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Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 06:29:04 GMT No. 25607036 [Kohl] [Report thread]
Fofinha fumando.jpg
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Last few weeks ive been on thread discussing with normies. One thing ive noticied is that the shift against faggots will be permanent from now on. Ive tried to reason with these people again and again that trump won because they couldnt backpedal from the tranny children thing. The only thing ive got as answer was nonsense about religious people getting jailed for sexual abuses as if this have anything to do with the topic at all. Its impossible to reason with these groups. They will keep pushing the same retard agenda they were at and will keep alienating more and more people out of this movement. Everyone will treat them as lunatics and they will keep crying they are some underground resistence while most people just try to ignore them.
Total posts: 24, files: 7 (Drowned at Tue, 11 Mar 2025 10:55:30 GMT)
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 06:30:48 GMT No. 25607039 >>25607042
What would a monkey care about American matters?
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 06:32:11 GMT No. 25607040
What happens when a bunch of retards talk to each other? Nothing.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 06:32:41 GMT No. 25607042 >>25607044
Brett Blomme, 38, was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly uploading 27 images and videos of children being sexually abused on the messaging app Kik..jpg
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>>25607039 Usually i dont care. But brazilians are huge faggots. We have the biggest gay pride in the planet after all. Paralel to this, our country is obsessed with following american cultural and legal trends, so this matter will have impacts here.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 06:33:33 GMT No. 25607044
>>25607042 It won't. You will just shake bunda and suck cock like nothing happened.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 06:44:14 GMT No. 25607054
>>25607036 >Its impossible to reason with these groups. The decision for Trump happened on an emotional level and that is why you cant reach them on a cognitive level.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 06:48:38 GMT No. 25607057 >>25607063 >>25607067 >>25607069 >>25607368
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It's the specular reflection of this.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 06:53:52 GMT No. 25607063 >>25607065
>>25607057 >they believe they are acting in the name of god >that's supposed to be our job >t. goldwasser
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:00:20 GMT No. 25607065 >>25607078 >>25607081
>>25607063 "God" and "Jew" are interchangeable for American "Christians." Basically this whole Trump thing and everything reaching back to the alt right has been a massive overreaction to fucking nothing and to top it off with a bit of salt to the wound I'm rapidly starting to think that the government designations of incels as potential terrorists was only somewhat wrong. They thought they'd go on random rampages and so on, but what they actually did was hand over freedom and democracy to oligarchs because they think they'll get access to vagina in turn via "trad and based" system of values. Because they literally can't compete with other men. MAGA is an incel phenomenon.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:03:31 GMT No. 25607067
>>25607057 ? the kike that wanted to play cowboy with nuclear weapons
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:04:49 GMT No. 25607069 >>25607093
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>>25607057 This have nothing to do with christianism. People, and americans overrall, are pretty sensible about topics involving minors. People were ignoring faggots and their vitriol till the moment they have seen that huge red button written "Do not press it" and they suddently though it was a good ideia to press it. Then they immeditaly lost the support of everyone.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:08:30 GMT No. 25607078
>>25607065 I don't think it was an overreaction to nothing but I don't know what exactly the alt-right was other than gatekeeping grifters so maybe?
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:09:28 GMT No. 25607081
>>25607065 maga is nothing, it is just conservatards who like pro wrasslin
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:10:23 GMT No. 25607083
Pretty much, yes.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:16:59 GMT No. 25607093 >>25607109
>>25607069 ot has all to do with evangelism built over the scoffields bible and the CIA, that thought it would be cool to smear the "left" with all kinds of faggotry and then deny it any power bc of the faggotry, living in capitalist utopia ever after, eating the best bugs one can afford
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:29:42 GMT No. 25607109 >>25607144 >>25607169
>>25607093 american christians were batshit crazy before scofields bibble
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:37:32 GMT No. 25607123
>>25607036 Ur right, but faggots won. They get gay marriage, they get to live the way they want and be degenerates. Trannies aren't going away and just because they don't get golden princess crown in sports, libraries, or w/e doesn't mean that they have a safe position. At best, even trannies will admit that the battlegrounds of hormone blockers and ax wounds are scientifically not there. Anyone that actually cares has seen pop science and popular culture celebrating the transition and abandoning the Frankensteins monsters as they sadly suffer and sometimes kys. The biggest surgeons use photoshop and models to sell the idea and are immune to malpractice by the politically charged courts. The faggots in dresses can larp, but anyone that actually cares understand that all this progressive shit is putting young impressionable trannies in danger. The Joe Rogan style anti tranny shit has always been kosher. The real shit is calling out Jews for pedalling this shit.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:46:31 GMT No. 25607144 >>25607197
>>25607109 id argue they were not salem witch burning trials was autists having power struggle the problem was not the corrupt process and burning, but the fact they havent publicly executed whole gene line of people who used God to wipe their asses you can see a similar thing in Dr. Freeman II case he lobotomized thousands, promising to create perfect bimbo wives for the clients, or cure schizophrenia, sometimes even just releive the stress no actions were done against him, you have not even banned lobotomy still it is still legal to do privately
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:56:26 GMT No. 25607169 >>25607197
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>>25607109 When was this? The Darby bible that scofields based on was used for 50 years before that and Darby's textual criticism was used for two decades before that. Dispensationalism or ideas of the rapture and bring goy slaves picking grapes for the chosen, has plagued American christians since the 1830s.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 08:08:06 GMT No. 25607197 >>25607252
>>25607144 I wasn't even thinking of witch trials, but you don't have to know their personal politics to see what they wrote about religion, and yes crazy books about witchcraft and all manner of spooks and magic, and their niggerloving even among the ones who weren't abolitionists. >>25607169 fine, they were batshit before Darby. You can move the goalpost all you want, but many of the founding sects had shit ideas that we still suffer with today, even when their descendants stopped believing in it literally.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 08:28:37 GMT No. 25607252 >>25607351
>>25607197 It's actually the opposite though, the founding sects were all elitists that read the bible for illiterate retards, the way it was meant to be like a flock and shepherd. Darby was like nah, let's give everyone a Bible, but fill it with a ton of nonsense in the margins about zionism and God poofing everyone to heaven.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 09:05:19 GMT No. 25607351
>>25607252 They might have started off illiterate, dunno, but they certainly were trying to change that. The most you can say about the evangelicals is that they have the pretense of literacy.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 09:07:38 GMT No. 25607365
>>25607036 I will not stop shilling for right wing until we actually physically kill all the trannies, fags, kikes and niggers.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 09:08:54 GMT No. 25607368
>>25607057 >kike
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 14:46:19 GMT No. 25608710
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Teach your kids to smoke and have sex at young ages. Don't push the biblical bs that if you smoke and have sexo God will send you to hell.. Smoking and sexo is fun..
Thread interest score: 5 Thread size: 117.58 kB