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Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 10:30:45 GMT No. 25628173 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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much better.jpg
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Thanks to based Trump who doesn't give a shit about Africa and leaves the continent alone, there is a second chance for Tigray Genocide to happen. Fucking Biden and Blinken White House coming back after Trump I and four years of no us interference, the fucking Tigraynigger government who gave up Eritrea and iniated the retarded "ethnic federalism" that is destroying the emp..country was out of power and driven back into its home base. And they nearly managed to return to power, were defated, but then Biden fucking intervened. And gave them a chance at guerilla war. And then a comeback, and almost threatening Addis. Theese people need to fucking die en masse. Tigray should be fucking destroyed and broken up as a subdivision. Separatism should be crushed and the Addis Ababa based imperial core restored (where I'm from btw) to its ascenndacny. Also, on top of this, the Ogaden Somalis need a "kurinpalautus" (= "restoration of discipline" that, is put in line and to one's proper station by a superior). hint: genocide too.
Total posts: 14, files: 6 (Drowned at Fri, 14 Mar 2025 09:57:38 GMT)
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 10:35:26 GMT No. 25628191 SÄGE! >>25628229
bulb head thread
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 10:40:13 GMT No. 25628203
Yrjö Vloydinen
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 10:53:38 GMT No. 25628229 >>25628235
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>>25628191 The only unconquered Christian State in history, nigga. The region where I was born, which the Tigrayniggers disolved was the central state of the Neo-Solomonic Empire, the third itteration of the Orthodox Christian Ethiopian Empire. Founded before Constatine, never conquered by either barbarians, or muslims. Fucking destroued the last Jewish state between The 70 AD sack of Jerusalem and the founding of "Israel" in 1948. Fucking Jews had civil rights in Ethiopia for a grant total of like 10 years or less. Revolution was 1975, and they left to "Israel" to go do what they have wanted to for the last 200 years; opress Christians and drink their blood. They were never integrated, in any sort of way. It was until the revolution and the end of the ancien regime, literall ILLEGAL for a Jew to own land. They were what you would call "sharecropers", or wandering labourers. Or doing shit that Christians looked down upon, like petty comerce, blacksmithing, butchering, handling dead people etc. Also the Jews in Ethiopia self-segregated, and developed this "cope" where they pretend that all non-Jews, goys, are ritually unclean. And they avoid dealing with them direclty and if they "get exposed" they have to do some purification shit. Also, Jewish Kohens (no Rabbis, no Talmud) regularlly engaged in biblical and theological debate with Ethiopian Orthodox clergy. And the thing is, that the Ethiopian Church is deutrocanoncial. Meaning it gives almost equal weight to both the new and old testament. And this peculariaty was enhanced in the Solomonic (from about 1270 AD onward) eras where Ethiopia existing as an outpost of Christanity, or "an island between oceans of Islam and Paganism" like Emperor Menelik II put it, identifying itself as an "Israel of the New Covenant", a chosen nation ruled by the Davidic lineage from King Solomon's union with an Ethiopian princess. Which is like an allegory for a ancient near east semitic civilziation rooted in the african soil and origins of humanity. So obviously, Jews, who claimed basically that the transfer from the Old to the New Covenant didn't happen are, to put it mildy, a FUCKING PROBLEM.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 10:56:14 GMT No. 25628233 >>25628268 >>25628268 >>25628268 >>25628268 >>25628268
No emperor means no empire. LET IT GO, LET IT GOOOO…
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 10:56:22 GMT No. 25628235
>>25628229 >>25628173 I think honestly, your not really a Christian without being at least a little bit anti-semitic. Like its literally impossible not to. Because its the historicla norm. And because its been the historical norm for like 1500 years, its also reflected in Judaims. And when you start reading the Talmud. And you learn what Jews say about Jesus for example. Like he was hanged or that Mary was a whore, or Jesus is boiling in feces in hell. Then it kinda hits you.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:04:06 GMT No. 25628268
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>>25628233 >>25628233 >>25628233 >>25628233 >>25628233 Did you know, that despite Rastafaris thinking this man was a God, many, actually probably the majority of people in Ethiopia dislike him. Tigrayniggers, who are part of the imperial core and orthodox, hate him because he is form the House of Shewa (my place). Muslims like Somalis hate him because he represents their violent integration into Ethiopia. Oromos hate him because they believe all the anti-Ethiopian progaganda about the "Conquest of the South" when Ethiopia rapidly expaned into the South, Southwest and the Somali Ogaden region (the eastern extension of Ethiopia). But believe it or not, many pro-Shewa and Empire Orthodox Christians deslike him because he fled to exile after being defeated in the 1934 Italian invasion. Before that, all the previous (major) emperors had went to battle, like commanding an army in the battlefield, to war without any regard for their own survival. As a matter of fact, 2/4 (inluding Selassie I) died on the battlefield. Tewodros fell fighting the British expediton that came and went. And Yohannes II (John II) fell in battle against the Mahdist Army of Sudan. Which was basically a 19th centrury ISIS. So people consider Haile Selassie a coward for not dying in battle against the Italians. Which, as first and foremost as a military leader he should have done.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:05:48 GMT No. 25628278 >>25628285
for a bit I forgot bulb is still here
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:07:28 GMT No. 25628285
>>25628278 Money doesnt grow on trees nigga.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:08:39 GMT No. 25628288 >>25628302
you could say that tigrays are Ethiopia's p*lestinians
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:08:53 GMT No. 25628290 >>25628314
who's the good guys?
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:10:51 GMT No. 25628302
>>25628288 >you could say that tigrays are Ethiopia's p*lestinians > Not really. Palestinians never had any real power. Tigrayniggers used to rule Ethiopia. They are like 8% but constituted the top echelons of the military and security services...they are sorta like allaWHITESINSOUTHAFRICA
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:12:30 GMT No. 25628314
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>>25628290 The people I support. Like for example, those who release the JFK files. Without redactions.
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:13:43 GMT No. 25628317
Niggers need some culling finally
Bernd Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:32:50 GMT No. 25628426 SÄGE!
I was fairly sympathethic to the plight of Ethipians, being among the poorest countries in Africa, and all but thanks to our local "Finn" bulbhead, now I hope they murder each other in the most gruesome way, hopefully bulbheada's all extended family gets chopped to pieces
Thread interest score: 4.4 Thread size: 99.49 kB