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What's next Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 19:35:43 GMT No. 25610714 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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I'm thinking of what to try in this life. Do you have ideas? Travelling would be great but I have to wait a few more months before a vacation. On previous vacations I just went to the village and visited grandparents. Yesterday got drunk and it was good at first but also saddening since it's one of few things to genuinely enjoy. Also, thought of trying something gay but don't really want to, shit's gross and if anyone knows I'm fucked. So what are the other options of what to do after shift ends?
Total posts: 32, files: 6 (Drowned at Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:47:23 GMT)
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:10:37 GMT No. 25610968 >>25610993
blini unterm stuhl.jpg
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I like the idea of being in other places but the reality is always awful I've accepted this and just spend all free time drinking at home alone
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:14:15 GMT No. 25610993 >>25611049
>>25610968 How often do you drink though?
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:20:51 GMT No. 25611049 >>25611237
>>25610993 I try to limit it to only weekends and fully free days. these days drinking an evening destroys me too much if I cant wake up half way into the day the next day. though in december I still daily drink as tradition. I dont have a lot of free time off work besides regular weekends and a couple weeks in the year
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:22:44 GMT No. 25611062
Yea drinking is the only thing to enjoy
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:24:20 GMT No. 25611079 >>25611148
if any bernd knows how to enjoy travel please share. I have tried a couple times but it always ends in what the fuck am I doing here I'd rather be drinking at home. same with concerts, cons, anything really
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:30:36 GMT No. 25611116 >>25611272
>>25610714 maybe try speargun fishing? that is what i would try if i could
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:33:07 GMT No. 25611148 >>25611286 >>25611423
>>25611079 i have come to the conclusion that the only thing worth travelling for is nature. for example if you live in a cold place with no sea and you like warm weather and swimming in the sea then it makes a lot of sense to go to a warm country with sea. similarly if you live on flat plains and like to hike through forests and mountains it makes sense to travel to a forested mountainous place and hike there. but travelling to, like, Venice, or the leaning tower of Pisa is ofcourse retarded unless you are genuinely interested in architecture, history etc.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:34:19 GMT No. 25611158 SÄGE! >>25611189
I think you should kill yourself.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:37:05 GMT No. 25611189
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>>25611158 this is from a different thread. Your diagnosis: terminally butthurt
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:42:10 GMT No. 25611237
>>25611049 This is good, Bernd. I try to limit myself to once in two weeks. Maybe will go longer than that, so that it doesn't become boring.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:45:54 GMT No. 25611272 >>25611523
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>>25611116 My father does that. I still remember the smell from the fishing suit while it was drying in the bathroom, fucking insane. But I'm not a fan of fishing, if I'm near a lake I'm catching frogs for fun.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:47:02 GMT No. 25611286 >>25611548
>>25611148 By the way, you are that Bernd from russia? Do you think Montenegro is an interesting place to visit (as a tourist)?
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:02:35 GMT No. 25611423 >>25611576
>>25611148 this seems like a pretty good idea besides the parts where I have to travel and stay at some random place
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:12:00 GMT No. 25611523 >>25611577
>>25611272 is the process of catching the frogs fun to you or do you do something fun with them afterwards? i remember when i was a kid we used to catch frogs in the village and then one guy would throw a frog at the other guy and the other guy would swing a big stick like a baseball bat and if he hits the frog its guts fly everywhere and we would all laugh. that is my understanding of fun with frogs
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:14:41 GMT No. 25611548 >>25611577
>>25611286 yes i am a bernd from r*ssia. montenegro has some pretty nice nature, but similar if not identical to sochi, abkhasia, georgia etc. so i dont think it would be that much better than, say, abkhasia, as much as it is more expensive
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:17:56 GMT No. 25611576
>>25611423 as for travelling, planes fly pretty fast. as for staying in a random place - yeah thats not great. it makes sense for some people to go full bear grills mode and camp instead of like staying in a hotel. also you could buy/rent/lease a motorhome, that way you would at least kind of live in your own home instead of living in some stranger's home, but it will require you to spend a couple days getting there and back
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:18:16 GMT No. 25611577 >>25611604
>>25611523 Nah they're just cute, I don't do anything with them nor take them home. When I was a kid I saw another kid smashing a frog and that was shocking. Since it felt extremely cruel to do that to an animal and honestly I feel the same way now. Until then I thought every human is kind >>25611548 Travelling to pidorussian "tourist cities" is just retarded. I bet a vacation in Sochi or on occupied territories is as expensive as Turkey which has some actual resorts. Therefore, the only reason of doing that is being restricted from travelling abroad. (Finally some justice for slaboviks, I suppose)
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:21:41 GMT No. 25611604 >>25611686
>>25611577 yeah, i get your sentiment, but i think abkhasia is still considerably cheaper than any other place except maybe some package tour to egypt. turkey is especially expensive these days, or so i hear, at least. i hear that it can even be more expensive than going to montenegro (which is also very expensive in the high season) >Until then I thought every human is kind what a good period it was. wish we could all go back in our lives to that time when we thought so
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:23:25 GMT No. 25611624 >>25611686
also if i was a r*ssian travelling from r*ssia i would consider just driving the car to abkhasia and just living in the car, not staying at any hotel, or maybe take a tent with me and just sleep in the tent next to the car. this way you can see a lot of places, mountains, different places on the coast etc. and not spend a ton of money on accomodation
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:31:19 GMT No. 25611686 >>25611726
>>25611604 Yep. Sometimes I think it would be better to have no idea of what's happening around every day >>25611624 I don't have a car nor loicense, tbh it would be great if Finland opened borders so I could go there on a bus. Bus is not very convenient but I went to other oblasts like that. If it's nighttime trip then it's easy, feels like teleportation.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:36:28 GMT No. 25611726 >>25611748
>>25611686 i like travelling by bus even though it is uncomfortable for me to sleep in one, i cant really do that, so i end up not sleeping almost at all. but still i like travelling by bus, it is cozy and worry-free and i like that you just come to the station and get on a bus, no security shit, no waiting, you just come 15 minutes in advance and get on the bus. i have travelled Paris-Budapest in a bus (it was 22 hours i think), also travelled Budapest-Belgrade-Nis (for some reason you have to switch buses in Nis at night, not very comfy but still ok)-Sofia-Bansko on a bus, and all around the balkans. the only problem with travelling on a bus in the balkans is that toilet in the bus dont work and is locked. but if toilet works it is very cozy to travel on a bus, i like it a lot
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:38:54 GMT No. 25611748 >>25611864
>>25611726 Nice. You have an EU passport or a visa?
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:40:21 GMT No. 25611760 >>25611968
Have you tried gardening? Maybe learn an instrument?
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:45:47 GMT No. 25611802 >>25611968
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>>25610714 Have you tried hiking Ural mountains? Trans-siberian railway?
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:54:42 GMT No. 25611864
>>25611748 had a EU visa, then it expired so i went back to r*ssia and got new EU visa, it was 2 year visa and i still have approximately one year left of it. but i'm not sure if i will visit EU again until it runs out
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:04:25 GMT No. 25611968 >>25612292 >>25612345
>>25611760 Only at village, and usually my grandparents asked me to help with some stuff but never did it on my own will. Music is cool but it's always cringe when done by myself. (I mean, if I tried to sing anything, cause there's no instruments other than voice) >>25611802 Never been there. I hiked mountains of South Tyrol, however. When you go somewhere distant, you're left with your own thoughts. Perhaps one can grow some ideas while on a hike. I was thinking about girls I met on the way, lol.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:32:42 GMT No. 25612292 >>25612473
>>25611968 Cool, do you have a fascination with foreign places? Whenever I want to travel I just go somewhere in nature, I suppose Russia has a lot of untouched wilderness >I was thinking about girls I met on the way, lol. I suppose road tripping you can meet a lot of adventurers
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:39:53 GMT No. 25612345 >>25612492
>>25611968 i usually think about girls i've been with or tried to be with when i hike. i also like playing music when i hike, if there's no one around i kind of dance-hike to the music, and in particular i like playing ac/dc - touch too much and think about the woman i had a vacation with last summer and how she was a touch too much for me even though she had a body of venus with arms and i was so satisfied deep down inside like a hand in a velvet glove
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:54:00 GMT No. 25612473
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>>25612292 Yes. Speaking about my country, I only dislike people living here, the nature is fine - of course, the less people went there is better. In a foreign country it's interesting to practise language. Having a bad pronunciation actually helped me talking to other people. It's like an excuse to start some small talk that I wouldn't do here, and usually people try to understand and answer back.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:56:07 GMT No. 25612492 >>25612612
>>25612345 Just try not to catch a boner lol. Yeah hiking gives your mind a time to relax.
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 23:08:37 GMT No. 25612612
>>25612492 for some reason i often get horny when the weather is hot, when sun is scorching. sometimes i even get boners when walking in nature in hot temperature and bright sun
Bernd Mon, 10 Mar 2025 23:19:27 GMT No. 25612713
Alright time to sleep, thanks everyone for advices
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