest her
i dunno why but this makes me laugh
like, imagine difficulty levels
easy - rubbing her back and sniffing her hair
medium - over the clothes rubbing of ass and nipples
hard - ...
It was the convicted rapist husband of the Sunday school teacher. She let him come in and molest the girls. According to the law he should not have even been allowed in that church because a church with Sunday school classes is considered a childcare center and convicted rapists are not allowed in childcare centers. But when has a church ever given a shit about something like that?
It was only like mild fingering but she got a huge settlement out of it because of the whole "church allowing a convicted rapist to come in and diddle girls" thing
i remember some girl, already not young, like 8-9, saying she could only fit her little finger inside her because any more hurt(due to hymen i imagine) so fingering is already based pedo tier