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Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 14:36:43 GMT No. 25515600 [Kohl] [Report thread]
What if we really are all equal and our differences are cultural
Total posts: 25, files: 2 (Drowned at Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:38:13 GMT)
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 14:42:41 GMT No. 25515634 >>25515717
>>25515600 Why are racially similar people with vastly different cultures (eg. Bavarians and Dutch) far more similar than racially different people with very similar cultures (eg. New York whites vs New York niggers) then?
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 14:57:43 GMT No. 25515717 >>25515730
>>25515634 Bavarian and dutch culture evolved beside each other in similar environments and niggers are a transplanted foreign entity only recently i troduced to our civilization and improperly assimilated. In the internet age as well proximity/geography are less important when determining a persons environmental factors than the media and social networks a person subjects themselves to are. Im kind of burning out over here, i can provide a better answer a little later its just that my flowstate is gone now
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 14:59:34 GMT No. 25515730 >>25515747 >>25515751
>>25515717 >Bavarian and dutch culture evolved beside each other in similar environments American or dumbass AI?
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:02:33 GMT No. 25515747
>>25515730 Im canadian, europe is basically a monolithic entity Every war you people fought was only for the amusement of nobility, youre all the same shit In the past being seperated by geography would guarantee different cultures across spacebut now we have the americanization of all media and everywhere is just the exact same.
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:03:49 GMT No. 25515751
>>25515730 Do you mean bringing up evolution in my all the same thread was stupid? I mean cultural evolution ofc
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:20:32 GMT No. 25515855
I do mean the same not in the sense of us all having souls and our drivers are all equal i mean our evolutionarily granted racial differences are negligible and under the same conditions different races would yield the same results. Of course i cannot believe this myself because im thoroughly indoctri ated in racism and i believe in evolution and biology but i do believe it to an extent I believe that if i can take one nigger amd make a civilized man out of him i could just as easily take them all We are all aware that once ypu hit a critical mass of negro concentration the niggerfication of society begins because they have a less potent environment to assimilate into but what then if we had gradually raised the nigger concentration degree by degree as they assimilated one arlt a time Could ypu not have a functional society made up of niggers? The reality of iq is that we dont need a very high iq at all to sicceed in society, they say 120 can do anything, lawyer doctor etc. But most positions are iq80 and being smarter is if anything to your detriment because you couldnt tolerate such labor. There are black police officers who are literally paragons of virtue and do their jobs as well as anyone. Some are salty that blacks are deliberately hired to police black communities but this is actually an example of when diversity quotas are to our benefit. Blacks in the west come from poverty as a rule, our civikization doesnt actually ha e very much upward mobility because we are only at face value a meritocracy, the extremely poor have as little access to something like university as the extremely dim. I think that whites should occupy a position of supremacy over the other nations only because our civilization is our legacy and belongs to us rather than because of any kind of racial superiority. Such cases etc.
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:22:52 GMT No. 25515876 >>25515895 >>25515949
If this were the case then niggers on the USA would be smart and successful.
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:26:09 GMT No. 25515895
Immigration policies failed not because of the inferiority of other races but because the number let in surpassed a concentration which will make.assimilation impossible. They should simply never have been given the opportunity to form their little parallel and culturally entrenched societies they should have been an absolute minority in their environment. If we cannot control the culture of the immigrant we cannot co trol the immigrant. Ulti.ately replacement migration is the same mistake america had with the blacks Too many u assimilated minoroties inteoduced at once causing a parallel society to form. >>25515876 Every now and then one of them is But almost every single nigger in america as a rule is descended from extreme poverty and blacks do have their own parallel societies because theyre victim of the same identity politics i am Every nigger is a racist which makes assimilating even more difficult
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:34:58 GMT No. 25515949
>>25515876 I dont normally make excuses for blacks but ive been reconsidering the implications of jewish cia created gangster nigger culture. We know that things like crack were deliberately disseminated among black communities as well in the same way fentanyl was deliberately distributed to us. Racists sabotaging other races to prove themselves right, everyone loses with this kind of warfare because the infected individuals become a drain on the entire civilization. It doesnt matter to a chink sitting in china but it sure as fuck matters to the nazi cia agent selling crack in the ghetto, he has deliberately sabotaged his own country. Espionage is so fucking stupid we live in a world without any resource scarcity we have the tech ology to solve every problem a thpusand times over, we just need to stop sabotaging each other to make use of it. Maybe the nwo is actually based. Ithink the only way to solve the drug crisis is to legalize drugs and supply addicts with cheap high quality product so that they dont have to emgage in crime and they can kill themselves in peace. Look what prohibition did for organized crime its literally the same for every drug. Fentanyl wouldnt even be a problem if it was cheap and legal amd it would save so many lives. Make it free even its no sin to feel good. If i was king we would have nigger physicists and zero crime rates Just make me king i can solve every problem
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:37:37 GMT No. 25515961
We can cut off all the money going to china at the expense of our families Drugs are not bad, you need to get ot out of your head that a grown adult shouldnt be allowed to do what he wants with his body I know the rules of the game i know the risks Have a little fucking respect you are directly responsible for funding cartel supremacy and violence
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:39:20 GMT No. 25515972 SÄGE! >>25515978
proxy pedo
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:40:32 GMT No. 25515978
>>25515972 Every nigger i know is a decent enough person im the degenerate thief but what do you expect from me i was homeless at 15 years old We got niggers growing up without fathers without food in the house
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:43:03 GMT No. 25515991
The fact that migrants have their own parallel communities may also be a blessing and a boon to the ethnocentrist Isolated communities are less likely to intermix with whites thus preserving our racial integrity.
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:48:20 GMT No. 25516032
Its too bad whites are so fucking bad at propaganda and spend all their time promoting gay sex We really live in a post ironic state, post irony is when people take other peoples jokes seriously for some reason Our culture is a literal joke Thank dog trump exists Im rambling because i didnt really have anything to say
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:50:22 GMT No. 25516052 >>25516102
>>25515600 >differences are cultural Mostly. But genetics is also partly to blame.
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:56:57 GMT No. 25516102
Im gonna confess now the only reason i made this thread and am considering arguments for racial equality is because this fucking song is stuck in my head I hate this song >>25516052 I used to think genetics played a much larger and insurmountable role but now im not sure I have a distorted picture of reality because i always focus on whats wrong with the world Ive been watching shit like red ice and reading counter currents for so many years i thought race was most important I still believe race is real and important but i think the dispassionate man should just accept that there are eugenic people from every race just like there are retards too. I want to stop letting a few outlyer bad apples spoil the tree. So a migrant kid assaulted a white child, he comes from an active warzone and his life is something we cannot empathise with due to how horrible it has been My life has been so horrible you cannot empathise or believe it as well. Obviously it shpuld bethat every race has its place but they want europe to be the metropolitan center of the universe instead with cultural barriers rather than geographic ones. I see a future where the qhite race survives if only due to the ethnocentrism of browns. There are crimi als who need to be dealt with but the race itself isnt guilty
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 15:57:59 GMT No. 25516114
Subcultures have tremendous influence over us If you were an emo ypu probably cut yourself That was a strange thing to do someone did that to ypu deliberately, they brainwashed you deliberately
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 16:05:37 GMT No. 25516159
Overall i hope in the future whites form an ethnocentric diaspora in the same way as jews in the future In 2025 we dont have physical borders we have cultural ones and the jews have already proven that this is enough to secure your existence and co solidate power We dont need countries we need people like greg johnson spreading ethnocentrism as a virtue if we want to secure our existence. Look at this dumb shit i think about You know i would actually racemix with an east asian i think halfus are superior to us I would racemix with a jew as well I dont really care about racemixing i wish every nation would just commit to mutually ensured destruction through racemixing Debate me im making myself cringe because i cant stop
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 16:09:00 GMT No. 25516172
All this time ive been watching neo nazi alt media nobody ever actually asked me what i think What i actually think is henrik and lana need to shut the fuck up about white supremacy and statt interviewing people like david icke again They come across as pateonizing and insincere but i cant stop watching them out of habit
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 16:09:56 GMT No. 25516179
Their office space is so beautiful, white supremacists pay well Youll never see a follar out of me thpugh
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 16:15:25 GMT No. 25516205
I watch blackpilled too, hes much better. I honestly watch so much neo nazi propaganda For a while when they were purging all the based people from youtube i would only follow you or put you in my rss feed if you were an open racist Thats how based i am I wonder if blacks know that theyre likely inferior Surely a nigger would be more likely to believe in racial equality out of pragmatism. The same reason i want to believe in heaven and hell.
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 16:16:55 GMT No. 25516208
I cut edward dutton out of my life I actually think imsmarter than him because i canpredict what he will say about any given topic He really just makes his money pandering to narcissists As soon as he went paywall i actively started to despise him
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 16:17:27 GMT No. 25516212
Literally says the same things over and over again So do i to be fair, at least we both have our own original material
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 16:19:40 GMT No. 25516224
But to return to the main topic If races are essentailly equal amd our differences between races are less than our differences between individuals i would need to revise literally everything i believe about the world But it seems plausible to me now that i actually consider it.
Bernd Wed, 26 Feb 2025 16:26:00 GMT No. 25516264
When discussing evolution in humans it might actually be more appropriate to be talking about cultural evolution through memes Every idea begets imitation, you must be cautious about what you identify with
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