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Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 14:36:01 GMT No. 25593380 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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Why is France so strong in math? They don't seem to be as dominating in any other field but in math frogs really punch above their weight. >inb4 grand écoles They could produce top tire people in other fields as well. Is it just that they've had a math tradition for some centuries now?
Total posts: 20, files: 3 (Drowned at Sun, 09 Mar 2025 18:33:17 GMT)
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 14:41:29 GMT No. 25593420 >>25593426 >>25593652
I remember back in 2022 that Oinkranian rapefugees complained that math courses were a lot easier in the France than in the Ukraine. They said it was like that so niggers and mohammeds could catch up due to their undeveloped brains
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 14:42:05 GMT No. 25593426 >>25593455
>>25593420 you are a spic
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 14:45:24 GMT No. 25593455
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Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 14:50:25 GMT No. 25593501 >>25593652
It's true. A lot of the great mathematicians of yore were French. Galois is my personal favourite from the Hexagon. He and Ramanujan are my favourite of all time; they both had very interesting lives. t. masters maffs
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:07:42 GMT No. 25593652 >>25593729
math redpill.png
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>>25593420 That doesn't mean much, they could very well just place the ukrainians in nigger classes/schools, in universities for example there is very obvious segregation in the French system. For examples in another country you can check the US as well, a public school in a nigger neighborhood is completely different from a school in a decent white neighborhood, let alone if you consider charter, magnet and private schools. >>25593501 What I find peculiar is that usually skill in math is accompanied by excelling in correlate fields like physics, yet France isn't as relevant in those as it is in math.
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:15:27 GMT No. 25593729 >>25594004
>>25593652 I don't think that's true. Amps, Becquerels, Columbs are some French names in physics that I can pull from the top of my head. Each of the great European nations has their own quirks and peculiarities. The sort of running joke in Britain about our countless list of inventors is that their wives were so ugly and the weather is so shit that there was nothing better to do than invent contraptions in the tiny shed out in the garden to get away from it all. And the French have 5 varieties of cheese per square kilometre. I'm sure some of these legendary French mathematicians dabbled in the national sport of inventing new types of mouldy milk products.
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:52:53 GMT No. 25594004
>>25593729 >. The sort of running joke in Britain about our countless list of inventors is that their wives were so ugly and the weather is so shit that You have jokes about that for like half your achievements. <we only sailed because <we went to war because <we did business abroad because <we wrote plays because ...
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:58:45 GMT No. 25594028
quatre-vingt-dix-neuf plus un égale cent
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:59:35 GMT No. 25594033 >>25596678 >>25596743
>>25593380 The answer is the grandes écoles system. We produce top tier people in other fields just fine. The problem is that nobel prizes are usually awarded to groups of people, not individuals. There's always a frenchman in these groups of people but you wouldn't be aware of it because it's not like it's publicized very much. Math is more about the individual, fields medal winners are single individuals after all. So it's easier to hear about top mathematicians than about top physicists or chemists.
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 21:43:33 GMT No. 25596678 >>25596708
>>25594033 I looked for past entrance exams of the polytechnique to gauge how hard it is but couldn't find any, are they not posted online?
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 21:46:02 GMT No. 25596708 >>25596743 >>25597086
>>25596678 The exam to enter polytechnique is the X-ENS exam which as the name implies encompasses polytechnique and ENS. you can find it here https://astucesweb.fr/cpge/annales/xens/
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 21:48:35 GMT No. 25596743 >>25596761
>>25594033 On a related note I just read a post by a HEC alum on reddit and he said indians are the most common nationality at 30%+ It feels like Latin America is the last place on Earth that hasn't been swamped with pajeets >>25596708 Thank you
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 21:51:22 GMT No. 25596761 >>25596817
>>25596743 Polytechnique is more of a moroccan thing, but they work very very hard to get there so it's somewhat deserved. I'm not surprised there are many jeets at HEC, indians are good at doing exams (not necessarily working afterwards though) and rich parents want to send their kids to a less shit country. But other than that I haven't noticed many jeets in daily life overall, just second generation african browns
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 21:57:31 GMT No. 25596817 >>25596869
>>25596761 I thought poly was the most prestigious engineering school
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 21:59:15 GMT No. 25596839 >>25596869
>so strong in math? they literally gimped themselves with a very stupid math reform that took like two decades and has fucked over mathematics all over the world
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:02:41 GMT No. 25596869 >>25596874
>>25596817 It is. The prépa in Morocco is very old-school, extremely challenging, so they always have quite a few students who manage to get into X. >>25596839 Yeah but they still have the grandes écoles which allow the top students to excel. As long as you were in a decent high school you had access to good math education in the form of optional clubs and classes.
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:03:16 GMT No. 25596874 >>25596917
>>25596869 In fact my own math teacher back when I was in maths sup was a moroccan. Who graduated from polytechnique.
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:06:51 GMT No. 25596917 >>25596986
>>25596874 One of the best quant fin professor is in X, El Karoui Is hec a good school? How does it compare to X
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:13:53 GMT No. 25596986
>>25596917 HEC is not an engineering school, it's a business school. It's retarded to compare them. HEC is the top business school, X is the top engineering school, that's about it.
Bernd Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:24:58 GMT No. 25597086
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>>25596708 Btw any idea if there's something similar in Germany (and other euro countries)? I know they have some "special" schools like the one Lisa Sauermann attended in Dresden but idk if it is as standardized as the grand écoles and if there's admission tests publically available. Figured it's relatively on topic so might as well ask
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