How do you get rich in Europe? In America, all you have to do is work hard even with manual labor jobs. But in Europe it is impossible to get rich unless you were born into nobility.
Total posts: 27,
files: 2 (Drowned at Thu, 13 Mar 2025 16:05:53 GMT)
Same as in America, save some money and invest it into an index fund while trying to advance in your career. Yeah their wages aren't stupidly high like in the US but it's still better than in most of the world.
>>25623288>How do you get rich in Europe?
become unemployed parasite with disability papers
you will get free flat and monies
this is the european dream
owning real estate is verboten on Germany if you are not comign from an old, noble family
yuo must rent a small apartment but buy a new car every 3 years
Kinda based
Fuck working 60 hours a week to earn money to CONSOOM, I would rather be poor in money yet rich in free time so I can do wacky projects
Mate, plumbers and brick layers in the US give Euros with degrees a tough time meeting their annual incomes. While paying less taxes and having cheaper goods too.
>>25623288>How do you get rich in Europe?
Easy, join a leftist party and enter their network. You'll get a bullshit job where you don't do anything due to bureaucracy making it impossible, and where you get fattened with tax money.