the original patent is not for ukrainian language, but for deurssification of the slavic territories of the austro-hungarian empire
if not for habsburgs, Czechs and Slovaks would be indistinguishable from one another and from Russians
the project also had success on balkans, where at least bulgarians fully refused their affiliation with the Russians
despite the fact, that the original Russian Empire idea was to divide balkans into two states — Bulgarian Czardom and Serbian Czardom, then develop those nations to get rid of their historic problems, so their national diseases would not infect the Russian crown, and then include them into the Russian Empire
Bulgaria's capital would be the Czargrad, with loyal Greek minority in the southwest and being the core of the religion in the empire
in this configuration we could even demand Catholics to return what they've stolen from Konstantnopolis during their satanic unholy crusades, that destroyed the city and threw it into the hands of the black turks
but they chose... whatever it is they have now