the end goal of making europoors eat bugs? that is the goal, just to laugh at them.
This is currently the only show which I download and actually enjoy. I download and seed others but mostly I don't watch them. A couple, Severance and Apothecary Diaries, I still watch despite finding the current season tiresome. I think maybe I'll enjoy again but thus far no.
Pirate Bay Co-founder & Swedish Businessman dead after Plane crash Carl Lundström, co-founder of The Pirate Bay, has reportedly died in a plane crash in Slovenia at age 64. Authorities say his Mooney M20 aircraft went down in northern Slovenia while flying from Zagreb to Zurich. Bad weather delayed recovery efforts, but police have now confirmed a Swedish pilot’s body was found.
Bernd is thinking of giving away his keyboard, with a microcontroller in it that injects malware onto a computer and sends the sensitive information on their computer to Bernd, giving passwords, browser data, etc. rate
Polish PM Tusk: >We advocate for a genuinely realistic advancement of Türkiye’s EU membership process. We have always supported Türkiye’s membership and will continue to do so. >Türkiye and Poland will act together on stability for Syria. >No one can deny Türkiye's active role in contributing to the creation of a new, stable Syria. >I asked President Erdogan to take the greatest responsibility possible for stability in our region.
That feel when drinking all Champagne, Cognac and French wines that 340M of Ameripoors won't be able to buy soon.
When humans colonize planet Mars, will their internet be connected with the earth's internet? Will we have shitposters from outer space on the Kohlchans? That would be wild.
There's a YouTube video I want to watch but I can't figure out how to get past the age verification, goddammit.
THERE IS AN ACTUAL BRAZILIAN SHITSKIN FROM A FAVELA HERE WHO CONVERTED TO ISLAM! AND A DOZEN OF OTHER SHITSKIN REFUGEES BROWSING KC NOW WHO ARE ACTUAL MUSLIMS! Imagine the little monkey speaking in broken Arabian and praying with that disgusting monkeyzilian accent and all the other shitskins fuming seeing this thread. This place is dead and I came here to laugh at your brownness.
I am goin to watch KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (DIRECTOR'S CUT) and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
1. Always be mean first. 2. Don't let an insult go unanswered. 3. Persecute and kill your enemies.
Leftists are shilling What's lörs onions on this? Ejaculate.
Based or cringe?
this neighbour of mine across the street, looks like mini skinny sam sulek, he drives this red mini car that looks alarming concerning, what does it mean? and also, its weird... every otehr person in that building wears red clothes or own a red car.. like why? its not a very versatile color
How did it happen that a nation known for it's degenerate faggotry is also the nation that provides of the must have base martial arts?
This Iranian woman won a Field's Medal before dying of cancer at 40. What have you done with your life?
The Germans will sacrifice every single Ukrainian for profit.
How the fuck does France get IRL anime characters like this, fucking Mary Sue protagonist country
Remember the good old days when Trump was cucked and couldn't do any serious damage? Now he's actually implementing his braindead policies, and it shows.
Something I've noticed is that the Taiwanese are obsessed about China 24/7, I have this Taiwanese guy in my Chinese class and he's always butthurt about China he always DA COMMUNISTS BOMBED US N SHEIIIT, however the Chinese don't give a flying fuck about Taiwan, they're backwards in every aspect, in technology, infrastructure, etc. I've never heard a Chinese person even mention Taiwan, it's completely irrelevant for them. I hope the Brit expat Bernd that lives in China now can give some insight
Packaged yeast—like the dry or instant stuff you buy in stores—is basically a modern shortcut. It’s a purified, cultivated strain of yeast (usually Saccharomyces cerevisiae), grown in a lab, dried out, and packed up for convenience. It saves time and gives consistent results, but it’s not fundamentally different from what’s been around forever. Wild yeast has been with us all along, floating in the air, hanging out on grains, and making bread rise since humans started messing with dough. The Romans, and people way before them (think ancient Egyptians 4,000 years ago), didn’t need packets because they worked with what nature provided. They just didn’t have the microscopes or know-how to see the tiny yeast cells doing the work. A starter was their version of "capturing" it, and they’d keep it going like a pet—feed it, use it, repeat. If a baker’s starter died, they’d just make a new one from scratch with flour and water, same as you can. So yeah, we’ve always had yeast—it’s not some new invention. Packaged yeast just skips the waiting game and lets you bake on demand. Pretty cool how it connects us back to those old-school methods, right? Anything else you’re curious about with this?
I'm a gay nazi but I crave getting married to a jewess and having many children with her.
>wake up in middle of night with one of my internal organs pulsating in pain >this lasts for hours >tell no one and have no money for hospital >maybe its just gas and if i poop and burp a lot it will go away >its starts to hurt less as time goes on
Are you prepared for the imminent economic collapse? The niggers will devour everything they see once they run out of welfare checks. They will come at your house to loot it as well. Are you prepared?
True whiteness mapa. If you live in a country where one cannot flush the toilet paper, you're living in a shithole.
Rate my military plan for a new war in Europe after Ukrainian army inevitably collapses without US aid
Why is France so strong in math? They don't seem to be as dominating in any other field but in math frogs really punch above their weight. >inb4 grand écoles They could produce top tire people in other fields as well. Is it just that they've had a math tradition for some centuries now?
This is starting to become a common thing now where women wear these round solid collars to show off that they're in a BDSM relationship as a submissive sex slave to their (usually Black) boyfriend. It makes me insanely jealous and angry.
Eating Superfoods here(can of lentils with vienna sausage cut small) Right outa the can!
I have a right to live in Germany because my ancestors liberated Germans from the Nazis and destroyed the Great German Reich.
The shorts and shoes make her look little boy and the top makes her to look a street hooker.
I threw up running this morning because I smelled someone cooking sausages and then an animal ate my stomach contents as on the running route back home all that was left was snow discoloration from where I had thrown up. How does one acquire a little girl running partner?
I got a £40 T440 Thinkpad and don't know what distro to get. Since this is an old clunker im only going to use it for programming, writing reports, reading pdfs etc. >inb4 gentoo
Sometimes I imagine walking into those dark snowy woods, finding a tree to take a seat under and falling into a deep sleep. They wouldn't find my body until the next spring.
please tell me what is the difference between those words i don't get it
>be cocky french knights commanded by the son of the most influent and rich man in the west at the time, the duke of Burgundy, more powerful than the french king >the wallachian warlord mircea, who defeated Bayezid one year earlier tries to talk sense into them, how the proper strategy should be >sacrebleu, le who is this le gypsy think he is, le fuck off >french heavy cavalry charges head on >smug turks were prepared with spikes, archers >finally janissaries finish the job >take very many prosoners and execute them exept the really noble ones for ransom because it's about SENDING A FUCKING MESSAGE >western cucks are so scaredof the big bad turrk they dont ever sent any help at all to eastern christians fighting against turks for the next 200 years or so kek, who are the subhumans now?
Which browser should i use? I thought maybe firefox but heard about waterfox - is that better?
USA bernds, can you access ? I.e. view the book and download the PDF? If yes, could you post the PDF itt?
Can someone post that eugenics expectations vs reality with wojaks meme I can't find it anywhere
Trump promised to stop war in Ukraine in 24 hours, but since he is impotent I still suffer from drone attacks and risk to die every night.
The true magic in changing body composition happens with the face. From ugly to attractive. Happens quite often. You should try it. Perhaps under your skinnyfat facial fat pads hides an handsome Chad that you never have let out.
Is Macron's "wife" actually his biological father and their relationship is part of a satanic ritual orchestrated by the Rothschild Family? Sexy black investigative journalist Candace Owens says so. She also informed me of the Olivier Duhamel scandal that has been pretty much hidden from the public, which may be connected to it.
Just had an online argument with a feminist. She called me nazi and havesexincel She doesn't know I am gay and have a lot of sex. I don't align with LGBTQIA+, but with Ernst Roehm and Michael Kuehnen. What a dumb whore '''Sieg Heil'''
I want Europeans to suffer. You have no idea how much I want to see Europeans die, you can take your pretty landscapes and comfortable lives and shove it with genocide. I want you all to die
Just had my teeth drilled by two smoking hot blonde women, but I couldn't get aroused. It was not really an erotic situation and they had all their instruments in my mouth, I felt like a car being serviced by the mechanic. On the other hand it was more of an intense experience than talking to the female cashier at the supermarket. Thank you for reading my blog
Massive movement in Britain to ban all pork products in UK. Legislators and Ministers are siding with the Muslim population that argues its very unclean product and is disrespectful for Muslim beliefs to have in country
Today near McD I was approached by a Pali man, he said that he is a poor Pali immigrant and asked for money. I said that I am an Ausländer (but white) myself so I can't help him, turned 360 degrees and walked away. Was I in the wrong there?
I like how YouTube claims to be about "protecting the heckin kids!" but then shows you shit like this with the thumbnail specifically LOL
Why is the Wect full of hypocritical faggots? Why do we allow ourselves to be governed by such?