Trump promised to stop war in Ukraine in 24 hours, but since he is impotent I still suffer from drone attacks and risk to die every night.
The true magic in changing body composition happens with the face. From ugly to attractive. Happens quite often. You should try it. Perhaps under your skinnyfat facial fat pads hides an handsome Chad that you never have let out.
Is Macron's "wife" actually his biological father and their relationship is part of a satanic ritual orchestrated by the Rothschild Family? Sexy black investigative journalist Candace Owens says so. She also informed me of the Olivier Duhamel scandal that has been pretty much hidden from the public, which may be connected to it.
Just had an online argument with a feminist. She called me nazi and havesexincel She doesn't know I am gay and have a lot of sex. I don't align with LGBTQIA+, but with Ernst Roehm and Michael Kuehnen. What a dumb whore '''Sieg Heil'''
I want Europeans to suffer. You have no idea how much I want to see Europeans die, you can take your pretty landscapes and comfortable lives and shove it with genocide. I want you all to die
Just had my teeth drilled by two smoking hot blonde women, but I couldn't get aroused. It was not really an erotic situation and they had all their instruments in my mouth, I felt like a car being serviced by the mechanic. On the other hand it was more of an intense experience than talking to the female cashier at the supermarket. Thank you for reading my blog
I like how YouTube claims to be about "protecting the heckin kids!" but then shows you shit like this with the thumbnail specifically LOL
Is it worth it to conquer Spain? I asked commiecat, resident Spain expert, to find out.
>crush never sees my instagram reels >the moment I post a reel of me suffering at the traffic she sees it Why the fuck are girls like this?
These "accelerationist" "tech-bro" "Dark enlightenment" jews (white) are the cringiest shit ever. They are all "let me shave my head bald (soy)" "my wife is asian (soy)" tier 2010 redditor retards and the only thing they know how to "accelerate" is the demise of capitalism and the inevitable communist victory. They all cracked out on amphetamines and seriously why do wypipo (jews) love meth so much? White people love heroin also.
hey, why there are no avengers irl? i mean e.g like daredevil? the only ones i remember is mangione, kaczynski and guy from killdozer
Now that transphobia is normalized, they are setting the stage to attack the LGB.
>China’s shipbuilding sector has undergone a striking metamorphosis. Twenty years ago, the country was a peripheral player in the global shipyard business. Today, it dominates the industry. At the heart of this transformation is the China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), the world’s biggest shipbuilding group. The firm built more commercial vessels by tonnage in 2024 than the entire U.S. shipbuilding industry has built since the end of World War II. >Since 2003, China has issued at least 25 national-level plans involving the shipbuilding sector. Each successive Five-Year Plan, widely regarded as the government’s principal economic blueprint, has included directives to bolster shipbuilding. [...] This surge in policy attention has translated into a wellspring of financial and regulatory support for China’s shipbuilders. Recent academic estimates suggest that between 2006 and 2013, government subsidies for shipbuilding totaled $91 billion, accounting for a startling 46 percent of the industry’s total revenue during that period. These measures directly increased China’s global market share by an estimated 42 percent, predominately at the expense of shipbuilders in South Korea and Japan. Communism works Five-year plans work The Soviet Union only failed because world crapitalism sabotaged it. Now they're in full panic.
It’s insane how the guy from Europe is the only non-fat white person in the video and he was correct
I managed to get a apartment in a village halfway across the country one time. When i arrived there it was like a fantasy land in the middle of nowhere with mountains. I then slept there for a couple hours and then cancelled the apartment and went back home because i didnt like the noise one of my rooms was making.
Still waiting for the 8 book of A Song of Ice and Fire. Do you think the last book will be different from the ending of the TV series?
I met an American for the first today at work. She was a blonde Aryan woman, typical white American, but very thin. She was married to a white 'Zillian and had a daughter. I talked to her in English and she replied in Portuguese with an accent.
I never watched a single LOTR or star wars movie, I tried multiple times dropped it after 10 minutes And I like fantasy and space a lot thinking about trying it again thank you for attention
Do you systematically read every single thread in the catalog, or just click whatever catches your eye?
Buy Tesla, support freedom. Buy European, support globalhomo. Buy American (non-Tesla), support globalhomo. Buy Japanese, support Japan. Buy Chinese, Lol.
The weather was so nice I bought some tobacco. Haven't smoked in 4 months. First few are going to suck.
Churka is going to be deported from USA. Leftists are in butthurt Go on America. Deport churkas and cockholes swines. MAGA!!! o/
Would you fuck Bonnie Blue? She is the American version of Lily Philips. She had sex with 1000 men in one day. This is her with some frat boys on spring break yesterday.
Do you believe these numbers? I can't believe europoors are more degenerate than us. The average brazilian is a sexual beast.
I am a 51 year old black man and I hate white people. I have been experiencing racism ever since I was 15, which feels like it was yesterday. Maybe it was. I hate that I have been stripped of my roots by the white man. Africa is one of the best continents to live in but I can never say I’m apart of it because black people were held captive in America for centuries. Its disgusting. When I see white people happy it angers me. I just wish they could experience what I experience on a daily basis. They’ll never know what its like to pick cotton, or be beaten by a white slave master just because he’s having a bad day. Or be starved and raped by white people. Thats why most white men are into nasty bdsm shit. With “doms” and “masters” and “slaves”. They want to beat and rape people but since it became illegal they have to find another outlet. Whenever I see a happy white girl I wish she would be beaten and rape and forced to give birth to a baby not of her pure race, just so she could experience what black people have gone through. Fuck white people. One day Africa will rise up and fuck everyone in the ass.
Brazilians are the only thirdies who post on Kohlchan regularly. Russians and other Slavs are secondies, before anyone says it. We suffer more than anyone else here.
some four eyed germoid subhuman snitched me for staying too long on my phone at work today. no wonder u autistic faggots are getting replaced, you couldnt put up a fight even if u tried. shouldnt have lost the war 80 years ago
There's one subhuman hiding behind a proxy but I can tell who is by his posting style.
Yurop is fucking dumb lmao (except the UK who tried to save itself with Brexit)
BEIJING, March 8 (Reuters) - China announced tariffs on over $2.6 billion worth of Canadian agricultural and food products on Saturday, retaliating against levies Ottawa introduced in October and opening a new front in a trade war largely driven by U.S. President Donald Trump's tariff threats. The levies, announced by the commerce ministry and scheduled to take effect on March 20, match the 100% and 25% import duties Canada slapped on China-made electric vehicles and steel and aluminium products just over four months ago. By excluding canola, which is also known as rapeseed, and was one of Canada's top exports to the world's No.1 agricultural importer prior to China investigating it for anti-dumping last year, Beijing may be keeping the door open for trade talks.
let's say hypothetically if poland were occupied. how should we humiliate them? like how chinese were forced to wear mongol hair
Holy shit. She chose to adopt a kitten that looks just like her. Do you think that she has baby fever. And substites a human baby with another "mini me"?
Do you know why the quality men don't want her? Why do only creeps and low value trash want to date her?
Thanks to based Trump who doesn't give a shit about Africa and leaves the continent alone, there is a second chance for Tigray Genocide to happen. Fucking Biden and Blinken White House coming back after Trump I and four years of no us interference, the fucking Tigraynigger government who gave up Eritrea and iniated the retarded "ethnic federalism" that is destroying the was out of power and driven back into its home base. And they nearly managed to return to power, were defated, but then Biden fucking intervened. And gave them a chance at guerilla war. And then a comeback, and almost threatening Addis. Theese people need to fucking die en masse. Tigray should be fucking destroyed and broken up as a subdivision. Separatism should be crushed and the Addis Ababa based imperial core restored (where I'm from btw) to its ascenndacny. Also, on top of this, the Ogaden Somalis need a "kurinpalautus" (= "restoration of discipline" that, is put in line and to one's proper station by a superior). hint: genocide too.
The photo of жопа the Facebook has recommended to me and the of жопа the high command high commanded to do. At least the kit has a good cover, on the sewing table, out of reach of short-range fiber optic dachshund-drones. (Fuck you ban me then to please whatever still pleases you)
why are there unironically so many brown people in helsinki? i thought finland was le based ethnostate
Am I White? I am a Ismaili Shia Muslim from Pakistan. I have green eyes.
My Turkish neighbor is beating up his wife again, as soon as he gets home there is yelling and stuff getting thrown.
why we dont start gathering that garbage, burning it and generating power through it? >but muh toxic fumes Just add a filter or whatever, its better than laying it in the ocean
My Asus laptop screen has a pink tint now. Any idea how I could fix this? It just happened over time. First the bottom turned pink, now the whole screen. It's sad because I really liked this laptop. It has a nice big screen and wasn't too expensive.
Daily reminder than when someone uses the correct pronouns when he addresses you, doesn't mean that you owe him something or that he respects you in any way. Your right to be addressed properly is about the same as your right to breathe, and no one has the right to take your basic rights from you.
My electric razor just broke down. My Gillette 3 is like tearing/pulling beard hair out of my face, don't have replacement cartridge. Sucks, and being disabled on top.
I think we should ban all the faggot threads that include this kind of content: -Women worshipping -Crying over not having a gf -"You will never have this" type of shit -"I dont deserve a girl" type of shit And other forms of simp faggotry created for the purpose of fulfilling their humiliation cuck fetish. Onions?
He started removing caci and police forces after EU and Russian embassies issued warning that they will not tolerate violence against demonstrators. I seriously live in a twilight zone.
Do we like synthesizer music so much because it's objectively the best or do we like it because we heard it in the womb? Do Gen Zoomer and Gen Alpha like synthesizer music?
I'm addicted to Buffalo Wild Wings Thursdays are 2-for-1, and for some reason when I ordered 15 they gave me 60 (4-for-1). So in the last 24 hours I've eaten a constant stream of fried chicken wings with bleu cheese sauce.
>Surface tension: could the promised Aukus nuclear submarines simply never be handed over to Australia? >Turnbull, former Prime Minister of Australia: "We are spending a fortune vastly more than the partnership with France would have involved. We’re spending vastly more and we are very likely, I would say almost certainly, going to end up with no submarines at all"