Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
R: 18 / F: 2

SPICS are fun. I've never seen a kid twerking in the supermarket here, and I don't even live in a rich area.

R: 13 / F: 2

If you wouldn't lick this asshole and this pussy, you're gay

R: 8 / F: 0

Does Bernd think that he could get a gf if he lowered his standards enough? I don't think so. Not with Tinder and all.

R: 11 / F: 1

your thoughts on blacks, pakis and latinos?

R: 12 / F: 1

>A nation which no longer rapes is in its decadence; the number of rapes reveals its instincts, and its future. Find out in which war it has stopped practicing, on a large scale, this variety of crime: you will have found the first symbol of its decline; find out at what moment love has become for a nation a ceremonial, and the bed a condition of orgasm, and you will identify the beginning of its deficiencies and the end of its barbaric inheritance. can you guess which nationality is responsible for this quote?

R: 20 / F: 4

New jewish history has been discovered https://www.sott.net/article/498081-Ancient-papyrus-deciphered-after-1900-years-reveals-sophisticated-tax-fraud-by-two-Jewish-men

R: 9 / F: 5

my smartwatch dialed out despite set to NOT USE CALLS

R: 10 / F: 3

Daily reminder that Brazil is wectern.

R: 13 / F: 1

Bernd could get laid off soon from his comfy job where he wagied longer than 10 years, and you will laugh at this. What are you even supposed to do after 10 years at the same place? It's so completely over.

R: 9 / F: 4

>one of the prettiest women of her time >ended up marrying and having two kids with some black unknown musician This might be the first time that I'm shocked by race mixing. Even in South America is very rare to see a white woman accepting to be with a black. The rare cases is when the black is rich or a millionaire like Pele. That's why I never was able to understand when polfags cry about it. Even commies almost never tend to racemix.

R: 14 / F: 1

SuppaDupaHumble just released his new music video featuring full on intercourse. https://www.instagram.com/p/DGdTCmBxB0W/?hl=en

R: 10 / F: 0


R: 18 / F: 9

Who do you think asked Sergey to make Masha perform with black dildo? I bet 100 it was Sharts!

R: 14 / F: 2

fug missed called from hospital this probably mean they found something in the blood screening

R: 14 / F: 1


R: 11 / F: 1

How many species of monkeys live in Brazil? There must be hundreds.

R: 9 / F: 6

How can I get such gf?

R: 10 / F: 0

I drank ayahuasca yesterday, strongly recommend it if you are not gay.

R: 13 / F: 1

damn they really like me, if only there was a way to see from which turdworld they come from How the fuck is online dating even a thing? Foids only reply if they feel like it, even after they liked you.

R: 13 / F: 3

I deserve to be a Londoner

R: 11 / F: 1

What is a good place to pirate audiobooks? something like pornolab but for the newest audiobooks from audible etc. Thank you!

R: 18 / F: 4

Can someone give me simple solution for TTS on Linux for reading PDFs , ePubs or whatever There is somewhat good ReadEra free app for Android but I dont want to listen over Android Just give me some simple straight forward solution that are not super shitty synthetic voices

R: 25 / F: 2

What if we really are all equal and our differences are cultural

Food Noise
R: 13 / F: 0

Fatties have coined a new term, "food noise". Food noise is a mental preoccupation with food in general (as opposed to one specific food) that is largely independent from physiological hunger but nonetheless is distracting for many people; it includes recurring thoughts about what one has or hasn't eaten in recent hours, what one would like to eat right now or "shouldn't" eat right now Do you experience food noise?

R: 14 / F: 5

It's over for you Yuropoors Kneel before Drumpf

R: 10 / F: 1

Poland is the most mediocre country the world has ever seen Mediocre cuisine Mediocre history Subpar scientific contributions Okayish living standards (nowadays thanks to wect) No one in the world things "damn I wouldn't like to be born in Poland" but also no one ever said "I wish I had been born in Poland"

R: 20 / F: 3

Can bernd do a kickflip? I doubt it.

R: 12 / F: 2

Name 1 thing better than weed

R: 14 / F: 3

I was riding a tram today, and local kids were singing sigma boy. Russia is truly strong. t.German

6 weeks sober AMA
R: 12 / F: 1

So I am 6 weeks sober today. I don't miss drinking or anything, the alcohol imagined tastes bad in my mouth, but you know? I sleep normally and have random normal/weird dreams. What I miss is the lizards and the lizard nights, they were always fun, somehow, after i became immune to any kind of pain.

R: 9 / F: 3

Today is the Opernball and they didn't invite me.

R: 9 / F: 0

I want to go to a dark techno club where dudes fap and jizz in the open. But I'm not gay.

R: 12 / F: 2

wow im reading about a study from sweden with 14 000 colon cancer victims, cancer therapy (poison) only made a 2% difference on relapse = statistical noise

R: 11 / F: 1

>muttlita! you need to go to mcdonalds to get your edumacation or something >ok pa >what did you learn or something >we learned how george washington crossed the burger king to get to walmart or something

R: 12 / F: 1

Gorky proved right against

R: 14 / F: 9

I don’t get why he’s trying to cancel transportation research. He took down the Complete Streets website and lots of datasets on road safety.

R: 7 / F: 2

I only eat one meal a day. I have reduced the amount. I only drink shitty fucking tap water. Im still not losing weight. Ive just about fucking had it. What is the point of dieting if im not losing any weight? I want to die

R: 11 / F: 4

Ich bin ein Schwede.

R: 15 / F: 10

This is the average Brazilian who deal with on kc: delusional, brown, low iq.

R: 12 / F: 5

Computing used to be functional and aesthetically pleasing We didn't realize how good we had it

Retard wants to kill himself after jacking it to a 15yo girl
R: 12 / F: 3

If you want a good laugh just check this archive lol https://archive.4plebs.org/adv/search/text/underage%20girls/type/op/

R: 8 / F: 2

I'm sick of all the pedos on this board making thread after thread containing their bullshit.

R: 11 / F: 3

The revitalization of American downtowns is pretty stunning.

R: 19 / F: 6

This ancient fucking WITCH is 87 fucking years old, that's crazy. She talks cringy feminist trash but her energy is decades younger than 87 years fucking old, that is crazy. she is so vigorous and clear minded, albeit she talks cringe

R: 10 / F: 0

forgot my gmail password

R: 14 / F: 6

The so called White People of West live like this

R: 7 / F: 0

What are the signs you've been noticing of society decaying? For me its been people have become worse drivers. Likely due to covid and more stress at work, and in life in general.

R: 21 / F: 18

Haha. MAGA cucks BTFO.

R: 16 / F: 0

id marry her

R: 9 / F: 1

kike zelesky will kill every last hohol romanian sandu soros whore will kill every last last moldovan europeans will cheer trump will be sad because he is only one with compassion in world of subhumans wtf

R: 10 / F: 0

It'd be so awesome if I could be an apprentice of one of these guilds, then again is that something I really want? Probably not. It's just a thought, among a sea of thoughts.

R: 11 / F: 2


R: 11 / F: 1

What should I do if I meet a German in the wild ? Should I run or try to climb up a tree?

R: 8 / F: 4

why dont you look like that yet?

R: 18 / F: 12

Gentlemen, I have a very important announcement to make, please gather around. The announcement will proceed shortly.

R: 8 / F: 0


R: 10 / F: 1

Never take elevators and escalators again. Instead, start running up the steps. It's really good for you.

R: 10 / F: 3

This kills the American.

R: 8 / F: 4

Berndosaur and its predator Chaddosaur

R: 12 / F: 5

Cooking me some aussie angus because im poor I wanted rare but it turned out medium Such is suffering of ingorant poor class

R: 15 / F: 1

Do Canadians / Mexicans have jokes about Americans? Do Americans have jokes about Canadians/Mexicans?

R: 12 / F: 1

i feel cringe when I only browse /biz/ and see jeets, kids and other low iq people living the dream of getting rich by investing in crypto or stocks. every adult knows it's a game for jews, they put millions to take out more millions, you'll lose each time. it was always a better option to buy an apartment than buying cryptos, you dont need to prove me wrong cause you can't the best biz board would be if we banned cryptos out *drops the mic*

R: 14 / F: 4

Good morning, Subhumans.

R: 11 / F: 3

Should EU sell hungary to russia? How much do you think would we get for it?

R: 13 / F: 4


Dissolving shit
R: 14 / F: 3

I need to clean my parents' plastic portable toilet that has a blind spot where dried feces have built up. It’s gross so I'm looking for a method that would dissolve it all without scrubbing or scraping shit. Do you know of anything that would work?

R: 9 / F: 2

Reminder that America's wealth is built on European wars

list of things my dumb mom has said
R: 11 / F: 0

1. Pedophiles aren't straight they're all bisexual because they like children but they're not bisexual they're child sexual 2. She believes in hybrid vigor from race mixing especially with blacks 3. She said pornography was not filmed prostitution but acting (my father laughed at this one) Women aren't really people I hope you can all see that they need to be abused and limited as sub makes. (Sorry for porn just I mean really look at this random picture please kill my mother)

R: 16 / F: 3

New Ye pic dropped.

R: 13 / F: 1

Would you accept a gf who tightened her bussy surgically?

R: 22 / F: 6

I suffer as onioncel

R: 15 / F: 3

As if she were a punk...

R: 9 / F: 3

Never buy anything called "light" or "diet" versions. Holy shit. Actual cancer ingredients.

R: 13 / F: 1

any advice on what I can do to improve my fashion and hair? i'm from the Uk ethinically Sri Lankan

R: 7 / F: 0

>Only 35% of India has accessed internet at least once in their lives. You are now aware that we have only seen the top of the iceberg and only the most educated and rich Indians. We are yet to see 65% of lower India

R: 12 / F: 6

I wanna rape Mud Brown so bad and I am not even straight

R: 13 / F: 2

Yesterday it was 34°C in my city, so I decided to go to a local grocery store to buy a tub of ice cream to make a homemade Ovomaltine milkshake. It was really good, I drank two 700ml cups and felt instantly refreshed. However, there’s a little problem, I have a certain level of lactose intolerance and if I consume too much, I feel extremely unwell, I often forget about this fact. Today I woke up with my belly extremely bloated and painful, full of gas, my farts are smelling extremely bad like sulfur. rate my suffering Bernds. t. Brazilian

R: 13 / F: 3


R: 13 / F: 0

Every time i have stress at work my libido is at 0.

R: 12 / F: 4

Ramadan stars tomorrow alhamdulillah.

R: 9 / F: 1

...Has a lot of NEETS

R: 8 / F: 1

I base my self worth in other people's validation. I'm miserable because I think about myself 24/7

R: 10 / F: 1

Start doing this

R: 10 / F: 0

My mouse scroll wheel isnt working anymore. How do I go about doing a fix.

R: 14 / F: 1

I turned up at work drunk Drunk lile a litre of soju 16 percents Wore mask and sprayed shitton of perfume like a teen What can go wrong boys? Lets see how i fumble(!)

Sciatica pain
R: 8 / F: 2

This shit is really hell. I had it for the first time last week due to extremely stress. It starts with suddenly extremly pain right under your ass which will wander into your leg. Luckily it only lasted for 5 seconds. It started 30 minutes after my fucking m*th*r visited me in my apartment after half a year.

R: 8 / F: 2

Is it possible that the Creator of the Universe is.. a superdupermegagigacomputer?

R: 9 / F: 4

Saturday Gustav thread

R: 7 / F: 0

Have you ever spoken with a psychiatrist? Doesn't matter if you had a provider-client relationship or your sister is one. What was it like?

R: 11 / F: 2

Is there a tool the removes the many gigabytes of nvidia driver installer bloat? t.retard windows user with a small ssd

R: 14 / F: 2


R: 13 / F: 6

Blumpftards btfo

R: 9 / F: 1

Ask me anything Me in the azeroth again Im compuletely vasolidated via alcohol Ama

R: 18 / F: 4

I don't need girlfriends or even industrial porn/hentai anymore. I have all my sexual needs fulfilled instantly by AI, powered by my chinese GPU card. This has lifted a very heavy weight from my psyche, and I feel liberated. The most exciting part is that videos are not even here yet.

R: 11 / F: 1

Anyone got these gore videos?

R: 24 / F: 5

I'm currently lurking Kropyvach, a Ukrainian imageboard, let's talk to Ukrainians. https://kropyva.ch/i/

R: 16 / F: 2

What do you think it's like being a king, Bernd? I would imagine there would be alot of stress involved having to control your various vassals.

R: 8 / F: 1

the most important part of yesterday's meeting

R: 11 / F: 1

Why do you think (((they))) tasked Trump with dismantling Pax Americana? Why (((they))) stopped being satisfied with their favorite golem?

R: 7 / F: 0

thoughts on claude 3.7?